8 Post – 97 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Is Sensible

This is brilliant! I had just took a look at /r/pics without logging in and can see its just now filled with John Oliver pics

The best part about federated services, like Lemmy, Kbin, Mastodon etc, is that they are free and open source software. The amount of development that is going to do into these project from people all over the world will add features and tools that will surpass reddit's.

We have the basic software down today but it will become so much more.

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Will just lead to even more leaving.

Like I give a fuck anyway, reddit is dead to me now. Died a long time ago when my front page, even advice animals, got clogged with political and mediocre posts.

Reddit went mediocre a long time ago

Even I dislike Elon Musk now, used to be a big fan, was difficult for me to come to terms with.

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Snoo is so cringe

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Reddit wasn’t built in a day :)

I have never heard of someone call SQL squeal lmao, sequel or S Q L is all I have heard

Have to agree, I don’t really mind how many total users or active users there are at this point, there’s enough talk to engage in proper conversations now

This was my thought as well, I actually don’t mind OpenAI trawling my content to train their models, I’m benefiting from their end product in so many ways already. The internet was always public, no one asked for stupid ceos to step in and stop that. How is it Ok for Google webcrawlers, but not OpenAI? Also it’s not like I can monitise my posts and comments myself on my own anyway.

The whole locking down the API due to AI model scraping excuse was poor, it should be a decision for the community of reddit.

Starting to wonder if Reddit are going to train their own AI models or have already started.

Also, that journalist from the guardian, if you go to the website linked, looks like an older John Oliver or John Oliver’s dad 😂

Some instances are faster than others due to server load. Not sure how well runs or what spec the server hosting the instance is, but runs like a pile of dog shite compared to the smaller ones, it’s constantly timing out, with error 500s too. I had to make another account on instead as it runs much faster.

Also for example if lemmynsfw was completely defederated, if you wanted nsfw content from there, you would have to make an account there to access that content.

Fret not though, over time the opensource community will step in to improve all of this.

You’re looking at lagged statistics, it’s over 112k now.

3 days ago it was 8k new users a day, then 10k and in the last 24 hours 20k new users have signed up to Lemmy.

Hoping to see the acceptance and acceleration of Lemmy continue.

No shit, Sherlock Wagner Boss

Someone’s getting novichocked

Thanks Obama

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I have 2 weeks off whoop!

ChatGPT itself has not been hacked nor has OpenAI, mainly that fraudsters are obtaining ChatGPT logins by other means. Use 2FA

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Is Reddit having issues again right now? I can’t load the site properly in the last 5 mins

Who cares about downvotes? 🙃

Check the modlogs too, I’m seeing censorship from mods for petty reasons. Everyone can see what every mod is doing via the modlogs.

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Yeah it’s probably been hugged to death for the time being

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Someones already made a browser extension that simplifies hyperlinking to other instance’s communities across the Lemmyverse.

Maybe an unpopular opinion of mine, but I don’t mind downvotes, but there doesn’t need to be a calculation of the sum of the upvotes and downvotes imv. That way both are observable for the users. If something is unpopular, you can see it but it doesn’t affect its overall standing in post hierarchy, pretty sure this is how reddit used to be about a decade ago.

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Mind reading blocking shield to counteract the future tech that’s being developed.

Bionic eyes

Nearly up to 20k new users in last 24 hours, it’s accelerating!

If you choose an instance that has nsfw disabled, you can’t see those communities on lemmynsfw anyway, even via the search functions.

Instances that do have nsfw enabled needs to be careful as if one of their users goes onto an other instances community with illegal nsfw stuff, it’s cached on their servers anyway just like your browser caches the images and videos from websites. I guess the cache can be deleted on a cron job but still something I would wanna stay away from if I was a Lemmy instance admin. Defederating would be what stops this.

It’s a free society here, if Lemmy really takes off its most likely going to happen and you’re free to partake in the joke or not.

Lemmy is here to serve all, I imagine some hard boundaries around illegal content will be put in place though.

De-federation can happen for that sort of scenario

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Well to answer your question, no that doesn’t exist. But there’s still a point to view posts, just sort by HOT. I never used the feature you described, didnt even know it existed

I think this is a feature, well the media aspect anyway. Immutable media. The rest can be developed on.

I hope it doesn’t, better without karma, it shouldn’t be competitive really

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Can communities themselves be banned by admins similar to how reddit admins will ban one if it’s not properly moderated?

The same can happen with reddit it’s just that because the subreddits are now so large, most people don’t see it anymore. On the smaller subs you still do

People say Lemmy is too complicated for most people, well that’s probably a good thing as it naturally filters out the people who only want to incite anger for upvotes. There’s no love on Reddits main subreddits anymore

Also it’s not that hard to understand anyway.

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It’s mostly spam users unfortunately, someone posted a script and guide that allowed auto generation of users on any instance that didn’t have captcha enabled. Since then user counts have started shooting up.

Captcha is now enabled on some instances but the issue will be continuing on other instances that haven’t heard the message yet.

Best we use active users as the main metric to measure growth now.

Past 150k user now!

How many people checked this persons posts to see if it’s the real Margot Robbie or not? show of hands.

If I self hosted my own Lemmy on my home server, just for myself and I posted / uploaded images on it, when another user from another instance views my image, they cache it, would this mean later down the line if I deleted to free up server space, if someone else on that instance was to come across my image after deletion, because it was previously cached, the image would still show?

Wondering if rolling storage is possible eventually, where an archive of posts older than 2 years is performed and data deleted.

Being honest, I don’t like the idea of giving personal info including my face to an unknown 3rd party which are not really bounded by any laws or regulations since they have no audit trial and not a registered corporation.

Building a time-based karma tracking system seems much better to me and could be automated.

  1. user puts in their account name and which instance they are on
  2. the automated bot checks scrapes all their comments and posts , then calculates a sum of total karma. On the backend we code in a threshold of karma that needs to be attained before they become a verified user.
  3. the bot also checks how long the account has been live for, as an example let’s say we code in a threshold of 2 weeks
  4. bot adds user to the whitelisted user database

It’s these rules that should be defined by a central authority which has buy in from the Lemmyverse as a whole.

In other comments I made, I mentioned I like the fact that karma doesn’t exist here. But iv changed my mind, I can now see its uses. To be honest a system like this would give us the best of both worlds. Would still have an effect on stopping karma wh-or-ing but also allow that extra layer of security.

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It’s a great idea, but how do you propose verification on the site? Using their current instance account details and seeing how many upvotes their comments and posts have received or something? Essentially developing a Karma tracking system that’s seperate to Lemmy.

Like you say a staging post, but then account elevation which allows it on more sensitive instances? I don’t know how we could guide new users to these staging instances though, unless every popular instance, where most content is created, draws up the bridges together and makes them read-only to the staging instances.

If beehaw didn’t want to get involved, it’s up to them, but I can see other instances who would want to use the service. Tbh the beehaw admins do sound like they a tad powermad so screw them anyway.

Lemmy needs a governing body, based on a democratic election system, to handle all this in all in sync between all instance admins. That body would also be in control of the master blocklists.

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have you tried the RSS feeds from Lemmy yet? I havent I was just wondering

Quite similar games though from what I have read about starfield

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I have no idea what’s going on, what’s the story can I be linked to anything?

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Reddit admins gone an fucked up here with this grandstanding, ChatGPT is here now and its turning a bunch of us amateur coders into a more powerful force, im currently using ChatGPT4 to help me write an application that will create a sum and review system of Lemmy user accounts

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