2 Post – 102 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I am not sure when the narrative around nuclear power became nuclear energy vs renewables when it should be nuclear and renewables vs fossil fuels.

We need both nuclear and renewable energy where we try to use and develop renewables as much as possible while using nuclear energy to plug the gaps in the renewable energy supply

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This is not a big issue. In the installer or first time boot welcome pop up, just add a page where some popular apps are shown and can be selected to be downloaded and installed.

Also what the fuck does the author mean when he says ubuntu is special¿? It is not that different from other distros and the ways that it is different does not make it better

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I think a lot of people are not getting it. AI/LLMs can train on whatever they want but when then these LLMs are used for commercial reasons to make money, an argument can be made that the copyrighted material has been used in a money making endeavour. Similar to how using copyrighted clips in a monetized video can make you get a strike against your channel but if the video is not monetized, the chances of YouTube taking action against you is lower.

Edit - If this was an open source model available for use by the general public at no cost, I would be far less bothered by claims of copyright infringement by the model

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The guy who started this whole thing by asking admins to defederate with is a account and he has asked to take similar action

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This is what I don't get. AMD has driver issues on windows because of a combination of their own incompetence and windows updates doing stupid windows things - people squarely lay the the blame on AMD. NVIDIA releases bad closed source drivers causing issues on linux - somehow the fault of linux and the open source communities.

These people should be hounding NVIDIA to fix their issues instead crying to DE developers to fix issues caused by NVIDIA.

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Maybe use that information to try and influence the public in the same way that cambridge analytica did for the 2016 elections.

People of should encourage the new users joining up on to other create accounts on other instances instead

This is an issue/bug with steam trying to open with the dGPU. In the steam.desktop file, change the PrefersDedicatedGPU (might not be exactly worded like this) parameter from true to false. Though after using this, you might have to use the DRI_PRIME=1 with your games to make them use the dGPU

Edit : credit for this goes to a kind gentleman who helped with the issue 2 months ago when the new steam UI dropped.

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Something like the 6600 or 6600xt(or 6650xt) could be the cheap alternative you are looking for as they cost around 200 dollars and give a decent performance bump for you.

A used 5600xt would be a much cheaper but somewhat sideways upgrade as it sells for around 100 dollars(according to Hardware Unboxed's last gpu pricing video) and offers a small performance improvement of 5-10%.

Side note - in my view, the sideways upgrade to AMD from nvidia may not be the smartest use of money. AMD's advantages over nvidia are real but unless you really do need a new GPU(because you are using the 1660 super for another rig or giving it to someone), the advantages are nowhere near large enough to justify buying a new GPU of around the same performance level. Of course this is just my viewpoint and you might see things differently

Well it is cheap for people living in developed countries but in developing countries where the exchange rate vs the dollar is high and the average income is lower, the cost of the subscription is substantial. Yes we should support the developer but unfortunately this subscription model is unfeasible for some people.

Like many here have said, fedora or opensuse seem to be good options for you. Both are stable and the packages are up to date

If you want something user friendly and something with good gui support, why not try out fedora or opensuse tumbleweed

Need to install a program? Here is a .deb file that you have to right click, allow execution.

Don't do this if you can avoid it. If you want to install something use the application store installed on your distro. This way the dependencies will be handled. Installing using a Deb file should be the last option or second last option

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Course Fedora does literally the same thing and doesn't get any hate for it so idk. It's just a meme.

When have fedora gone their own way ¿? What have they shipped that is not standard on Linux¿? Closest thing I can think is using selinux and firewalld instead of Apparmour and ufw.

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Am I the only seeing no description or photo of what the bug is as part of the main post? Is this some bug in lemmy?

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Add DRI_PRIME=1 %command% to the game's launch option in steam. That will make the game run using the dGPU.

Also dont run steam using the dGPU. There is some bug in some ubuntu or ubuntu based amd+amd systems where the steam client crashes when opened with the dGPU. Open the client with the iGPU and use the command mentioned earlier to make the game run using the dGPU

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Riddle me this - Some people's argument against using telegram is that it is not as secure as WhatsApp(which on face value is true because WhatsApp is E2E encrypted while telegram is not E2E encrypted). Other people claim that only hackers and terrorists use telegram and that is why they don't use telegram. My question is why are people like hackers and terrorists using telegram in the first place if it has worse security while having no upsides for these kinds of individuals.

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Again that is dependent on how similar the two books are. If I just change the names of the characters and change the grammatical structure and then try to sell the book as my own work, I am infringing the copyright. If my book has a different story but the themes are influenced by another book, then I don't believe that is copyright infringement. Now where the line between infringement and no infringement lies is not something I can say and is a topic for another discussion

Because Ubuntu will reinstall snapd during some updates and then try to replace some native apt packages to snap

That was not my point. My point was that the guy who planted the idea in the heads of the admins has planted the idea in the heads of the admins. They may or may not respond similarly as the admins

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Both yes and no. Yes the time I used to spend browsing reddit is now spent using lemmy. But the experience is totally different in lemmy. I am a much more active part of the community here whereas I was a lurker at reddit

Your probability of getting copyright strike depends on two major factors -

• How similar your story is to Harry Potter.

• If you are making money of that story.

Isn't nvk supposed to be a part of what nouveau provides like how RADV provides vulkan functionality for the AMDGPU driver.

Archlinux + EndeavourOS

Lemmy Devs + Instance admin





Ublock origin


The way I see it, gnome is friendly enough to use that new users who don't care about its flexibility will continue using it without issues while people who are bothered by the lack of flexibility are knowledgeable enough to change their DE or install a spin of the distro with their favourite DE

I asked about this to a system76 employee and what he told me was that nvidia with CUDA is still much better for several professional use cases and because of that, they still prefer using nvidia

For translation you can use this. Since you can use Google translation service as the backend(?), it works as good as Google translate atleast in my experience

Question is why are you so eager in wanting the username. The guy's username is of little consequence

It is

I only hope you don't use this to harass the guy or something

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Ask this question on ! community. There is a very active pop os employee who provides technical support/help

Well there were/are attempts to make flatpak with flathub an universal app store on linux. If I remember correctly, there were some ideas mooted on adding paid apps in to flathub.

Weird. This works as a tag but doesn't give a clickable link to the profile.

I use this but was unsure if people were actually getting tagged. Thanks kind stranger

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Any user can message an admin on lemmy with any sort of recommendation.

In an ideal world without greed, you are right in saying that copyright is not beneficial for the human race as a whole. Unfortunately we don't live in such a world. Look at what happened with insulin. The person invented it placed a ludicrously low priced patent of one dollar because he felt that it should be available cheaply to all who need and yet today in the US, insulin is a ridiculously expensive drug which many people struggle to afford. This is because while the inventor was not greedy and thought about the greater good, the pharmaceutical industry did not. They saw an opportunity to make money and are screwing people in the process

Must be the fact that I am non native English speaker confusing me into thinking they are criticisms. Could you elaborate what are those

Wow this is something new that I found out just now. Lemmy-ui was able to show the video but none of my clients are showing a video or even hinting towards the fact that there is something to show

How do you donate to the linux kernel team(for a lack of a better term). does not have any links to donation and neither does the linux foundation

I don't know man. Mac OS also has no software to open a lot of file types out of the box but even people with little to computer knowledge are able to download the things they need from the app store. They can do the same in ubuntu as well

you think your time is worth nothing, then okay.

What exactly do you mean by this? Do you really think that people who use or try to use open source software do not value their time?

It does not necessarily take nuclear power plants that long to make. Japan built theirs in less than 5 years and France built the majority of their plants needing only 5-8 years per plant.

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I sometimes use sync and other times voyager. In voyager and lemmy-ui, it is not a clickable link. In sync it is. I was looking for a way to have a clickable link in lemmy-ui