20 Post – 248 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They/She I shoot radiation at dogs and I say stupid shit on the internet.

Just fyi to prevent misinformation, reddit disabled buying coins when they announced it was being removed. So all these points are leftovers

I know this is satire but I would definitely play a mode like this. I may only be 20 but a 10 hour shift plus nearly 2 hour train rides kill me

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Discord is not something that is easily indexable or linkable. Which means you have to rely on other people if you aren't part of it. This is a huge issue as anything can be faked

Sticking to FOSS and decentralized apps as much as possible. And using less invasive apps like Firefox over chrome. Be willing to jump shit when corporate throws in bullshit if you have to use something closed.

This is the only way to slow the spread of enshittification around the web. It will be less convenient for the end user, but ultimately it's the only way to stop big companies from fucking the web

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Can we not become subreddit by posting this shitty screenshots trying to justify our reasons? Just share your media and enjoy it.

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Locked down software is shit don't get me wrong, but being able to jailbreak it feels so good.

This is the biggest thing. A lot of my friends simply think Kbin and Lemmy are inferior and look outdated, which they are if you have only used the social media site called reddit, not the link aggravater called reddit

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I think the issue is calling a next gen port a remaster. Yea it is technically a remaster but adding that to the title makes it seem like more then that.

If said game was released as definite or something nobody would be talking rn

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The original double it and pass it to the next person

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I often wonder if this is some sort of lack of self worth thing. Like, people don't see their data as important because they don't see themselves as important in the grand scheme of things? Do they thing one person isn't gonna change anything?

I get algorithms and shit are designed to be addicted and keep you coming back, but is there a deeper part to this?

Or am I just the crazy one? Does all of this not matter? I mean, I know it doesn't, in the grand scheme nothing matters. But at this time in space does it matter? My friends enjoy TikTok and Facebook and Twitter and whatever else they use. I do end up being the crazed loser? Is the pool full of piss and I'm in water? Or is it a lemonade pool and I'm full of Powerade piss

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These snowflake babies can't even stay in a hot car for a while

Back in my day we used to mine for coal for 10 hours without light or water

The issue is, most of the people left on reddit are damn near addicts. Or those who weren't directly affected by the api and therefor don't care and just jump on the fuck spez cause hating ceos is cool*.

(CEOs should be hated on don't get me wrong, but for actual reasons and be held to that hate, not just hating for a trend)

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Most useful option in this menu for most users is the animation scale. Will make your phone much snappier if you set it 0.5x

Charlie Kirk's face, but instead of his face too small, his head's too small

Amazing transcription, doing gods work out here

As long as you don't use the term cisgender :)

Destroy mine pls I hate it

Too much soy

Bonus menu of artwork, music, and behind-the-scenes videos, showing never-before-seen concepts and unused art as well as the entire Cuphead soundtrack

all stuff that'll be online within 24 hours, no new gameplay content

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Well this made me download signal, thanks fbi

Only Ohio would have pee pee township lmao

This game gets universal praise and I'd love to play it but as a PC gamer I refuse to as I wouldn't want to support a dev who not only never does sales but raises the price because of "inflation"

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Joe be grabbing him by the bussy 😳😳

Too little to late imo. I long switched to jellyfin and can use all the features that plexamp offered for free in various apps of my choosing

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I normally hate the Democratics due to them being just being the lesser of two evils but I must say this makes them look great

if more cops had bakeries like that maybe I'd respect them. Barely.

This isn't a new game only issue tho. Plenty of games waste your time wether it came out this year, 10, 20, 30 years ago. It can be moreso worse in the past due to limits in game design such as only saving at set checkpoints (or even saving at all if you go back far enough)

Shout-out to the cameraman for dying to get these images

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I don't see how any phone user would actually do anything other then top left

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Porches with no brakes mfs when wall enters the stage

Shovelware still deserves to be accessible IMHO. Someone out there has fond memories of some shovelware DS game and wants to give it a shot again.

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Soulseek and then set the search filter to only .flac

Next time someone asks me how I am I will just send a poorly cropped screenshot of that cat cause it sums it up perfectly

Before this tweet, they also mentioned piracy over grey market keyshops, which seems to be a lot more of a valid reason to endorse it. This seemly links to that tweet.

Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masterbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of people masterbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.

My setup goes like this. - for the streamer on pc - for your client apps - I have a Dummy HDMI plug that goes up to 4k60fps for streaming to my TV, this allows me to switch to it instead of my monitor when streaming. - For remote access. the free plan will work well enough.

This combo works very well for what I need.

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It is learning from humans afterall

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Blahaj only has one political* take and it's that they support LGBTQ+ if you are shunned from that community chances are you might be the problem.

*(humans living as they please shouldn't be political)

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I've always read 3+ back to back as a form of satire or sarcasm

Kid who doesn't remember a time without a phone, using a "dumb" phone is impossible despite a want for it. So many things are qr based or require a phone at my college. I learned this the hard way when my phone broke and I didn't replace it for 2 weeks. Couldn't even access my accounts cause of 2fa.

I would love to use a "dumb" phone for text only but the most random shit will require a "smart" feature.

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Disagree. Look at the number of true or actual subreddits. Fragmentation allows for communities on the same topic to approach things differently. Like one can be a meme community and the other be a serious discussion.

Having more options is always a good thing and is frankly needed so we don't setup another reddit situation where everything is one spot and if the people who control it change views we struggle to move.

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