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Joined 1 years ago

"Worst case scenario, you die. But who knows, maybe you won't."

Did meta anounce that threads will be compatible with mastadon or did miss something.

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not saying wefwef is perfect(i personally can't use it bc use kbin and not lemmy) but it will probably improve a ton since there are many new people joining lemmy/kbin

Same, i also think that it somewhat improved my well being since I'm less focused on what ppl online think. And I do still kinda miss reddit, not the platform but the people and the communities rip apollo.

I know this isn't really a distro or linux. But my 2012 13" runs mac os ventura(mac os 13 iirc) perfectly using opencore legacy patcher. it just takes some time(30sec or so) to boot but after that ot runs rly smooth.

If you mean that it isn't centered in the pic it would also infuriate me. Like all other non centered logos

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Would be awesome if someone made a mod that would make this the main loading screen

Like the other guy said I also think that he's just running low on space. Secondly not using the drive will keep it good for longer but it will still bit rot(if he plans to keep the drives for very long)

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Why do all people think the public transport and bicycle thing is only in the US. I have lived in Belgium and Germany and both had pretty shit public transport and no things for bicycle so. A car is a good option then

Is it the frame or just some piece. If just a random piece you can maybe just use bondo or so

Here in Europe you can also get pretty good phones with such contracts. But the contracts are insanely overpriced for sometime 30€/month for 2gb. Where you pay 10€ for 2gb without a phone.

I know phones cost money but when they lock you in a shitty contract for 2 or even 4 years, is it even worth it.

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If you want to install linux because it doesn't support the newest mac os version i would recommend opencore patcher. I use it on my 2013 Macbook pro and it works perfectly fine on ventura(mac os 13) and should work fine on mac os 14

I have the same lenovo and it indeed seems impossible what it can do. I installed linux on it so my mother could use it and I was blown away by the performance

Very nice and detailed comment, thx. In my opinion it is indeed bad to categorize all religious people and religions as violent. There are many people who do it completely peaceful.

It is true, do some research please before making such statements. Drives can and do die while on the shelf, that is partially because of something called bit rot but could also be because of the place where it was stored.

The chances of a perfect "as new" drive dying while on the shelf are low but are still there

Old ltt video with more info\_3U?si=8D4ejsx2OqqaRW-P

Even in Europe cars are a necessity in a lot of cases. I live in a pretty small village and the only store is 2 towns over and on a pretty steep hill. It would be possible on a motorcycle(I saw normal ebikes struggle to get up) if you're alone and don't need anything from the store.

Thanks y'all for explaining. Imo it is a good thing that it is "delayed".

Public transport is shitty in Belgium too but 10K for a simple car? People who can't afford a new car should imo buy a used shitbox and not fonance something(unless it's some rare car/oldtimer as investment).

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I'm in mobile so not sure how it is on desktop. But for me it was good quality and very readable

Wouldn't wonder me if he did it on purpose just so more people would talk about twitter and X(like we do now)

Edit:fixed a typo

Might be because of my area or watch history but never had that problem with Amazon prime. I'm definitely not a fan boy for them since they have maby flaws but at least not some sex scene thumbnails

I still use for most things but i had some problems lately where the site freezes and all buttons redirect to some "tinder" add or so. Is this normal now or something in my browser config

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Ok thanks, then I know that it's normal and some thing on my pc or browser.

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I do get some political(left and right) media on YouTube but that's because I activity watch it sometimes. Before i never got it

The best way to stop getting it is to indeed stop interacting with it.

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Wdym with you have it in another channel. Do you like switch channel for political content. If so then it's probably based on ip adres or else idk

I think that you shouldn't finance a car in the first place. If yoy can't afford new buy maybe a couple years old but a car is think not worth financing. Especially because it loses value so quickly

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I agree tiktak and so are probably the same or worse. But this doesn't mean that it is fine that the new app does it.

Will try, I normally use/used tor browser

Yeah i see it now, thx for pointing it out. Indeed kinda infuriating.

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Rip, here you can find old(10-20y olds) but seemingly reliable cars for 2-5k

And at least in my area it will be brought by those who have "100%" legit ways of earning money and will definitely respect the speed limit bear schools.

Ok didn't know that. But that is a good explanation why i haven't seen 4y contracts since some years

Not really, he says that he only 10gb left of his 300gb.

The only low end hardware i have is an old 2012 Macbook and it runs perfectly fine. Mught be because of mac os but i don't think so. I suspect that the performance problem will be something else and not just firefox

I'm not from the US but still don't want to have these soft porn scenes show to young children.
It's not about the US it's about common sense

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I personally own a couple of knifes(mostly swiss army and so) some of the have a liner lock and it also took me some time to figure it out. But once you know how it's really simple. Great skill that more people need to have imo

So you basically would want each thing to by default have a porn filled homepage. Except when you(without children) prepare it for them.

There are many good shows that didn't need to have soft porn thumbnails. I would even day that they(soft porn thumbnails) are worse than normal because they have no useful info about the content of the show.

Edit: fixed some typos

I personally think that the truck looks rly good. So i think that dome people might agree with me and wish that it wasn't built like garbage

Here you go:
Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination". Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as sexism.

But these are also mostly the people who are ok with shit like this(some sex things on normal platforms where there is a gold chance a child is watching)

I don't love capitalism but it's the best we got and we indeed need some leftist to stop that Amazon scenario from happening. But what is going on now is just ridiculous.

Also you said that it is easy to say something like this on a open source community driven platform. I actually don't care if it's open or closed source. As long as it's not biased towards one side.

Just to be clear? Are you guys defending someone who stole data from the rightful owner without their permission.

Do you guys also seriously think that this guy can be let go and not do major damage to society?

I forgot to add this.

And your “he damaged a corporation so he needs to be removed from society” is not capitalist propaganda?

That's not propaganda, it's the current law. You might not agree with it, I also don't agree with all laws. But this is pretty basic and unbiased, you repeatedly steal from someone so you should be removed