Ser Salty

0 Post – 132 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Remember RPG Maker 2003, when you could just open any game made with it in the editor and change shit, give yourself god items etc.? That was dope.

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I've watched House, I can confidently say it was definitely not Lupus

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That part is genuinely the most baffling part to me. Like, I can see why somebody would fall into the cult of a really charismatic leader, a great public speaker that gets to your emotions etc.

But I can't decipher half the shit that man says. He's not just incapable of forming a proper sentence with a point, but he also has a terrible speaking voice, making his incoherent ramblings even harder to understand when not transcribed.

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What're you looking at, smoothskin?

Generic ass quote. Mewtwo said it better.

They started blaming the current government for the state of the country all of two seconds after they took over

Yeah, the story/stories and characters are the actual meat of the game. It's not a space sim like Star Citizen or NMS, it's an RPG first and foremost, really.

Also, so far (~20 hours in) it's way less bland than Fallout 4. It's a way more of an RPG (I talked my way out of confrontations multiple times, sometimes even using my background and traits, when relevant). Sure, if you just keep landing on planets and going to the auto generated structures and scanning wildlife, it's probably gonna be quite bland. But there's way more actual content, way more actual quests that aren't just clearing out bandits/raiders. The space sim-y stuff, that's just there to sell the fantasy. Yes, you can be a bounty hunter or space trucker or whatever, but that content is of course going to be way more autogenerated, bland stuff. I'd recommend doing that stuff on the side, when you want a break from story heavy quests.

But even clearing out raiders is often waymore fun in Starfield, especially when it's in space. For example, I came across an abandoned zero-gravity casino space station that spacers (one of this games version of raiders and bandits) were in, while I was on my way to the space cowboy city, and that was a very fun fight.

Another time, I was heading back to New Atlantis when I noticed a symbol for a ship in the same system. When I went to investigate, I first got into a dogfight with another ship, disabled their engine and borded them, then I noticed there was some kind of heavy freighter they were raiding, so I docked with that. On that ship, the engines were funky and as they were turning on and off the gravity was going, too, so I was fighting my way through a ship where the gravity was constantly fluctuating, which then also factored into small environmental puzzles, like waiting for the gravity to turn off to go up an elevator shaft. Eventually got to into the vault the space pirates were trying to get into, and although I couldn't get all of it because I didn't have a high enough lockpicking skill (the new lockpicking minigame is also kinda fun, ngl), but I did pick up some contraband. When I then finally actually went to New Atlantis, the contraband was caught by the scanners, I was arrested and then forcibly conscripted to go undercover into the Crimson Fleet (the space pirates), although I could've killed my way off the ship they brought me to if I wanted. Then the contact to get into the Crimson Fleet was actually the same person that gave the orders to attack that freighter I found! (There was an audiolog, because of course.) Sorry for going off on a tangent, I just felt like it would illustrate my point better than just saying "it good"

I also probably have like 5 other quests in my quest log to go join some faction, some big factions, some small factions. And that's without even going to the cyberpunk city.

And so far I haven't had to follow a dog for 20 minutes in search of a chainsmoker, so that's already better than Fallout 4.

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Oh, so you have no idea how games work

"Search your feelings, you know it to be true"

Why he built like Dr Eggman

Rockstar has done nothing but actual in-game footage for trailers since like GTA3. So, yeah, that shit is fucking insane. Doesn't even look like a PS5 could run it.

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Maybe you just need some champaggin?

lemmynsfw isn't federated with most instances, that's why. And really, most people had a porn alt on reddit anyway, so they're used to it

The thing that gets me is how little creators actually get per individual ad view. Now, collectively, with tens of thousands and millions of views, they get a good bag. But my watchtimes of that minute worth of ads per video? Literally nothing. A fraction of a cent so small it doesn't exist. I could watch a creator semi-regularly for like 2 years and my contribution to their income by watching ads would be in the single digits. I give them two bucks over Patreon or something just once and that's worth as much as me giving up hours upon hours of my life watching ads. Now, I can't afford to give literally everyone I watch more than once a dollar or two. But I give some money here and there to a couple I watch a lot. To make up for my using an adblocker.

Honestly, I'd probably get YouTube Premium if it wasn't fucking Google behind it.

It was possibly a heart attack that caused him to drown, which wouldn't be much of a shock considering his painkiller abuse, known to cause heart problems. No drugs or alcohol on site, but it's not like his addictions didn't leave a lasting impact.

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I think the singleplayer, aka the important bit, is going to be good. Leaks looked pretty promising. Probably not going to be as revolutionary as people expect after 10+ years of hype and speculation, but still probably a top tier video game surpassing their previous titles in many aspects. Online is probably going to be biggest shitshow of all time, though. Microtransactions, FOMO, subscriptions, battle passes, the works. Every bad thing about games as a service packed into one, with the additional bonus being that Rockstar can't program a multiplayer to save their lives, so it's going to be peer 2 peer, with the shitties netcode and matchmaking possible and absolutely zero protection from hackers. You know, like their last two multiplayers.

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There are more armor sets in Assassin's Creed Valhallas premium store than are in the base game

Finding a skeleton under your patio is scary. Now imagine finding the rest of the human without the skeleton.

Not over Jesus too!

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Well, they do hire a ton of modders

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Remember when RoboCop shot that dude in the dick?

Saints Row felt like a desperate bid to save an already dying studio. You could actively feel the budget running out as you played the game.

Not like they did themselves any favours with the direction, but I think even if the game was better or sold better, it would've prolonged this at best. You can take the "it's about family" hit to your reputation when you're Star Wars, not when you're a niche GTA competitor.

I had 2Mbps (yes, bits, not bytes) until 2020. Then I moved out. Pretty sure that my parents house still only gets that same speed. And this is in fucking Germany, a pretty densely populated country.

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They do have ladders in Starfield, actually

The PS3 actually ended up outselling the 360 slightly. Like, very slightly. Couple 100k units or so. It's probably the most balanced console generation in terms of sales.

Then Microsoft launched the Xbox One and Sony wiped the floor with them.

Honestly, if Sony just only added half as much shit to the PS3, like skip all those card readers god damn, they probably could've gotten away with being slightly more expensive than the 360. I mean, the 360 on launch didn't have an HDMI port, didn't have WiFi, none of the 360s come with a Blu-ray player (when movies just started being sold on Blu-ray and being a DVD player was one of the reasons the PS2 sold so damn well), you had to pay for multiplayer (I think that was in at launch, right?) and the console itself just kept bricking. Like, on a consumer side technical level, the only thing it had going for it was the controller. But, give it a year headstart and make it cheaper than the competition and that shit stops mattering for quite a while.

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"Attention Bajoran workers"

An excellent post

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The frontpage isn't filled with content farm stuff, so it feels better than reddit

Just the trailer itself includes two direct parodies of real Florida people (the tatted guy on TV and the woman with two hammers)

It's inevitably going to be labelled woke because it has a female protagonist, a non-white female protagonist at that!

Also there was some stuff in the leaks about ::: spoiler spoiler a right-wing militia which you can encounter and presumably slaughter, kinda like the KKK in RDR2, so expect Ben Shapiro to get upset about that :::

I don't think GTA6 is gonna be quite where they play it safe just yet, their brand recognition relies too much on crass satire of America. The Saints Row Reboot also totally flopped financially, so I don't think anybody is going to take them as inspiration. I think the execs are just smart enough to know why GTA sells.


Good for him, get that bag homie

Nah, that's too far. You're talking like 2028 there for the next gen consoles. PC probably gonna come 6-12 months later, like almost always.

I mean, they straight up said that 90% of planets will be empty.

As far as spreading out the handcrafted content goes, in my 60 hours it's been pretty good, but I also deliberately stick primarily to actual quests, only dipping into random exploration and proc-gen mission board quests like bounties and cargo delivery on occasion. I was initally worried that the handcrafted stuff would be limited to the three major cities, but there's plenty of other towns and locations out there. I think there's like three small towns just in the Sol system. It feels like every other system has one or two big handcrafted locations or questlines. I came across stuff like a resort town, a small assortment of settlers I had to negotiate a mutual defense pact for, an abandoned zero-g casino space station, a mercenary bar/motel with the absolute motherload of contraband (and a free ship), just to name a few.

The side and faction quests also are almost entirely handcrafted locations and not just clearing out enemies in generic locations like half the stuff in FO4 was. All the proc-gen quests have been relegated to Mission Boards, so every quest you get from an NPC will be an actual quest, although I had to do one single proc-gen mission to join one of the factions.

Also I'm surprised you saw that many game breaking bugs on streams, because it's actually a very stable release. There's some of the usual Creation Engine physics stuff, or an NPC might stand on a table or something, but I haven't really encountered all that many bugs.

250 million years?

Damn, guess I don't need to bother cleaning

The NMS gameplay is really only a tiny part of Starfield. It's an RPG. Like, an actual, proper RPG, with tons of actual quests. If you were only interested in the NMS part, flying from planet to planet to scan wildlife and gather resources, sure, you don't need Starfield, NMS will do ya just fine, but there is a fuckton more to the game than that.

Shot doesn't mean dead and one person can receive multiple gunshot wounds in a year.

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Also you have to spend a lot more for good bluetooth ear buds compared to wired. Like, you can get a pair of KZ ZSN Pros for 20 bucks or so. They sound great, have nice material quality (they got metal bits on em!), good quality cable, great sounding mic... you get the idea. To get bluetooth ear buds that sound just as good you'd probably have to spend like 80 bucks? And they'd be made of plastic and not have the mic quality anywhere near the KZs. It's just so much easier to get good audio quality with a wire.

They hired multiple from the very impressive Fallout London project, and also hired Elianora to help out with the interiors and lighting in Starfield

So, yes.