0 Post – 182 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I love my airfryer and may upgrade it to a larger one. I've started making my own food again instead of eating fast food every day (depression sucks).

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I think threats are perfectly fine when CEO's who are completely disconnected from reality destroy your livelihood so they can get a slightly larger bonus next quarter.

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I have this theory that people who complain about everyone being called nazis, have themselves been called a nazi.

Why do people call you a nazi, hmm?

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An LLM trained exclusively on Facebook would be hilarious. It'd be like the Monty Python argument skit.

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Maybe don't parrot nazi talking points then

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It wouldn't look like that and there'd be visible water damage. The doors were opened with impacts to the handle area. Obviously a battering ram was used, possibly police.

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It's an obvious overreach.

An AI generated image is essentially the solution to a math problem. Say the images are/become illegal. Is it then also illegal to possess the input to that equation? The input can be used to perfectly replicate the illegal image after all. What if I change a word in the prompt such that the subject of the generated image becomes clothed? Is that then suddenly legal?

I understand the concern, but it's just incredibly messy to legislate what amounts to thought crimes.

Maybe we could do something to discourage distribution, but the law would have to be very carefully worded to prevent abuse.

Oh, damn. Why do assholes gotta ruin everything?

I've seen Nim before. It looks interesting, and I like the promise of a no-nonsense, performant language. I'm comfortable over here in dotnet land though. 😄

I'm no fan of Netanyahu but wtf do they expect Israel to do?

I expect them not to commit war crimes at a bare minimum.

A good example of how capitalists want exclusive ownership of your time, even to the detriment of productivity.

Ridiculous take.

There's a vast difference between using a cloud service that definitely spies on you, and a self-hosted solution that you can ensure doesn't.

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Billionaires directly or indirectly buying elections, politicians, drafting policies, funding propaganda, regulatory capture, etc.

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Baby brains are much less likely to have any prions.

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Uhh... how is there not a guillotine in front of every state capitol building?

I burned out and have been sick for half a year. I've begun working a bit again (aiming for 9 hours / week).

Full pay throughout.

Do Americans not realize just how badly they're getting shafted?

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A majority? Well, you're either lying or you have a severely distorted view of reality.

I've been called a terrorist supporter for explicitly expressing concern for the innocent victims 🤷

Liquids? Why do conspiracists always have to be so fucking weird?

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Imagine expending any effort on hating a wholesome slice of life comic. Then imagine being a mod for a forum about that.

Not so. There are plenty of use cases that already have better solutions.

The article is about a specific rally being condemned for being "reprehensible". I want to know why it's being called that and Politico is entirely unhelpful.

Just to be clear: You're saying that you're fine with Israel killing children?

I've made you aware that claiming the word "nazi" doesn't mean anything anymore is a thing nazis do.

Do with that what you will.

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Israel was a settler-colonial project from its inception. The people living there had every right to oppose it.

Despite getting defeated every time.

Might makes right?

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Commiting genocide against a civilian population is not self defense. How can you read an article like the OP and just be completely empty inside? How broken are you?

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You don't have to audit code to ensure it doesn't call home.

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What happens if you are sick more than that?

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The hash is not the password.

I live in Denmark. All liberal democracies are subject to the whims of billionaires.

Edit: oh wait, you're Canadian. That's fucking hilarious.

What anti-Semitic things were said at this particular rally? Do you know? Maybe I missed something, but the article seems rather sparse on details.

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But if we're wrong about climate change we'll have made the air breathable for no reason. ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

Would certainly explain NPC tiktokkers.

If being a billionaire is inherently deplorable, why are you defending one?

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Humanity is not a hive mind. We can't just inform everyone instantly.

Stockholm syndrome 😄

Colonizers are always responsible for any violence that follows.

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That doesn't sound right. The accuser is the state regardless, no?

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"endure" 🫡

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Fuck their bottom line. Someone made that decision. Put them in jail.