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What people are rightfully scared of is that:

  • Big websites will only accept attestations from big companies like Google, Apple, and Microsoft
  • Google, Apple, and Microsoft will refuse to attest your browser if you have an adblocker installed, or if you are using a browser or operating system they don't approve, or if you made modifications to your browser or your operating system etc.

While adblocking can be detected, you can block anti-adblock scripts, it's sort of a weapons race. Depending on how deep an attestation goes, it might be extremely difficult to fight. Attestations might also be used to block more than just adblockers, for example using Firefox, or rooting/jailbreaking your phone, or installing an alternative OS might make your phone ineligible for attestations and thus locked out of a lot of the internet.

Men will literally write a Business Insider article instead of going to therapy. No really, I feel like this guy could benefit from some therapy.

It wasn't until I met a few women on dating apps that I realized being a software engineer in a tech hub is far from special. Working at companies like Amazon or Microsoft just isn't interesting; it's the norm here.

It's weird to expect that you'd get dates just for being an engineer. What? Like if someone did date you just because you are an engineer, that would be such a shallow relationship.

I think one big reason for that is software engineering doesn't require socially demanding skills like in product management or UX design.

Strongly disagree, software engineering is mostly social skills. It's all about communicating problems, learning your users pain points, explaining your solutions, and coordinating work. Coding the actual solutions is typically the easy part unless you are doing cutting edge computer science research.

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This is worse. Let's go with an example: on an Android phone, you visit a website. The website asks for an integrity check, the browser works with Google Play Services to complete the check.

What if you have a de-Googled phone without Play Services, or if you made modifications to restrict Google's tracking? Then Google can refuse to verify you. What if you installed an ad blocker in your browser? Google can refuse to verify you.

If you fail verification, the website could ask you to complete a captcha, or just refuse to show you anything.

If you are looking to use it for 5 years, I'd say go with Fairphone. They actually have a 5 year warranty and committed to providing software updates for 6 years. All other phones will lose support in 2 or 3 years, leaving you vulnerable to security vulnerabilities.

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how many musicians don’t have the right to their own work because record companies dominate the music industry?

But not having copyright law doesn't fix that, it makes it worse. Without copyright law if you make music, a big label can grab your music and sell copies without paying you anything. Sure you can try to sell it yourself and try to educate customers that they should buy it from you. But the big label can easily out-advertise you and get into the top spots on streaming services, online and physical stores etc. and get 99% of the sales.

Same for artists, writers, programmers, photographers, or anyone else whose work is protected by copyright.

I fully agree things are not great right now, but that's not copyright laws fault. I think you need other laws and regulations to fix things, like small creators should be able to sue large companies with minimal cost if they infringeme on their copyright. And there should be some sort of provisions so companies can't trap people in horrible contracts. I'd also love to see fair use exceptions broadened in cases where the copyrighted material is just not available anymore, like old games or movies that are not sold anymore. Shorten the length of copyright too. But getting rid of it completely would not work.

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It's not a walled garden though, Valve made no attempts to lock anything down. You can install something like Heroic Game Launcher on the Steam Deck and play Epic Game Store or GOG games too.

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Severence pay is not mandatory everywhere. So you might get nothing if you are laid off.

"AI compute module"s exist, they are called GPUs. All the matrix calculations that go into neural networks are highly parallelizable, which means GPUs are optimal for them. A cheap used GPU will beat anything you can cook up yourself.

Nope. And more importantly, it looks like nobody considered what might happen if the signal gets spoofed. The backup systems that are supposed to keep working if GPS breaks also break due to these spoofed signals.

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Agreed. But I think the right to monitor the police doesn't have to mean real-time access to police radio. The radio could be recorded, like body cam footage, and released on demand with FOIA. FOIA allows redactions when needed, so sensitive information like victims names and addresses could be redacted.

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Have you ever actually seen a laptop lid just break off because the epoxy failed, or is this just a hypothetical? I used my last laptop for around 8 years, I took it with me to college every day in a backpack, on public transit. It got thrown around, scratched up, but the hinges didn't break lol

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Did they get rid of the questions? That was the most awesome part of OkCupid. Because you not only answered the questions but you could pick if you cared what your potential matches answers should be.

I met my wife on OkCupid, we were a high % match according to OkCupid and we did turn out to be a great match. That's stupid if they got rid of that.

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You'll need to check the documentation of every app, they usually have an option to set a base path so the app will add that base path to every link and resource.

If some of the apps don't have support for that, the next option would be to build from source and patch all the links yourself.

I've been using Kopia for all my backups for a couple years, both backing up my desktop and containers. It's been very reliable, and it has nice features like being able to mount a backup.

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I don't like that garage requires manual intervention to upgrade, so I went with minio which can upgrade automatically. I have it deployed with docker, and I use watchtower to pull in upgrades automatically without intervention.

I do love minio. I have backups going into it, and I use it to host my static website blog too.

ext4 on an mdadm raid. It works well enough, and supports growing your array.

Although if I rebuilt this from scratch, I would skip mdadm and just let minio control all the drives. Minio has an S3 compatible API, which I'd then mount into whatever apps need it.

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You could keep using it and just ignore all the credit card ads they show you. That's how they make their money.

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The police can confiscate your servers. Considering some states are treating abortion as murder, I don't think it's unrealistic to say the police could raid your home and confiscate your devices just on suspicion.

The only thing safe against that is an encrypted device locked with a password, no biometrics like fingerprints or face ID. As far as I know, you can refuse to give a password under the 5th amendment, but you can't refuse to unlock a device with a fingerprint reader or face ID.

I already donate to Mastodon development, and to the Mastodon server I'm on. It's a good reminder to donate to the Lemmy server I'm on too.

Yeah I mostly open Nebula when I'm watching a video, and the creator says "I had to censor this on YouTube, you can get the full version on Nebula"

That's not what equal protections meant though. It just meant you can't refuse to serve a customer based on their protected statuses like religion or sexual orientation.

If a church calls you to order a cake but you were planning to take time off work for a while, you could still say no. It was only a problem if you say "no, I don't bake cakes for Christians". That's not slavery. You can stop working, nobody was forcing you. Just that when you do work, you can't discriminate.

For any family photos and documents you can't afford to lose, make sure you have backups of it. A RAID array does not mean you don't need backups: you want at least 3 copies, at least one offsite.

The copy in your RAID array is one copy. You can back that up to an external hard drive or something as a second copy. Then have an offsite backup on something like Backblaze as your third copy.

Fines. And say you seeded a movie to 1000 people and a DVD of the movie costs $20, they sue you for $20000, treating it like you broke into a warehouse and stole 1000 DVDs of the movie.

You can make an app with Tauri without writing a single line of Rust though. Tauri lets you trigger most native functionality you might need from the JavaScript side. If that's enough for what you are building then you don't need to write any Rust. You could use a Rust web framework that compiles to WebAssembly, but you could also just use React or Svelte or whatever else.

Same. I wanted to make video games... until I found out how terrible the working conditions and pay are.

I can vouch for the node 804, although I haven't used the others so I can't say which is the best.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein? The new Wolfensteins have quite a bit of story, but the old one is all skippable.

I'm not OP but I use Woodpecker CI, also self hosted. Gitea is also working on Gitea Actions which are supposed to be compatible with Github Actions, but I think it's still on beta.

I thought that ToS was just for their CDN?

You can also use Tailscale Funnel, it does the same thing and doesn't have a limitation on what kind of content you put through it.


You probably just want NextCloud then

Yes I agree with you, but I just don't see how getting rid of copyright laws would fix this. Copyright laws aren't helping artists enough, so instead of fixing copyright laws we should get rid of them? What do we do instead to protect artists?

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