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Joined 10 months ago

Half the population are children, most of whom will dedicate their life to a blood feud.

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It's like if 4chan and Quora had a baby.


10 of the biggest

Always handy when a pop-sci article discredits itself without having to read it.

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Okay. So who is keeping tally? Does the side with the least war crimes win or something?...

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Straight up description of an entity thousands report seeing while on DMT tho.

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The amendment if full,

i. there shall be a body, to be called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice; 

ii. the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice may make representations to the Parliament and the Executive Government of the Commonwealth on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples;

iii. the Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws with respect to matters relating to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice, including its composition, functions, powers and procedures

So... No. Your friend is full of shit. It provides no powers whatsoever.

The same parliament ignoring indigenous voices for a century will be the only one free to listen to "the" indigenous voice.

Same size cocks but donkey are smaller so they look bigger. In those days a flaccid bee-dick was the mark of a cool-headed thinking man; clearly capable of controlling their profane lust.

And it's not that the average horse smell worse than a donkey, their ass is just closer to most people's nose.

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Wait, that's a real thing? I thought it was just a marketing stunt!

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For us non-US readers; what's the difference between health insurance and healthcare? For comparison, in Australia private health gives you a room, nice TV, edible food etc but you don't get priority. When it comes to essential surgery or treatment you join the line with everyone else.

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Forget ads, Microsofts "free trial" wasn't free or a trial. You'd be charged for a product that would show up on your bank statement as free. Short answer; no one in a position of power gives a fuck.

And if they do tits or gtfo!

Maybe it's the system that's broken not the individuals.

Why are timeshares so bad? Never looked into it but the concept seems to make sense on the surface.

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Do you mean Jewish arabs? or Semitic Muslims maybe. Technically Semitic is a language group which includes arabic but like indo-european it can also refer to the people who originally used the dialect... bigotry fails at logic.

Ai has no ficks to give to people who are not ready.

Who watches the watchers?

I'd say an excuse for politics to ignore indigenous issues for another decade by placating the white masses for the next few election cycles would be a lil worse.

proofs of idiocy and/or bad faith they offer

Then a downvote is justified, same user or not.

Everyone always lies.

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Agreed but the puritans that have to give it up before we can expect sites like this to overexpose themselves to legal action.

Ok, no attacks. But are we talking about how experience is far less valuable in the age of information and that average cognitive ability peaks at around 30, begins to decline at 45, then - on average - rapidly deteriorates after 70?.. because it definitely seems like something we should be talking about.

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A decade ago our PM said sorry. Twenty years ago we were told the gap in life expectancy would be closed. One of our most famous moments in history is a PM giving old Lingari a handfull of dirt.

The majority of indigenous people I've spoken to have said they're voting no or don't care. Another empty gesture to placate the white population for another election cycle isn't what we need. An official voice that can make recommendations to the same governing body that has oppressed them for a century and to this day continue to ignore or obfuscate the most basic voices of reason from academics, human rights experts and elders?.. Yeah nah fuck that for a solution.

I didn't vote because I think each country should decide how and if they want to be incorporated into the Western system. The polarisation in the media compared to the results on the day make me think I made the right choice. Australians famous laconic apathy is ripe for spin masters to manipulate by only giving extreme minority groups the mic and as usual the actual victims are doubly fucked.

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It is their job to make profits. Literally. Google is legally bound by stake holder agreement to maximise profits, absolutely nothing to do with the justice system or any sort of ethical code.

As opposed to masculinity. Look at Gilgamesh, Achelies, even the godfather of stoicism Marcus Arilius. Historically peak alpha males never muffled their emotions.

Fun Pimps were a smaller company and they have been developing 7 Days since my gramps was in nappies!

The problem is GTP is learning from our existing knowledge base. If legislation is trying to amend a broken system, we don't want AI to be modeling that system. This case seems fairly harmless, an AI takeover isn't what we should be worries about.

Something like institutional racism being replicated in a more insidious manner is the concern. Relying on these closed systems potentially gives the type of people who implemented the discrimination being modeled to turn around and say, 'See, we were right all along!' If results are held up on a pedestal and AI is integrated into our political and legal systems, it may make changing society for the better much harder.

We shouldn't universally condemn tools like ChatGTP being used in this way, but we should tread very carefully when it comes to large scale societal changes.

Bitch, did I stutter!?

Meh, makes me feel a little better about our slide into dystopia knowing we had it coming are too damn lazy and apathetic to do anything about it.

According to the Paradox of Choice, when you have to choose from lots of options, you're likely to be less satisfied with the same end product.

I could care less.

Automation is the big deal. Drones have cameras so humans can make a (hopefully) informed disision to strike or not. When (read; now) the drone doesn't need a camera because it can make the call without a human in the loop, we have removed a vital bottleneck.

The only thing that stopped WWI from being total war is that when we wipped out an entire generation, we needed time to grow more troops. If autonomous weapons being manufactured autonomously by autonomously constructed factories... whoever controled the drones could of conquered the world.

Some people say there's a spooky skeleton inside you right now!

I'd say less. Still finding my place here but the comment section seems more polarised than on Reddit. The recent Australian referendum for example. Any nuanced discussion is impossible (only in some instances I'm sure) because alternative opinions make you a racist according to the average (most vocal at least) commenter. It's sad because as in that instance and regardless of politics, it often means a bunch of white people dictating what is/isn't, true/false, wanted/needed... important.

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Apparently entertaining an idea without believing it is the mark of an educated mind.

Ah, I think you just answered your own question. Articles gave a lot less substance in the age of information. "News" outlets still need ad revenue even if they don't employ journalists any more.

More autonomy and self determination is a big one. More so than land rights or any sort of reparations in my experience, but different regions face very different issues. Unless we're just looking for a token gesture, it's a bit daft to lump a hundred diverse aboriginal countries together and expect them to all agree.

Teach critical thinking skills as a pillar of the school curriculum and the population will be immunized preventing the spread.

Punishment? Huh, didn't know the tax man doesn't want me to make money.

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We've probably all said a sentence that no other person in history has ever said.

We have to work out what intelligence is before we can develop AI. Sentient AI? Forget about it!

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