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People who litter. Throw their rubbish out the window of the car. Or who throw rubbish in public, like into drains or sidewalks.

It’s in the mentality, and I say the lack of education is the reason for it.

It’s sad to see the people of my country do this, and to see it with your own eyes.

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Seeing this made me miss a subreddit I used to subscribe to called r/forgottenbookmarks.

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I am expecting a name like James Cameron, not our lord and saviour Gabe.

The good ones have been mentioned like Fire walk with me and Better Call Saul, where I think they are better than the ones that came before it.

Maybe I’m cheating a bit here, but Casino Royale is a prequel in a way.

I would argue that Godfather part 2 is the superior movie, and it is a prequel to the first one.

Also headcanon wise, Baby Driver is a prequel to both Drive and The Driver.

Ahh screw it. Let’s just have fun. Always thought the character of Brill played by Gene Hackman in Enemy of the State is supposed to be same guy in The Conversation, and why he is a bitter paranoid old man.

Kevin Spacey. We all thought he was a great actor playing all those psychopaths, but turns out he was just playing himself.

I understand your frustration. I live in a part of the world where the whole country is car centric.

There are parts in my country where without a car, you are basically handicapped from doing anything, as public transport is non existent, and there is no proper infrastructure for public walks.

So you have to buy a car in order to “survive”. To go to work, to go buy groceries, send your children to school etc. To add to that, you have the monthly commitment to pay for your car loans, or car maintenance.

And because there are so many cars on the road, most of the time there isn’t enough parking space in the suburb areas, so people will double park or even triple park.

“If there is no parking space, we will make our own parking space”, as we use to joke among ourselves.

Also, the overall productivity of our country slows down in my opinion, because everyone is stuck in a jam most of the time. For some people it takes them 1 or even 2 hours in extreme cases to go to work, or come home from work.

This is what happens when the government does not plan ahead, and have a clear vision. This should be planned like 20 to 30 years ahead. Instead, it is now too late for my country to implement all this effectively.

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Training Day, a movie about a rookie cop who gets paired with a corrupt senior on his first day who manipulates him from the beginning. ''I should have been a fireman"

Gattaca. I am not sure if you can call it an absolute ringer, but it does feel all the hard work pays off in the end.

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"A day may come when the courage of men fails when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship. But it is not this day.” An hour of wolves and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down. But it is not this day. This day we fight"

Martin Luther King Jr.

Alot of the serious things that people here already mentioned, unable to see a bright future for humanity. Cant afford a house of your own, etc.

But another thing that affects me day to day is Seeing stray cats and dogs on the side of the road. They just make me sad and then i have the urge to help them. And then realizing that i cannot help them all.

Aqueous transmission is still a song that never fails to get a “Okay, what song is this?” whenever I play it for someone.

My favourite incubus album without a doubt.

Hello there Hexarei. I am glad you checked it out and found it at the very least interesting. I get nervous in real life when i introduce Shoegaze to people, because I am afraid they will think it sounds…off. And then I have difficulty explaining why it sounds great to me.

Okay, I am going to assume you listened to My Bloody Valentine. The music sounds hazy and distorted, and the vocals and lyrics are unclear.

This is because the they use a lot of guitar pedal effects (reverb, delay, distortion, etc) and specific tunings to achieve the wall of sound. The vocals are buried along side the guitar effects, as it is meant to be part of the “sound”, like the vocals are another instrument in the song. The melodies are buried under all that wall of sound.

I admit MBV can sound distortion heavy and intimidating, especially their earlier stuff, where it has that punk rock energy vibe.

The beauty of Shoegaze is that there are many varieties or flavours. Some are noisy and have more emphasis of distortion, while some focus more on the droning post rock vibe, and there are others that are more mellow and chill. But it’s all to achieve that specific textured sound. That dreamy atmosphere feel, being half awake at 3am.

Maybe you can try something more mellow and chill like Slowdive

Or something more poppy like Chapterhouse

Now I understand what smokers mean when they say “muscle memory” makes their fingers automatically go for the cigarette in the pack.

My fingers have been automatically going to the space where Apollo / RIF was.

Another Customer by Andy Ditzler

A guy talking to himself or to another person who is on the phone with customer service, and then while on hold starts to ponder about life.

Its better than waking up thinking its Sunday, when its actually Monday.

There are some houses that just radiate this feeling of danger. When you look at them, you just want to get away as far as possible.

There is a house I’ve seen in a neighbourhood that gave the same feeling as what you mentioned. All I saw was a house at the corner covered with surrounding trees in the garden, but with a single window in the middle of the house. It’s one of those post modernistic type houses.

The window showed the staircase area with soft warm light. As it’s the yellow warm glow, it should give you that inviting feeling. But instead, it did the opposite for me. All I remember driving past that house is I want to get out of there as soon as possible.

It’s so weird. All from a window. Just like the particular house you went pass.

Shoegaze and dream pop.

I will always remember the first day I listened to the otherworldly guitars of my bloody valentine, or the combination of the haunting dreamy vocals and guitars of Cocteau Twins.

I did not know music could sound so mystical and magical. It’s like being in another world’s soundscape.

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My first Zappa album, and Peaches En Regalia was my first Zappa track. Still love it to this day.

Malice Mizer. The band had three different vocalists, and each time the music style and direction was different.

It went from Prog Goth rock (Tetsuo) to lighter Art / Synth Pop (Gackt), and then lastly dark metal (Klaha), all while maintaining its classical influence throughout.

I wish i do not have to use Whatsapp. Unfortunately, i have to for business purposes, as i am in part of the world where Whatsapp is the main chat app that everyone uses.

Fortunately i have two phones (personal and business), so Whatsapp is only on the business phone.

I guess some (good) things just never change. Swirlies. Catherine Wheel. Chapterhouse.

Thank you 00 and crius for introducing Mullvad. Been looking for a VPN that doesn’t lock you into any subscription plans.

Hello fellow shoegazer. While waiting for Kevin to release his new album in 2050, what else are you currently listening to fill the void?

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A Fantasy, A Musical, A Place Where Dreams Come True.

Mazzy Star is definitely mellow enough to fall asleep too.

Yes I have listened to Medicine, supposed to be America’s answer to MBV at the time. Shot Forth Self Living Is a great album.

I should listen to loveliescrushing more.

Recently been listening to more newer stuff but influenced by the early 90’s shoegaze, dream and dance pop era. Like George Clanton.

This feels like a long lost 90’s song

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I have been listening to Mac for so long and i did not know this. Thank you for sharing. The original is sooo good.

I am a fan of Gene Wolfe's books, especially The Book of the New Sun. The main character of the books is named Severian, who claims he has ''perfect memory'' (or how he remembers things the way he prefers it)

Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid.

''You know what i learned today? I'm not like you."

You can have an Ethan Hawke catharsis marathon.

Kikukiro (1999) a road movie that captures the summer feeling.

You may have heard of the main theme somewhere else before, as I think it is more well known than the movie itself.

Joe Hisaishi’s Summer

Tampopo (1985) a movie about the people who run a Ramen shop, and other weird and wacky characters.

"Like the French comedies of Jacques Tati, it's a bemused meditation on human nature in which one humorous situation flows into another offhandedly, as if life were a series of smiles." Roger Ebert

Hmm, I can see what you mean. “I just don’t care”

“That’s why cleaners exist right?” “We are giving the cleaners something to do” “This is not my public space”

The sort of thing people would say when you ask why do they do this.

I’ve seen all sorts of people. People who throw rubbish out from their Mercedes sedan. People who throw their plastic containers onto the sidewalk from the motorbike while waiting for the green light.

Funny true story. A colleague of mine was having a smoke with a Japanese guy who was visiting our country on a business trip.

My colleague threw the cigarette butt onto the floor after finishing. The Japanese guy went to pick up the cigarette butt that my colleague threw on the ground, and threw it into the dustbin nearby. My colleague never felt so embarrassed seeing him do that.

That’s why I think it’s education and upbringing.

My father bought me the Sega Game Gear when I was a kid. This brings back memories.

I occasionally drop by Head-Fi

My favorite old school forum is the Silent Hill community at Silent Hill Heaven / silenthillforum

I miss the IMDB forums. Each movie had their own individual forum threads.

Funny, I was just listening to Isn’t Anything yesterday after a long time. I do not listen to it as much as their post loveless stuff. Album still sounds fresh. As they mentioned, Only Anything is like one foot in another dimension while still keeping one foot grounded in the real world.

I wish I could tell you man. Kevin has not been answering my calls…

All I can do is substitute.

I do not play a lot of mobile games, but when i do, it is Marvel Snap.

I also do not usually play card games, but this one is very very easy to learn and pick up, and quite addictive once the flow starts going.

A game like Hunt Showdown, an extraction based game set in 1895 Louisiana, fighting other hunters on the same map to get to the bounty (a boss that everyone goes after) and extract.

Imagine that game, but set in something like in the Star Wars world, With lightsabers and blasters in dagobah or tattoine, going after a boss like Darth Maul or Yoda, while every other bounty hunter is going for the same target.

Looking at all the answers in this thread, i realised I might miss Reddit (subreddits) more than I thought.