1 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Use a shell with decent auto-completion. I have not been irritated by this in years.

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I switched to Wayland over two years ago and these days I don't look back at all. I don't care if Wayland has full feature parity with X11 as long the features I actually use are supported which they are.

Clipboard sharing in VirtualBox doesn't work right now (though I'm relatively sure it could be implemented by VirtualBox right now with Wayland as it is) and neither does AutoTyping in KeePassXC (not sure if there's a mechanism for that on Wayland), though Autofill in the Browser works so it's no big deal to me.

In return I get 1:1 touch gestures, better multi monitor support and an overall smoother desktop on Plasma Wayland so I'll take it.

People often still make complaints about Wayland that have been fixed months or years ago and it's a bit tiring.

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Lies, you can't fit 12 hours of Audio on a CD (at least not Red Book Audio)!!!!!!!!

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Can't wait to play DOOM on a cheese wheel

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There are several remarks in that article that bothered me. I agree with their message overall and am a strong proponent of Wayland but...

Unless your workflow (and hardware) comes from 20+ years ago, you have almost no reason to stick with Xorg

There definitely are valid use cases that aren't 20 years old that will keep you on X11 for a little while longer. And hardware too: NVIDIA dropped driver support for Kepler GPUs and older before they added GBM support which is effectively a requirement for Wayland, so you can't use these older cards on Wayland with the proprietary drivers

Of course, NVIDIA likes to do their own thing, as always. Just use Nouveau if you want to do anything with Xwayland, and you don’t have several GPUs.

Uh, no. Nouveau is not a serious option for anyone who likes using their GPU for useful things. And on those older cards it will likely never work well.

The author of that article seems extremely ignorant of other people's needs.

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I'm surprised he was able to watch Paramount Plus. I would assume that site requires Widevine DRM, and would not assume that it's available on RISC-V.

As for Blender and Kdenlive not working I'm assuming it's not because of the ISA like Christopher said, but rather because the board likely ships with crappy GPU driver blobs that only support OpenGL ES and no desktop OpenGL. Which is an important detail that this guy always misses in SBC reviews.

I have a feeling they're slowly but steadily moving from deb packages to snap-only completely. Because unlike what Mark Shuttleworth said when they abandoned Unity, Canonical doesn't let their users decide which technologies should catch on. The Linux desktop as a whole is moving to a Flatpak future for desktop apps, yet Ubuntu keeps pushing Snaps down their users throats whether they want it or not and sort of "fight" Flatpak on Ubuntu spins.

I get it, Snaps are more versatile than Flatpak, you could make everything on the system a snap (can't ship a DE or the kernel as a Flatpak now, can you) and CLI programs as Flatpaks also suck compared to snap (and distro packages obviously), but for desktop apps Flatpaks are just the obvious choice and the Linux community has shown that.

I'm waiting for the day where you can install Flatpak as a snap on Ubuntu lmao

I use fish which is quite nice OOTB, although if you want a posix compliant shell, zsh with some plugins is also great.

That's why I specified Red Book Audio (the actual CD Audio standard). Most people I know haven't upgraded their CD Player since the 90s, and by the time MP3 got popular, people weren't using CDs to listen to them.

Pretty cool in principle, although the default word list on my system is awful for wordle.

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I don't think Discord screen sharing has sound on X11 either, does it?

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I'd still much rather have a cat

In addition this feature makes debugging and developing KWin much easier because you can just restart the compositor without interrupting your workflow.

Their wife wants a divorce because they're an asexual king? /s

I have a laptop with hybrid Intel+NVIDIA graphics, and I can say that offloading games and such to the dGPU while letting the iGPU handle everything else works with zero issues for me on Wayland.

On desktops where the NVIDIA GPU handles everything I don't have that much experience on Wayland although when I did try it earlier this year it was surprisingly good, but with occasional dumb bugs like Plasma panels freezing or XWayland apps breaking in funny ways. Although honestly just a few years back running Plasma X11 on NVIDIA wasn't much better than Wayland now.

I'm not sure I'd call the whole show transphobic, however I only remember two or three times they mentioned transgender people on the show and it was always in a bad context.

One time Sheldon and Leonard were discussing how Penny was an improvement in almost every way over the previous tenant next door who was a tall muscular black transsexual (that's the word they used). Another time Howard told a story where he hooked up with someone only to find out that they were a pre-op transsexual, which got him an "Oooohh" of pity from the audience/laugh track.

Reminds me of this...

Try using XWayland video bridge. It should allow any XWayland apps to use screen sharing. Unfortunately most distros either don't ship it yet or ship broken versions but you can download nightly Flatpaks from Gitlab CI

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Same. I don't care if it "doesn't follow the UNIX philosophy" or whatever, it gets the job done, is IMHO easy to work with and many guides assume that you have it.

German Grammar Fun Fact 3: "Sie" is also "she" and "they" in addition to the formal "you". Which also means that it can't work like the gender neutral singular "they" in english.

That was my experience a month or two ago but last week I had no problem installing Neon unstable on a test system and it was amazingly stable though far from perfect.

That said, the developers using Plasma 6 obviously compile it themselves, yes.

Sounds awesome, at least in theory. It remains to be seen how much interest there is from Publishers.

I'm hoping he could revive some of the really old and poorly working Linux ports as well as games that barely run on modern Windows or Wine these days.

Although in practice I can't think of any game in my library that is in need of such a refresh, they generally all work decently in Wine (and modern Windows) even if some have a broken Linux port.

Edit: Maybe this is more exciting for macOS as there are plenty of Mac games that remain 32 bit only and thus can't run on Catalina and above (also who knows how long Apple will keep OpenGL compatibility and Rosetta around). And on mac you can't just simply "run the game with Proton" instead.

Also as another thought, while the Linux port requirement is of course a plus for us, it might be off-putting particularly for publishers that have their own shitty stores / launchers without Linux support.

Honestly I like Windows 11 better than Windows 10. I mean I don't like or use either one, but if I had to I'd go with 11 (with debloat script, Powertoys, WSL2 and blocking telemetry with DNS as much as possible)

This is subjective of course but I prefer both the visual and sound theme of Win11 (I despised Win10 in both regards). Plus it has some additional nice qol features like, I think, tabs in explorer?

Basically none of your current software works out of the box (you'll need a special Xorg implementation that works with your Wayland implementation in order to run non-Wayland applications).

I've never seen any distro with Wayland that didn't have XWayland set up and working out of the box, so that's not something the end user needs to worry about. And "Basically None" is also not true anymore. Practically anything made with GTK3/4, Qt5/6, SDL2, recent Electron versions etc. natively runs on Wayland. It's mostly games, Wine and a lot of proprietary software that doesn't.

Most applications are specific to your Wayland implementation instead of a general application that runs in all environments.

Wdym by that exactly? I mean, a KDE application will run just fine on GNOME or Wlroots compositors.

You listed AMDGPU-Pro as a kernel driver. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm quite sure it is a proprietary userspace OpenGL/Vulkan driver that uses the open source AMDGPU kernel driver.

One thing you could do is plugging your monitor straight into the iGPU outputs and using DRI_PRIME only for applications that need the powerful dGPU.

Unless you want to run either everything or nothing on a specific GPU, I don't think there's a more convenient way than setting DRI_PRIME per application.

I'm not aware of another one. Some other distros like Ubuntu and OpenSUSE ship AppArmor instead, which does similar things but isn't considered quite as secure.

I know plenty of other popular distros don't ship any Mandatory Access Control system at all which seems like a very bad security practice to me. Same thing with Firewalls.

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I feel like it does make a difference but it might just be placebo.

s2idle is unfortunately the only supported state on my system apparently, no deep sleep :(

My home server is a RockPro64. I didn't specifically buy it for that purpose but since I had it lying around I figured I might as well use it.

It has a PCIe Slot which I used for a SATA controller, with two 3,5" HDDs.

They have an official NAS case for it too, not sure I'd recommend it as it's kind of expensive, doesn't isolate HDD vibration / noise at all and isn't very convenient to service (to replace the drives for instance). I'm not aware of a better case option for this board though.

I run debian and OpenMediaVault on it (I didn't have to mess with the kernel or device tree at all), with the ZFS plugin, and several docker containers (Jellyfin, PiHole, Syncthing, Tailscale).

For my needs it's working perfectly fine and doesn't need much power. But:

  • It isn't particularly great at video transcoding
  • 4GB of RAM isn't a ton especially with ZFS, keep that in mind if you wish to run more / heavier services such as Nextcloud
  • being ARM based, this board basically limits you to OMV or manually setting up stuff on Linux through the CLI, as TrueNAS, Unraid and Proxmox only support x86. OMV is fine for it's core functionality and you can get some more advanced features through plugins, but at that point it often gets kind of janky and annoying compared to e. g. TrueNAS. Also, the KVM plugin apparently doesn't work on ARM.

TL;DR these low power ARM boards are just fine as a cheap option for getting into homelab / Self hosting and I wouldn't necessarily recommend against them, but sooner or later I want to build a low power x86 based NAS with more RAM, SSD cache and TrueNAS Scale instead.

Metro Exodus has a native version with decent performance

Can we stop shaming people who buy NVIDIA?

For one, people want to keep using what they have and not buy something new just because it may work better on Linux, abd they may not even be able to afford an upgrade. They probably didn't even know about Linux compatibility when they got it.

And additionally, some people have to use NVIDIA because e. g. they rely on CUDA or something (which is unfortunate but not their fault).

And honestly, NVIDIA is fine on Linux nowadays. It sucks that support for older cards will likely stay crappy forever but hopefully with the open kernel drivers and NVK newer cards won't have to suffer that fate.

I don't think that would work since both GPUs are AMD and use the same driver

It's like that with any game for me. I don't do that much gaming overall but roughly once every couple of months I'll get lost in Terraria, Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Prison Architect, No Mans Sky or what not for a few days at a time and when that phase ends I won't play any games for months to come.