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Joined 4 months ago

Doesn't matter if US has any keen interests or not.

This Russian Invasion of Ukraine is no different than Iraq's Invasion of Kuwait.

The only difference is the attacker is a permanent member on the UN Security Council.

Otherwise something similar to Resolution 678 would have already been underway.

But then the US went and really FUCKED UP, when they Bush Jr invaded Iraq in 2003 and ignored the UN Security Council

Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that the war was unjustified.[4] In a televised conference before a meeting with the US envoy to Iraq, Putin said that "The use of force abroad, according to existing international laws, can only be sanctioned by the United Nations. This is the international law. Everything that is done without the UN Security Council's sanction cannot be recognized as fair or justified."

And showed Putin that the US/UK won't play by the rules, so now he has also ignored those rules ever since.

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the new trimmer, the charger is USB-A only. Where's the previous one had the plug on it instead.

Maybe I'm confused.

Your new trimmer takes in USB (Low Voltage DC) power.

Your old trimmer took in Plug (High Voltage AC) power.

If that's the case, yeah of course the plugs would be different? You'd fry the new one with the old plug.

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Why the fuck would Juror's need to see the files?

The content within them is irrelevant to the case, other than to determine whether if they are/were Top Secret or not, and Juror's aren't able to make that distinction.

You need an expert/qualified person to deem whether the content was top secret.

Then the juror's decide on the case whether they should have been there or not.

driver turned left

A-Pillar Blindness.

It's a common thing and more people need to be made aware of it. Glad you're ok.

Definitely sue. You don't know how this will affect you long term. Years from now, a pinched nerve can render your arm un-useable.

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You could double my income, even triple.

....and I still wouldn't risk rising my children in the US.

Not a fucking chance...

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His mother wrote on Facebook that he had contracted pneumonia in April and suffered a stroke following an MSRA infection.

I'd expect a very very through autopsy,

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His worst fear is to end up like Gaddafi.

not be entitled to rely on the First Amendment right to free speech as a non-U.S. national and that, while none of the existing charges carried the death penalty, he could later be charged with a capital offence such as treason

So he's not a US Citizen and yet get charged with treason?

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I see it referenced constantly here, not quite as much on Reddit.

It's a fairly new term.

Reddit is bots and AI, and hasn't been trained on new words.

I look forward to the pending arrest video, where she is suddenly all apologetic and saying sorry, and not understanding why they won't let her go because she just said sorry to them.

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Realistic Batteries. It's holding back a LOT of things. A lot of technologies are solved, but just require power.

Semi-Realistic Room Temperature Super-Conductor.

If that can be solved, the power density and efficiencies would just be astronomical.... It would absolutely destroy multi-billion industries overnight.

Way-Out-There-Stuff If they ever prove out an actual functional EmDrive-like thruster, that would absolutely open up space travel to our species.

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I'm confused.

Why were non-students allowed to be on UCLA property and allowed to throw things and swing weapons? Does the University not have an obligation to protect its students?

Sounds like people with $$$ to attend that school, need to take their $$$ somewhere else.

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I see the Im14andthisisdeep crowd is making it's way to the fediverse.


I grew up in the world of BBS's and IRC. First foray into a chat channel started with someone renaming themselves "34yrDude changes name to 15yrChick"

...and that set the tone for me what the internet is.

It's a entire world where you make absolutely zero assumptions. The 'things' responding in text could be anything. And I say thing instead of people because these days it may not even a person.

There's an entity that responds to my comments, and perhaps seemingly hurtful,

it could be some 10yr old kid who doesn't fully understand, it could be could be some mentally challenged person, it could be someone's crazy grandma,

and now it could be some bot that while not purposefully built to be malicious, through emergent behavior is trolling and insulting people because it gets a rise out of people that results in more and longer comments, which tickles its feedback loop to do more of the same.

So nah, there's nothing anyone in the vast internet could type out that I would personally hurt my feelings, because I make no assumptions as to where the comment is coming from, and those comments don't have a lot of weight to me.

I just blocked a user, because I just kept seeing their name pop up and commenting on 'everything'

Account created 9 months ago with 15000+ Comments That's like 60 comments a day.

Bot or not, someone with that many comments a day needs to go outside and experience life before posting their opinion on fucking everything.

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Will Don Hankey be the new Mike Lindell?


Their entire lives/belief system revolves around punishment.

conservative christians

They've been bred and taught that feeling shame is status quo.

Snake Plissken Escapes from Antarctica

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bots are fucking atrocious for generating just miles and miles of trash content on Reddit.

As a mod for many years, the real moding work was finding ways to keep the bots at bay.

It got real bad since around 2020ish...

They can train their AI's all they want on Reddit, it's a complete waste of time.

That data is corrupt as shit. It's already littered with garbage old AI posts and comments, and it's gonna poison their models real bad.

The earth generally has an overall fixed rate at which it can radiate heat into space.

We dig up millions of years of stored solar energy and release it as heat.

I really don't understand why people are surprised. Sure, it can get really complicated as you factor in varying cloud cover, solar output, greenhouse effect.

But long-term trend, it shouldn't surprise anyone that every joule of energy we pull out of stored carbon, or even mass->energy via nuclear. We are generating more heat now than the earth is used to radiating out.

So obviously the average temperature is going to increase.

Even if we find ways to store the energy back, it takes energy to do so, and therefore more waste heat in the end.

If we want to cool the planet, we have to increase the rate that we radiate heat out into space.

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WTF is with those eyebrows!?!

They look like giant fake caterpillar stickers or something.

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Ahh yes.. the Xennial Generation.

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These same people don't believe in Darwinism, so "¯\(ツ)/¯ "

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No. She's an idiot and she looks stupid.

If it was something about her appearance she had no control over, then yeah. I agree.

But she made herself look stupid, and I'll call her stupid.

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Dude, the amount of engineers and technical people I meet that are creationists are astounding.

Like, you went through all that math and science. You know how it works. You trust it enough to get on an airplane or crawl under your heavy thing supported by a frame you built and worked the math out on.

You trust the material science, that you didn't actually do, other scientists did.

And yet you don't trust the math and science that went into proving the earth is older than 6000 years or whatever fucking random number they made up in your one fantasy book.

The mental gymnastics is just mind boggling.

Then they pull the, (well god put all that there when he created the earth to make it look like its that old)

That's about when I introduce them to the concept of the last Thursday theory.

One dude had the gall to say the Bible is the oldest written story, and I'm like DUDE! have you no idea about the Epic of Gilgamesh?

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Canada is by no means America-Lite, unless you are living in Alberta/Sask.

I don't understand why governments allow farms to get away with things compared to any other industrialized money making industry

If a farmer had ten or fewer employees at all times during the previous 12 months, the farmer would be considered exempt from OSHA enforcement.

You could get away with your 8 year old to driving a tractor around.

It's a weird gray area of private land and where you live, also happens to be a a potential industrial killing zone.

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^^^ This

People need to understand seizures are not lying on the ground shaking.

Mild seizures can be simple symptoms you described.

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Is nVidia Shield an alternative?

That's what I've been using for years now. It's great.

Oh neat, I remember hearing about this game a long time ago, and wasn't sure if it just died or not.

Truth is.... everyone has a price.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

because it doesn’t make the weapon fire more than one shot with a single pull of the trigger.

So if I make a device that spins and presses the trigger for me, then it's not illegal, got it.

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I can make them show up on command.

You give him too much credit.

He's too stupid to understand he's being humiliated.

That's rough. Sorry for your loss.

Fuck Cancer.

I'll integrate ChatGPT into my household when I can run it locally on my own server computer.

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No, walk signs are on in the same direction of travel.

This is essentially it.

The core gameplay is great. Pulled us all in.

The core gameloop is missing. I figured they would expand the game more and quicker.

Like are we still only on Terminids and Automatons only?