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Joined 12 months ago

Everything old is new again!

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I'm trying to learn rust and so far this has definitely made it so much more accessible.

Not to mention their super useful "rustlings" training which has these nice little challenges to get you used to language and syntax

I remember learning about this in the early 00's but then the textbooks were saying about this newer memory technology which the world has moved to known as DDR! Makes me feel so old now 👵

What's happening in Antigua and Barbuda? 😭

I hope their government does, however I do not support the inevitable impact this will have on their civilians.

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I'm an idiot so excuse me if this is just way too simple. If you're able to remove DRM and get the file, is it not just possible to copy the content out of the file and make a brand new file?

I know I'm probably over simplifying things but I know if I'm paranoid about stuff like exif data in an image, if I'm in a pinch I'll just screenshot the original image instead.

I can already see the headlines, "Iran targets hospitals, monsters!!!"

Takes rage baiting to a whole new extreme 🙃

Can someone explain to me why I want the video proxied vs the video coming directly from YT via a front end? I've used YouTube Vanced in the past and it was awesome when it worked

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I'm also not a fan of MS spyware.

But in defence of the MS authenticator, the 2FA prompts it sends are very convenient, how they pop up and ask for the number displayed on screen, its definitely more secure than just the one time code.

Plus it also shows what phone the user is using when they install and configure the authenticator app, this is also very useful if you suddenly see the user accessing their mail or one drive from another mobile device.

Some real digital history record keeping there! This stuff is so cool and is something we never considered with all those random memory cards we gave away and sold.

I'm so jealous.

So fascinating! Thank you 🙂


Is streamio similar to Kodi? I used to use that back in the day and it was good, then suddenly it got super popular and a bunch of the plugins were taken down/blocked by ISP's and I moved back to torrenting

It could be a number of things that people have mentioned in here.

Just allow yourself to do what you actually want to do. If you feel like you actually want to watch movies or TV shows then you need to consciously stop picking up your phone.

At the same time, if you only want to watch a movie or TV show because its what you "think" is expected of a "normal" person, stop. Just let yourself lay on the couch/bed and scroll.

We place too many expectations on ourselves these days to be doing certain things, instead of just doing the things we actually want.

I strongly disagree with humans being self absorbed assholes. Capitalism promotes humans being self absorbed greedy assholes.

There are plenty of excellent examples of humans being selfless and working together in spite of a corrupt self-absorbed system.

The world is going to shit right no and a lot of stuff feels hopeless and like we have nothing to look forward to, but if we give up on our fellow humans then who can we work with to pull the world out of all this shit?

Deleting an app from any device regardless of OS should generally remove all related files, except in cases where the app asks you if you'd like to keep certain files, such as personal data or saved game files. However that's not to say that they always remove related files, things such as updates can leave files in particular temporary directories, some of these are not always removed as part of the update process and so they are not something which would be recognised during the removal of the application either.

These kind of temporary files and folders being left behind are why there has always been reasons behind creating apps to "boost" you device performance by removing some of these left over junk files but are also the reason that sometimes its better to just totally reset the device, clear everything out and start again.

I know there was a time I would pretty much do this on a yearly basis for my own computer to try and keep it at a close to peak performance level.