1 Post – 162 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

PSA whitening toothpastes are just normal toothpastes with added abrasives. So they temporary whiten your teeth because you've removed the outer most enamel which gives your teeth its hardness. At the mere cost of tooth sensitivity and future staining, the deeper dentine layer is much softer and porous which is easily damaged by acidic foods but also more easily stained due to the porosity. So congratulations your teeth are now more stained.

This is good advice but also heavily dependent on the app developer. I've had the misfortune of using banking apps that only have a general notification option and they lump together important banking notifications with adverts. PITA scumbag bank

Agreed that they have a pretty big military in terms of raw numbers. I'm not going to discuss quality because the biggest question mark here is force projection.

How are they planning on sending over any significant manpower and supplies across 2800km?

They don't even have a navy capable of circumnavigating the korean peninsula, much less make the trip to Ukraine or the wrong side of Russia.

They have 2 transport aircraft, the bigger of the 2 has a max passenger capacity of 44 pax. Neither of those have the range to get near Ukraine when flying fully fueled, nevermind if it were fully loaded.

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Physical proof? No. But if that's the criterion for proof that someone existed, then that mean 90% of historical figures can't be proven to have existed. We don't have the remains of Alexander the Great or any artefacts we can be sure are his. We have no remnants of Plato, none of his original writings remain.

Did a person name Jesus live sometime during the first century AD? Scholars are fairly certain of that. We do have textual evidence other than the bible that points to his existence.

It is highly unlikely that he was anything like the person written about in the bible. He was likely one of many radical apocalyptic prophets of the time.

We don't have too many details about his life but because of something called the criterion of embarrassment we have good reason to believe he was baptized by a man named John the Baptist and was later crucified. (i.e. most burgeoning religions seeking legitimacy don't typically invent stories that are embarrassing to their deity)

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All ice machines require monthly if not biweekly cleaning otherwise funky stuff starts growing in the water lines and the ice trays, and other hard to reach areas.

As a former commercial HVAC guy, consider yourself lucky if a place cleans it out once a year.

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If you mean Jesus as described word for word in the bible? Yes you are right. Such a mythical figure never existed.

A man name Jesus from the first century AD? Who preached in the Levant? Who was baptized by a man named John and was later crucified? There is good enough evidence of such a person existing. This isn't even a debated question among new testament scholars anymore.

I see you are familiar with Bart Ehrman, Even he doesn't dispute that a historical Jesus existed.

Here's an even deeper dive from Bart Ehrman.

They couldn't even track or enforce their previous 5 day work week when errant employers made their workers work beyond 5 days or mandated maximum hours, there is no chance in hell they will catch unpaid overtime.

Everyday we are reminded of the damage that state-sponsored misinformation can do.

The stupidest part about brexit was that it was a non-binding referendum. They could have just ignored it. But I guess sometimes you need your house to burn down before you realize why we need a publicly funded fire department.

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I wouldn't be so quick to discount her injuries. Ask anyone with a nagging back injury, some days you feel like an absolute champ and can throw a damn tree, but other days you're bed ridden from pinched up nerves. Thats just the nature of the injury.

I had a friend who got into a car accident, driver drove off a bridge. She's got a permanently fked up back. But you'd never know it from looking at her. Some days she's out and about playing football and cycling, other days she'll take 2 hours to get out of bed because the slightest movement will leave her in tears from her fked up vertebrae.

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Have you seen the one where the company says we shouldn't use the terms male/female in a technical setting because it implies only 2 genders and apparently genders exist on some sort of spectrum?

So I emailed HR to ask for alternative suggestions and if I had permission to refer to ports and connectors as penis and vagina connectors. I think this will be an important discussion because the have the director of HR, legal and my manager scheduled for a meeting next week.

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Someone's gonna get jailed for revealing state secrets and embarrassing the party.

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The problem there is that the teeth are supported by the jaw bones.

We've had dental implants for the past 2 decades that are pretty indestructible as you describe. The only problem is the jaw bones you drill into aren't that robust. Especially when you start putting multiple holes in it to hold the teeth. So the jaw bone part of the implant tends to fail after about a decade or two, even when the tooth part of it is still plenty robust.

Which frankly is the same problem faced by all proposed cybernetic implants/augmentations. The cybernetic part can be as indestructible as you want, but the organics its attached to are comparatively fragile.

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You want to convert something to useful land? Get rid of golf courses.

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Not just war reporting. There are legitmate medical discussions that can be aided by such depictions. There should be an exception made for legitimate educational images. Otherwise technically a biological textbook on dissection runs afoul of this rule.

I just wanted to say that this is pretty much the most well thought out answer on WFH I've seen. It's nuanced and balanced.

Thank you.

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The parking is almost as infuriating as OPs title.

What's the use of having 2 bathrooms when there is only 1 bedroom?

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Conspiracy theory here...

Maybe this is an initiative by competing platforms? Epic? Ubisoft?

Stir some shit, hope to get valve in legal issues so that they're legally forced to become less competitive and therefore creating a chance for these other platforms?

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To be contrarian,

I'd count this as a YOLO. You only live once and choosing to live it with decorum and immaculate professionalism or playing the long game is also a valid response.

Maybe one day, they come crawling back to you? Take them for all they're worth or shove it back at them.

I had a lucrative job offer for a fairly senior role from a company that previously retrenched me. I got their senior management to wine and dine me. All in the guise of discussing the role, how I saw the future of the industry and my plan for taking the company to where they wanted to be in 2 years. Then after all was said and done, I told them I wasn't interested. It felt good and besides I make way more now than they could have offered me and it would have taken me away from my family and put me in a very stressful role.

Or get the brother printer while they're still good.

Even if we agree that it causes visual pollution, I'd argue that visual pollution from fossil fuels is many multitudes worse. Case in point, major chinese and indian cities.

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Welcome to the Great Leap Forward 2.0

This is a drop in the ocean compared to the centuries of lost physical artefacts and writings.

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Damn near had me for a second...

Drones are becoming a huge game changer.

Even simple unarmed $300 drones with an IR camera are proving to be extremely effective. The level of live battlefield information and situational awareness they are bringing to commanders on the ground is at least equivalent to what a platoon of recon troops can offer.

Next up are the drones capable of carrying light loads like air dropped grenades or explosives than can take our expensive vehicles like aircraft. The return on investment for these systems are insane.

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We've already wasted money on them.

Who do you think paid the coast guards and navies of the multiple nationals that conducted the deep sea search for Titan?

Hint: Tax payers.

Bidet and/or toilet seat with butt washer.

I mean when you step in shit, you don't just tissue your foot or shoe, you wash it down at the earliest opportunity. Why should it be different for butts?

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You know it when you go to work and it doesn't feel like work. It doesn't feel like an absolute drag to get out of bed.

I'm an HVAC engineer. I love my job, to me it's like spending all day solving logic puzzles or a detective mystery. I found I was pretty good at it about 6 months into the job, when I figured out a problem the senior techs couldn't. I enjoy being out and about instead of chained to a desk.

A job/career doesn't have to be a passion. Just something you don't dread everyday. My passion is in sports but somehow engineering was something I was good at, it felt satisfying fixing things. I'd never make my passion my job cause I know it would completely ruin it for me.

No. What happens is the spectators get severely desensitized to violence. Especially if the spectators are young malleable teenagers. And suddenly sawing someone's head off in front of a live broadcast becomes just another day on the job.

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This is a great find.

We like to think we are leaps ahead of our ancestors in terms of ingenuity and problem solving but real difference has only been our few millennia of technological advancement. They were every bit as ingenious and as excellent problem solvers as we are today. Their craftsmanship and cunning never ceases to amaze me.

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In about 65 million years this guy will be the size of a T-Rex

By buying this duck you have already made the wrong decision.

Can we genophage the mosquitoes now?

For too long humanity has suffered at the hands of these creatures. Its time for us to fight back and mess with their reproduction.

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If they had practiced actually firearm safety on the movie set, the guns would have been blank guns incapable of firing live ammunition.

In fact they'd should have had no guns capable of firing live ammunition on set.

All they should have had were blank firing guns and disabled firearms (e.g. firing pin removed)

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The issue with YouTube is that while they don't produce their own content, they're currently hosting a wealth of information and there is no competitor at this moment who can come close to consolidating all that archival information.

I don't mean react videos or mrbeast. If those ever disappeared from the face, nothing of value would have been lost.

I mean science, history and engineering channels. Tutorials and full blown college or university lectures. Documentaries. Archival videos and audio recordings. There is a great wealth of information currently hosted on YouTube and they're holding it hostage.

Those will have to find a new home and it will likely be spread out over different hosting services so we will lose the convenience of having all this great information under one roof. Look at how dispersed lemmy is at the moment. I have no doubt that Lemmy will eventually match reddit, but lets be honest. We lose a great centralized location for information, tech support and memes.

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To be fair Avengers Endgame did a good job of it.

Inception also comes to mind. I had no idea what it was going to be about and it turned out great.

Mass Effect 3.

Choosing between the 3 primary colors was the toughest choice of my life.

Have you tried changing your brushing technique? From my time working in a dentist's office as an assistant, its usually the brushing technique that most people get wrong. You're supposed to focus on where the teeth and gums meet.

I recommend the first 2 from the link above. They're the most similar to how most people already brush their teeth so its an easy transition. The only real difference is you angle your toothbrush 45° away from the surface of your teeth. Doesn't matter if you angle it up or down.

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Its effectively paying protection money.

Would be a shame if your order came in an hour late. You know, a few bucks would make Vinny here a lot happier. The happier Vinny is, the less likely something bad happens to your order.

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Trump is already a loser president.

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Independence Day.

I'll tell them it was a documentary. Or at least based on a true story.