11 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Goof. Have your opinions, but do no harm.

If i could weigh in here, I've been on meds for my ADHD for about 9 years now. I've had it since I was tiny, but I started getting medicated as an adult (my parents were anti-meds growing up).

The goal of medication is not to have you do everything: it's to get you to be able to do something. Without medication, I could lie in bed all day and my brain will literally not allow me to get up. I feel so trapped in my own body, begging my brain to allow me to do what I need to do in order to live. It only responds to tasks that provide instant dopamine (and sometimes not even that). Showering? Nope. Getting up? No way. Getting groceries? Forget it.

I could literally eat until I throw up, though. Because food = dopamine source.

This is not a matter of laziness, either, a common hand-waving explanation to dismiss ADHD. It is a neurological disorder– a disorder of the brain that I cannot control.

Being medicated bridges the gap and allows me to do tasks without fighting with my brain for control. It definitely doesn't help with multi-tasking, at least for me. You need to train your brain to work with the meds, so you don't start hyperfocusing on the the wrong task. It's a tricky line to walk, and some people just thinking "taking meds = fix problem!" Ahhh... no. I wish.

Truth is, I've tried many medications that just did work. One made me angry & aggressive (I am the most chill person, so this was terrifying), one caused depression, paranoia, amd visual hallucinations (horrifying), and my current is what I want to stick with. It's worked SO well, and I need to be aware of my diet, vitamins, hydration,  and exercise habits (among other things) in tandem in order to have it work the way it's supposed to.

There's such a stigma against ADHD meds, it makes me angry to see the idiotic "it's just legal meth" argument.

......this post is a classic ADHD rant dump. AMA lol

This might sound weird, but bare with me!

I save funny stuff, goofy things, and positive content in a folder for my son to browse through, which keeps him from looking for content himself in parts of the internet unknown. He loves it, and I had been able to keep the folder updated with a good amount of new images daily, thanks to R×ddit.

However, lately that has changed. Posts deemed as "wholesome" and "made me smile" now increasingly have the edge of a dystopian nightmare ("look at this father reuniting with his son who he thought was dead amidst this war-torn country! Awwww! Wholesome!" and "this teacher was surprised when his students gave him something that his paycheck should have been able to adequately provide but he is not actually paid enough to afford it! Awww! Made me smile!"). I'll find animals doing something "cute", only to realize that behavior is caused by bad or abusive care.

Now I struggle to find things that are actually funny or nice without having a sexist edge, a horrifying implication, sexual undertones, or some kind of underlying dark tone.

I am finding less content here, but the content I am coming across seems to be much more genuine! I've actually saved quite a bit more things than I've seen on R×ddit within the past year.

If you put people in charge who don't know / care about particular communities in charge, there could be huge trouble.

You know.... like the legal advice subr×ddit being moderated by cops. Which it is.

I have to re-buy games I already own? 🫠

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That's valid. But children will grow up and become adults.

Dogs will always be & act like dogs.

There is a singular niche community that I involve myself with where I pop in and make highly desired items to give away for free.

It makes me feel like people care about me for a while. For now, that's good enough for me.

Understandable, but still sad.

Hard disagree. A lot of this behavior is justified to me as "they're just being a dog!"

Dogs bark. Dogs chew. Dogs have a prey drive. Dogs smell. Dogs just want to be with you. This how dogs are.

It's both. I don't like dog behavior, so I just don't like dogs! I have big qualms with a lot of the owners of dogs, sure, but I've never met a dog I actively liked.

I just don't like dogs.

I would sew costumes, clothes, and stuffed animals!

I would also give away stuffed animals to people in my town. It'd be fun to hide them around different areas to be discovered, with a note encouraging people who want them to take them home.

1994 - 1996 and beyond. Originally played on Win98, currently on Win10. Trying out several different CDROMS, but I've been testing out an old "Learning in Toyland" CD, but I also have an old "Yukon Trail" CD I'm trying to boot up.

I've tried DOSBOX, but I keep getting messages like "requires Windows" or whatnot. Like HOE, I HAVE WINDOWS AND IT DON'T EVEN WORK

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I see the good side for others. If you like dogs and the positives you feel they bring to your life, enjoy your dog!

But for me, I just don't like dogs.

Why is it so taboo to not like dogs? I don't hate them, I just don't like them.

Thank you.

It's very tiring being told that I shouldn't dislike dogs. Apparently it's a big taboo and folks take it very personally.

Appreciate your respect towards people who have a differing opinion on dogs.

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Oh, I've had experience with unleashed dogs, too. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that.

You just can't train a dog to not act like a dog, though! You can make (some of) them more polite, but I have yet to meet a perfectly behaved dog.

I just don't like dogs.

I mean, one of my first posts here was arguing with a user who said that "using the word 'minorities' is offensive since it doesn't include everybody" and kept arguing points like that.

Then they huffed and lamented that "clearly [they were] not welcome here."

I half-expected a "so much for the tolerant left!" before they self-exiled.

Poor little guy! This place is obviously far too rough of a neighborhood for them to be comfortable!

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Hopefully this is not inappropriate, but regarding the "this platform was made by tankies"–argument:

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Canadian animation is wild, and so much of it is unknown outside of the country.

I remember seeing a short called "La Salla" on Canadian TV when I was a kid. Caused me a bit of childhood trauma lol

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That really did put the nail in the coffin for me.

He lied about that. What else will he lie about? How many other innocent people will he accuse of wrong-doing in the future? He's obviously shown that he is very openly willing to do so.

No thank you.

Nothing personal! Just would rather not be forced to deal with them and everything that comes with them.

Dogs deserve to exist and can be very helpful in the right settings, but I still do not like them.

It's a [hug] emote.

What feels off about it?

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Aye. It boils my blood when I periodically can't even get my meds, but I know people who lied to get a diagnosis and brag about using it to party/stay awake for work or school.

Like, hey, man, I need that in order to function on a day-to-day basis.

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God, it's awful, right?? I'm upset that not a lot of medicated folks know about the magnesium thing! It really does have an affect on your life. Best part is, when you take it, you typically get relief in like 20 minutes or so!

Magnesium oxide & magnesium citrate are not great to take. Oxide has a wildly poor absorption rate, and will typically just make you have diarrhea instead of doing what it's supposed to. Citrate taken long-term will actually make it so your body builds a tolerance to your meds. I'm not exactly sure why, but it does.

Definitely bring it up to your doctor! Super glad I mentioned it.

This feels so condescending towards neurotypicals in the funniest way.

"Oh, you don't experience this tormenting struggle and can fit in with the majority of society! Good for you!" LMAO

Tbf, I know that's not the intent, of course, but it still made me laugh!

What absolutely sucks about this is that I had carefully curated my subscriptions on RIF in order not to exacerbate my dumb mental health issues.

Hell, I've read angry posts about people in recovery from addiction and alcohol saying how they keep seeing ads for beer or gambling and things like that.

It's horrifying!!

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Man, that so tragic..

Looks like he struggled with drugs and homelessness? That's so sad.

I mean, if everybody gets access, that's fine with me. But if there's a shortage and the people who need it can't get it, that's where I have qualms. But that's a different can of worms.

Ugh. Diet is such a paaaain.

Okay, so breakfast affects it a lot. Milk? Get rid of that. It apparently hinders absorption. Same with citrus of any kind! Stick with yogurts, toast, and especially eggs and/or meat. Protein boosts it real good! Love me some egg whites in the morning.

I don't know about anyone else, but soda seems to absolutely saps all effectiveness out of the meds. Citric acid also does.

Take a multivitamin. Make sure your iron levels are good. Do all that. Also, if you're a woman, YOUR HORMONE LEVELS WILL AFFECT THE EFFECTIVENESS OF YOUR MEDICATION!!!!

That's my personal experience. Everything except the bolded sentence is not proven science (mostly), but it has been my experience long-term. Hopefully it can somehow help your experience in the future.

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Oh lord, thank you! I'm a mis-clicking moron.

Should I delete this post as not to clog up the community?

As a fellow comrade of anxiety, I personally didn't find it too daunting.

I just wrote something like "seems like our community/social values align! I'd like to contribute to discussions and share my knowledge, if that's the case" and got approval within hours.

Then again, doing anything with anxiety can be exhausting. In this case, I think my desperation for something to replace my lost support communities won out over my anxiety.

Injustice at it highest point, no doubt. Disgraceful.

Apparently it won some kind of award? It's definitely a bit fun for me as an adult, but DEAR GOD did it frighten me as a kid watching it at night!

Only saw it once and it stuck with me for about 25 years. Spooked me good!

I was concerned to look it up, but I'm glad it's SFW.

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I promise I did no such thing!

If you saw a buncha' big nasty, that might be on you. Double-check your search filters!

You know what? I was mistaken here. They were offended that someone brought up the governor of Florida and equated it to comparing them to governor of Florida.

Their point was "using the word 'minorities' means that you have a bias political agenda."

So my point still stands. And this was some of their comments/replies.

Old Soviet cartoons are so absolutely beautiful! I really do hope you are able to find them someday.

There is a video about Soviet animation, if you haven't seen it already!

Money and good health insurance. Seriously, it would help me out so dang much.

I have pretty bad PTSD, which has made it near impossible to make real, human connections. If I could get out of my own head, I feel like my life might be able to improve.

I have a house of my own, though. I feel like having your own space contributes a lot to self-improvement and peace, tbh. I am extremely fortunate.

There's not a single person here who cannot infer from the context that the term "minorities" used in this instance in referring to "historically oppressed racial minorities". You also know this. This is semantics, at this point.

But I'll bite: in your opinion, what term/word should be used instead of "minorities"?

YES! Well, kind of!! With the apple!!

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