2 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Oh no.. The Arch Vegan is here! Run!

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I hope that dude gets his teeth kicked in. Slamming any kids head is beyond evil. Sub-human trash.

The fuck lmao. Internet funny guy becomes insane because of internet and now we're happy he died of an overdose at 23. Fuck this world

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Simply put, no. The signal protocol as well as the app is open source. Although I imagine signal would not be on the Australian app store for lack of compliance, which is why you can download the app directly from their website. WhatsApp actually uses the signal protocol, but they close sourced it so there's no way to tell if FB put a backdoor into it

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I feel we've done a good enough job at making smoking undesirable, effectively banning it is excessive. It would be better to focus on doing what was done to cigarettes to vapes. Kids arent smoking nearly as much but theyre vaping like mad. I see kids as young as 13-14 doing it. Vapes are allowed to look appealing, combine that with their nice smell and flavour, ofc young people are going to gravitate toward them instead.

Make it so vape packaging is bland and has similar warnings as cigarretes, and actually teach kids about addiction instead of just a hard "dont touch these". Everyone with a braincell knows that if you ban something from young people, theyre gonna do it more

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It just isn't though. The major currency, bitcoin, was made avalible in 2008, there weren't any scams going on back then. It was meant to be as simple as a decentralised currency that the people had full control over. I think that's a great thing. It wasn't until scammers and grifters saw a new market that could be exploited because it required a good understanding of how it works to be used properly. Scammers dumbed it down and huge centralised exchanges came in opening the door to scams. However it's definitely not a currency yet, I'll agree, it's more of an asset. It's such a shame that a technology that could've helped put people in full control of their money has been diluted into such a shit show. Whenever I hear about a new project touting "crypto based" or Blockchain i wince like I'm sure you do, because NOW it's become a scam, it wasn't originally.

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It really is, its what i do. To enable developer mode you need to make an lg developer account and install the developer mode app from the lg app store. Once youve enabled that you can use this on your pc to install the yt adfree app. Its recommended to uninstall the old yt app first so if your tv lets you, do that. My tv doesent let me but the adfree app still works, it just gets uninstalled after you turn your tv off. You can install the homebrew channel from the same app which lets you install yt adfree without the tool after the first time. The app also has sponsorblock built in with customizable settings, its the best way to watch yt imo

Also note: after a few days dev mode seems to turn off, making all the apps disappear. You can just log back in and they should all reappear.

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I tried running it with lutris but that didn't work, I got an error saying I had a non compatible GPU (getting nms release day vibes lol)

In the end I added starfield.exe as a non steam game in steam, and forced proton under compatibility properties and it worked

From my understanding recall stored the screenshots it took unencrypted. Atleast encrypt the bloody data before releasing it to anyone outside of ms

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Thank you for sharing this. this looks incredibly useful and although I hope I never have to use it having it installed puts my mind slightly at ease, yknow, just in case.

When its for a discontinued console, or games that have been scalped to nuts prices because the owners cba to preserve it, it can barely be considered piracy imo. Its not sane to buy a used console and games for it if it doesent get support or even have online capabilities anymore. Nintendos the worst for it lmao

Option 2 would be your best bet. Great balance between security and convenience. Bitwarden is my go to because afaik it stores every detail encrypted (unlike mainstream PWs) and when you open your vault, the database gets transferred to your pc and is decrypted locally. Its essentially the same as option 1, just 1000x more convenient.

Id only selfhost vaultwarden if you want bitwardens premium features, if you dont then youre maintaining a service which you wouldnt really need. Not to mention if you selfhost on a machine on your network, you have to deal with exposing that machine to the internet, not really worth it imo.

Even with bing chat, it's still dumb as a rock lmao

You sir, are a legend. Never heard of InnerTune before but im playing around with it right now. I could see myself using this more than my local library. Thank you for sharing

For me, the guest login option only appeared on first boot. When i came back to it the next day it was gone and i had to use a fake email to signup :/

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Thats cool but how long did it take to download the game? It mustve taken hours right? What were your router settings, 1 hop for speed or 3 for anonymity?

You need amds proprietary ROCM driver which supports stuff like ai. However i already had issues setting up anything ai on my desktop fedora system, steam deck uses an immutable fs and afaik it gets reset after every update. If doing it on a desktop pc is hard then doing it on the deck will be like walking on lego. Good luck soldier.

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Sadly though, vaping is associated almost entirely with nicotine. I know plenty who vape, but no one who vapes 0% juice. I havent personally done much research about them but inhaling any fumes is a net negative. Although vapes are far less harmful tham cigarettes, nicotine addiction is still there, and these kids are getting it. Im one of the few of my generation that used vapes for their original purpose, quitting smoking and they work great, but its depressing af seeing kids caning vapes just knowing its already an addiction for them

Interesting, ill for sure look into it and reply here if i figure it out. The dev manager linked DOES do something to the timer, my dev app shows 999 hours remaining however it still logs out after a few days. I dont use my tv everyday so maybe that has something to do with it?

I am using the Stremio flatpak for linux. A friend of mine uses the windows version and he says he also experienced the same.

I really want the technical details on why. What is WhatsApp doing differently in regards to mic usage that made it show as constantly on, while no other app seems to have that issue?


Nope, and it's awesome. I2P works similarly to tor except instead of being discouraged, there's a torrent client built in. Only down side is as it's an entirely P2P network with alot of hops (more than tor) it's quite slow.

Browsing at work and this pops up... Appreciate it -_-

I drove an automatic for the first time yesterday. Tryna put my foot down to merge but the car had other ideas and changed gears. Granted, it changed down to give me more power, but I'll decide when I want to change gears thank you very much.

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From every diffusion github ive seen, they all seem to have instructions for ubuntu, so that may be your easiest bet. Same with rocm, it seems easier to install on ubuntu than other distros. Especially fedora...

I use kodi with the jellyfin addon that allows for direct file playback over smb, no more worrying about how the media is encoded. Its a bad problem on my old scrounged together workstation pc with no gpu that i use as a nas lol

I knew about Lemmy before what happened with reddit, but didn't use it until then. So I know about the little quirks like that, but if people are gonna stay this really needs to be addressed. To the average user they don't understand why they've been logged out and just think Lemmy is buggy which is sad.

Next to that fediverse icon is a regular hyperlink icon, that should take you to where you wanna go, but on your own instance.

I found an article talking about it but the way it's worded sounds like only the accounts aurora use for anonymous login as well as disposable accounts used solely for aurora are being banned. Ironically because of the blackout, most of the sources it gives aren't accessible so I can't see anyones personal accounts lol.

Yeah 100%, I've been driving around a bit more today and I'm starting to get the gist of it, it just threw me off the first time it happened cuz it happened while tryna merge lol. I'm used to using my hands for the throttle as I got my bike license first, its not a 1:1 transfer aha

Edit: I should add that I'm in the UK and I'm learning, I've done alot of lessons and my instructor says I'm test ready. I'll be doing it in a manual but I wanted some experience on the road without the pressure of an instructor before my test in a couple of months so I'm driving a family members car. It's much more powerful than my instructors car so the finesse is really important and I'm not used to it

Thanks, I hate it 😂

Seems like its not yet, theres a github issue discussing adding the feature