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TrueNAS Core.

You could call it p2p since there is no Jami servers. Yes it does messaging and video conferencing. I see no point to Jami due to having to me installed compared to Jitsi would does group video cinferencing without installing it, and anybody can run their own Jitsi server to host conferences to keep them even more private away from the broader internet. The email service I use also has a Jitsi service available that I have used for video conferencing.

I am strongly supportive of what Jami does, I don't see it ever replacing a similar service like Jitsi or Sgnal.

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Since you're asking, you're definitely not ready. Learn a projects formatting style for the code, work on open issue, submit patches, listen to all critiques and criticism.

Submit and the others will say when you're good. If you want to learn code correctness and proper security of code, study and go through OpenBSD's code. You could read the code for openNTPd and the code for OpenSSH, then move on to reading kernal code for OpenBSD.

Huh? Baruch HaShem

We shall see how it fairs after all of servers update to it

I was enthusiastic for Jami around 7 years ago, but now it is wholly irrelevent or meaningless. It also hurts the fact that absolutely nodo is using it.

Now with having Jitsi to use, which is a service and not a program so it doesn't matter if nobody is on there, plus SimpleX and Signal, as good as Jami legitmately is, it truly means absolutely nothing.

I am already of the opinion that there too many messenging apps and not enough people using open source encrypted apps of any kind to move the market away for corporate proprietary messengers. I'm always working on getting people off of Whatsapp on to Signal/Molly. Maybe Jami team should quit and jump to developing SimpleX.

For true freedom and to challenge yourself, try OpenBSD. For something easier, try GhistBSD since it comes with a GUI desktop.

I don't use Firefoxsince it's not available in F-Droid, or any variant of Firefox like IceCat.

I've never heard of ReVanced, I will have a look at it, thank you. It's too bad it's not in F-Droid so privacy focused people can discover it.

It seems like a very helpful service. I don't use cell data which means no GPS to contribute to it. I only use apps through wi-fi exclusively.

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Until any kind of crypto, whether it's bitcoin or something else, can be used to pay for groceries, electronics, furniture, cars, clothing, a house, all in crypto it will forever remain irrelevent.

Wrong, guess again. Read the websites.

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In that specific area, that's where compared to each BSD operating system, Linux will forever be trash garbage.

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BSD is FOSS, unless you are an idealogue.

BSD does not have distributions, those don't exist.

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You stuck in the cult of Linux and projecting your mentality onto other things without deciphering each on their technical marits. You look at all software in Linux terminology rather than making a distinction to articulate correct phrasing in a cohesive manner.

Linux is a bad attemot at copying UNIX. BSD comes from the orginal UNIX of the 70's. BSD was a summary of the patches, fixes, and other developents that was applied to the Unix codebase and then after the lawsuit took the original UNIX patches and started BSD 4.4-lite

Sniper Elite 3 would be good.

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Thevright to repair thing is wholly distnct from software. Right to reapir is for a physical hardware product. People bought something they can touch, they have full rights to repair it, otherwise people are only paying to use it but never fully own it out right.

Libre software is not better than proprietary software. I only care about open source software for the sake of security so I can do whatever I want with the code, I reject libre software like GPLv3 and stick to open source.

If you know the difference between a cracker and a hacker, I always got love for hackers. It's the crackers that cause so much misery. I'm a big fan if hackathons, as long as the discussions center around hacking and not get into personal digs.

I've noticed a trend that it seems to be end users that don't have a clue about computer science and software engineering from a programming perspective that got more stuck on licenses than the actual developers and hackers. I even believe there are wonderful devs and engineers at Microsoft, nVidia, and Google, who wod be happy to give away their code if there wasn't the stockholder reigning supreme over corporate management.

Until you learn code correctness, you can't understand the areas where Linux has horrible designing or programming. There's a reason why the top talent at Def Con completely gave up on trying to get into a default OpenBSD installation.

Why do people seemingly post on here regarding new Intel drivers but I have never seen new posts for nVidia or Radeon drivers?

It's fine to post publicly and see what happens

You used the philosophy and objective of Marxism to say that the GPL is not Marxist.

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It sounds like you have an idol worship for GNU with zero experience of UNIX/BSD culture in that they only care about code that works and not anybody's opinion.

That is where OpenBSD developerd sticks so hard to BSD and ISC licenses with a preference for ISC license because they don't care what other people do, they develop for themselves, and if people don't like the way it functons, don't use it, problem solved.

The problem with GNU/FSF people is they are excessively wrapper in what other people do through politicing and not enough time fixing their own code. Once GNU people develops an operating system in similar fashion to how each BSD are each their own complete operating system, then they can give their opinions. Until then, they should go away, stop with the software politics, and care a lot more about their own code.

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The Marxist philosophy is not solely and strictly pertaining to workers. There is a Marxist culture, living with a Marxist mindset or mentality, and living with a Marxist view of the world or trying to get the world to fall into a Marxist view and setting up society in a Marxist way.

If you actively try to avoid software that is licensed under BSD or ISC, only Gnu's Marxist license, then that means you won't use OpenSSH or the security tools ported over from OpenBSD into both Linux and Android and will not use an operating system or programs that have been compiled with LLVM/Clang.

I prioritize system security, and for that I only care about open source and reject free/libre software due to all of its built-in political implications. But also defend the right for people to make proprietary software. I won't use it, but defend people's right to make it.

People must give up how they want the world to operate and deal with what is. For example, FSF is wholly incompatible with BSD and the 2 distinct cultures and views can never work together. They are both open source, but that's where the commonality ends.

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