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Joined 4 months ago

One place I worked at recently was still using Node version 8. Running npm install would give me a mini heart attack... Like 400+ critical vulnerabilities, it was several thousand vulnerabilities all around.

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Reminds me of an early application of AI where scientists were training an AI to tell the difference between a wolf and a dog. It got really good at it in the training data, but it wasn't working correctly in actual application. So they got the AI to give them a heatmap of which pixels it was using more than any other to determine if a canine is a dog or a wolf and they discovered that the AI wasn't even looking at the animal, it was looking at the surrounding environment. If there was snow on the ground, it said "wolf", otherwise it said "dog".

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I read a review that said the show was "too woke". I haven't seen anything that's woke except that a non-binary character exists and is referred to as "them", and the shopkeepers in Filly seem to be lesbians but it's not explicitly stated. It's annoying seeing the word "woke" but it's also kind of nice that it's easy to spot the dipshits. Anyone using the word "woke" probably sucks big time.

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Looks like an article paid for by Epic.

Here's a repost of what I said the last time the Steam vs Epic Games Store "debate" was brought up:

My biggest concern with Epic is their insistence on kernel level anti-cheat which is just ridiculous overkill and probably being used as spyware let's be honest. They have many ties to China's Tencent which has a 40% stake in the company and is known to basically just be an extension of the Chinese government.

There's also the very odd fact that just having the Epic Games Store open in the background will deplete your laptops battery life by up to 20%. Is it just horribly optimized and uses all that battery even when idling, or is it doing something nefarious in the background? We don't know.

As for exclusives, they have bought exclusives that were mostly crowd funded from the start which is quite the kick in the teeth to the early investors that helped get the project off the ground. And there were even some exclusives that were already listed for pre-order through Steam, forcing everyone to need to get a refund.

Plus, any good will that they've purchased so far is just in service of making a good name for themselves. They've been losing around $400 million per year since 2019 just to bring in new users. They're going to suddenly turn around and start being cut-throat as soon as they think they can.

They are not consumer friendly, they want to dictate trends in gaming. Valve is already the king of that throne and they're fairly benevolent and have pushed trends that are good for gaming and consumers overall. I have serious doubt that Epic would be anywhere near as good for gaming as Valve has been if they should actually become profitable, and an industry leader. Especially when it's projected that they won't be profitable until 2027, which means they'll need to recoup their investment of nearly $3.2 billion since 2019.

That North and South Korea maintain a fax line between their countries... which they use almost exclusively to send threats and insults to each other.

Also related to North Korea, the hilarious fact that Dennis Rodman, former NBA player, is so well liked by the Kim family that he's basically a diplomat to North Korea, or at least the one they turn to when things really start going badly.


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Reminds me, I drive a school bus part-time and my bus has a malfunctioning sensor in the transmission and so on the screen on the dashboard it says "CHECK TRANS". So every morning I'm like looks down at crotch "yup, still trans!"

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Don't forget that bisexual and pansexual are included. It's very common for basically all women to identify as bisexual at least, because women sure are pretty!

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In those kinds of situations you need to remember to try to break the problem down into simpler sections to identify where the problem lies. One of the first steps would be to run SELECT * FROM mainWorkSpace WHERE user_id = @user_id and see if that returns anything.

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You can count up to 1023 in base 2 using your fingers to represent 0s and 1s.

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It's getting better, but I really don't appreciate how many people seem to think that "drag queen" and "being a transgender person" is interchangeable and exactly the same.

For clarity for anyone who isn't sure, drag queens are performers who often (but not always) identify as gay men in their day to day lives. A drag queen is a caricature of a woman, a massive exaggeration for entertainment purposes. Drag queens are like clowns, and clowns don't go around in their day to day life identifying as a clown. It's a job, a gig, a temporary identity for entertainment purposes.

Transgender people have gender dysphoria that is so unbearable that they have no choice but to bear all of the negative things that come with coming out as transgender in order for them to have some tiny speck of hope at being happy and comfortable in their own bodies. Transgender people, unlike drag queens, always do identify with their chosen gender representation.

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A bunch of people are going to become related all of a sudden really quick!

Honestly though, my partner and I already use the family sharing extensively, so I hope this is an improvement. It is kind of tedious right now that you have to physically log in to the other person's machine to be able to add them to your family sharing plan, so any kind of improvement on that front is welcome.

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I do find that everything related to Python is especially badly documented and/or maintained. Maybe I'm just not looking the in right place though? I don't generally use Python as my primary language.

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And for many (mostly) gay men the AIDS epidemic was devastating. You don't see a lot of old gay men for that reason.

What is /A/? You mean like the letter A?

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LTS just means Long Term Support in case you weren't aware. It means no new development is happening, but security exploits will be patched as soon as they arise.

If you just want stability, LTS is the way to go. If you want all the cutting edge bells and whistles and are okay with potentially some instability (but probably not much) then use the latest version.

If your device isn't connected to the internet during general use then I wouldn't worry too much about updating anything. Security fixes aren't important if there's no way to connect to your device.

Oh a time for me to share my specialized expertise! So I was a dog walker for almost a decade and I've learned an amazing trick that has worked on 100% of dogs I've tried it on and is very safe from the human if done correctly.

  1. Get your hand ready, you're going to use your middle finger and your thumb to pince together so get your other fingers out of the way and get just the middle finger and the thumb ready to pince.
  2. Stand kind of behind and to the side of the dog, with the dog on the side of whichever is your dominant hand (right if you're a righty, left if you're a lefty).
  3. Move your ready to pince hand up behind their head and up to their muzzle.
  4. Like an arcade claw machine game you're gonna lower your hand down over their muzzle and slip your thumb and your finger behind their canine teeth MAKE SURE YOU BRING SOME OF THE DOG'S LIP WITH YOUR FINGERS!!!

Side note here: I know this seems like you're going to get bitten by putting your hands in a dog's mouth between their teeth but this is VERY CRUCIAL you MUST grab some of their lip with your fingers and bring their lip down into their teeth with your fingers so that they feel like if they bite down then they're just going to bite themselves. And don't put too much pressure or you'll hurt the dog.

100% of the time as soon as the dog feels their lips slip between their own teeth, their mouths will just open right up. They might start struggling a bit to try to break loose of your grip, but keep your pinced fingers firmly in place while with your other hand you remove the object from their mouths. You might not even have to reach in there because they sometimes drop what they're holding as soon as your slip your fingers in there. And if it feels like the lips are slipping out or the dog is going to break free, just get your fingers out of there and try again when the dog calms down.

Also just don't try this on a dog you're not familiar with, an unfamiliar dog might just turn around and bite you as soon as you get close. If there's some level of trust between you and the dog, there's no chance they'll bite you if done correctly. I've probably done this to like 40 different dogs in my life and it works 100% of the time.

You're right about the writing, and the moment that sold me that the writing in this show is actually good was when Maximus and The Ghoul are fighting in Filly and instead of showing the entire fight, they cut to the people inside talking. Realizing that the fight adds nothing of substance but showy graphics is usually the indicator to me that the writers are in control of the vision of the show which pretty much always bodes well.

Canadian here. Anything UK, French, and Southern American are pretty hot. I personally love an Aussie accent or specifically a Kiwi (New Zealander) accent.

I don't know much about anti-cheat development, but it can't possibly be that hard to at least implement something that checks whether a player even could have done something in a certain amount of time which would eliminate a lot of speed related cheats, and for the rest, why not look at data averages to try to weed out cheaters?

I know combing through the data is probably complicated, but so is installing kernel level anti cheat software that has to monitor every single process running on a person's computer.

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Inertia is the tendency of objects in motion to stay in motion, and objects at rest to stay at rest, unless a force causes its speed or direction to change. from Wikipedia

So they're kind of just saying that once it picks up enough rotational speed.

You should read up on what's called "rubber ducky" debugging

Here's a link to a comic that summarizes the idea succinctly: Wikipedia article here:

Every other planet looks like shit. Another W for Earth, the best planet in the universe! (as far as we know)

Usually API docs are tucked away inside a "developer dashboard" or whatever they decided to call it. So I think you can assume at least moderate API and web development knowlege and programming skills.

lol holy shit that was really funny!

Wow that's interesting! Gotta be at least in the running for the rarest Linux distro ever

I ran Ubuntu for a couple of years, and then I switched to PopOS because I didn't like the direction that Ubuntu was going.

imo Pop takes everything that made Ubuntu great and makes it better. It's not bleeding edge though, but it is stable if that's what you're looking for.

I recently made the switch over to an Arch based distro for the first time ever (Garuda Linux is the distro) and I've absolutely loved that change too. I feel like Garuda at least, I can't speak for all Arch based distros, but Garuda is very user friendly, sleek with KDE apps including Plasma, and very powerful. I like to game on my laptop and have definitely noticed some framerate increases after switching to Garuda.

Ubuntu should have keyboard shortcuts in the settings panel. You can go through and change them manually to match what you expect from MacOS.

Ordinals are largely used for counting and when you're counting you kind of do start a zero, most people just don't say it. When you count 1... 2... 3... it would work just as well to start 0... 1... 2... 3... So programmers can rest easy.

There was a pretty big work around for that, as long as only one person is in "online" mode on Steam, you can technically have infinite people playing at once. Of course that only works if most people want to play a single player or local LAN game.

I don't really get the appeal of strongly typed languages. Can't you just use try/catch blocks, and/or use functional programming and return early if the data structure of whatever you're working with isn't what you expected?

I guess it can help older code easier to maintain because the expected data structure is right there, but you could also just include it in a comment above the function.

I personally find TS slows down initial production of a project and raises so many unnecessary errors.

Is there some huge benefit that I'm missing? Because I don't really get the appeal. I mean, I do on some level, but I don't really understand why so many people are absolutely obsessed with TS.

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I'm not super familiar with VLC but I asked a chatbot, does this help at all?

1. Open your video with VLC.
2. Navigate to the scene that you want to capture. You can use VLC’s frame-by-frame feature to access a specific frame in your video.
3. Capture the screenshot by pressing Shift+S (Windows and Linux) or Command+Alt+S (Mac).
4. Alternatively, from VLC’s menu bar, select Video > Take Snapshot.

If you’d like to use advanced controls to capture the screenshot, then from VLC’s menu bar, select View > Advanced Controls to enable those controls. Then, in VLC’s bottom-left corner, click the camera icon to take a snapshot1.

Your screenshot is now captured and saved in a folder on your computer. The default location for the screenshots is as follows:

1. Windows: C:\\Users\\username\\Pictures
2. Mac: Desktop/
3. Linux: ~/Pictures

If you’d like to change where VLC stores your screenshots, or you’d like to change the file format, then select Tools > Preferences from VLC’s menu bar. On the “Simple Preferences” window that opens, select the “Video” tab. To change the default screenshot directory, then in the “Video Snapshots” section, click “Browse” next to “Directory.” Then, choose the new folder that you want to set as the default for your screenshots. If you’d like to use a different image format (the default is PNG) for your snapshots, then click the “Format” drop-down menu and choose a new format. Your options include PNG, JPG, and TIFF. After you’ve made the changes, at the bottom of the “Simple Preferences” window, click “Save” to save your changes.