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Joined 1 years ago

Hi, I'm Shauna! I'm a 37 year old transgender woman from Ontario, Canada. I'm also a Linux enthusiast, and a Web Developer by trade. Huge Star Trek fan, huge Soulsborne fan, and all-around huge nerd.

To those that are saying they don't see a problem with this mod. Let me put it to you this way. Instead of a mod that turned one gay woman into a straight man what if it turned one black character into a white character?

There literally was a mod like that in Stardew Valley that turned Demetrius into a white character, and it was rightfully deleted from Nexus mods. If someone has that much of a problem with a character being a different race, sex, gender, or sexual identity then they're clearly bigoted no matter what they say to the contrary.

It's gay erasure, and it's bigotry, plain and simple.

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I wonder what the same people criticizing trans health care as "mutilation of children" think of intersex babies having genital surgery forced upon them to align their genitals with gender binary ideals.

And just before anyone has a chance to say it, trans healthcare for teens is okay despite them not being able to consent because if they don't choose quickly then one of the options is going to be forced upon them.

It's like a child standing on train tracks with a train speeding toward them and the child expressing that they'd like to get out of the way while people telling them "No! You're not old enough to make that decision!"

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It really depends whether he got the devs of "Lutris, Heroic, Legendary, Bottles, etc." to agree to use the unified runtime before starting this project. As long as he gets most of the big players to join then it will actually become the only standard worth using.

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I got tired of talking about sports and cars all the time

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If your personal beliefs lead you to disrespect another group of people then your beliefs should be shown nothing but disrespect in return.

I have lots of friends who are religious and they're all totally fine with me being gay and transgender, and they love and support the pride moment, as do the churches they belong to. I have no problem with religion or personal beliefs, but I won't tolerate any belief that won't tolerate me just existing in the same world as them.

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I haven't seen anyone mention it yet, but a reason might be that providing an API is cheaper than web scraping.

If people really want access to your data, they can just scrape your website, but that requires loading all the data through the website itself which requires loading millions or billions of video thumbnails, comments, descriptions, recommendations, etc. It's much cheaper for them to send a JSON through an API, even though they might know that some people are trying to undermine them by using that data to circumvent their advertising.

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I love Eric Barone! He sticks to his convictions in the way I wish more video game developers would. He's made so much money from Stardew Valley that he never needs to work a day for the rest of his life, but he chooses to put in the time to continue releasing free content and working on new passion projects and giving back to the community. He could have monetized the hell out of Stardew, releasing DLCs and hired a huge development team to crank out new content to make him richer until the original game became unrecognizable.

So many game developers have gone down that route, or simply sold off their creation to a company that they know full well plans to do just that.

Also, I just love his mentality about things. He knows that nobody really asked for Haunted Chocolatier, and he doesn't really care if it's successful, he just wants to make something new for himself. I hope it is successful, but I'm glad to see that he's not hinging his hopes on it's success but instead just enjoying the process of making something, which is really beautiful and I think more people should focus their energies on those kinds of exploits and outcomes.

The fact that the cops put her in the men's detainment facility tells you everything you need to know about why they arrested her, the victim of the unprovoked attack. This is a hate crime from the men that attacked her and then from the police that are obviously and intentionally trying to humiliate her.

My biggest concern with Epic is their insistence on kernel level anti-cheat which is just ridiculous overkill and probably being used as spyware let's be honest. They have many ties to China's Tencent which has a 40% stake in the company and is known to basically just be an extension of the Chinese government.

There's also the very odd fact that just having the Epic Games Store open in the background will deplete your laptops battery life by up to 20%. Is it just horribly optimized and uses all that battery even when idling, or is it doing something nefarious in the background? We don't know.

As for exclusives, they have bought exclusives that were mostly crowd funded from the start which is quite the kick in the teeth to the early investors that helped get the project off the ground. And there were even some exclusives that were already listed for pre-order through Steam, forcing everyone to need to get a refund.

Plus, any good will that they've purchased so far is just in service of making a good name for themselves. They've been losing around $400 million per year since 2019 just to bring in new users. They're going to suddenly turn around and start being cut-throat as soon as they think they can.

They are not consumer friendly, they want to dictate trends in gaming. Valve is already the king of that throne and they're fairly benevolent and have pushed trends that are good for gaming and consumers overall. I have serious doubt that Epic would be anywhere near as good for gaming as Valve has been if they should actually become profitable, and an industry leader. Especially when it's projected that they won't be profitable until 2027, which means they'll need to recoup their investment of nearly $3.2 billion since 2019.

I don't think it has to do with being female or anime. I think OP is saying that they're either a transgender woman or a femboy who is still in the closet

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It's not exactly a misconception that I've ever really held, but I absolutely hate the lazy writing trope in TV/film where hitting someone over the head and knocking them out is used so commonly and casually and there are never any repercussions.

In reality, if you get hit on the head hard enough that you lose consciousness for any length of time, you're almost certainly going to suffer very serious brain damage. If you wake up at all - yes, it's quite possible you'd die from this - then you're going to have a major concussion, a huge headache, and probably a fracture in your skull and your brain will be swelling up inside your skull. It's a VERY serious injury, and yet it's just played off as this casual thing on TV and I think it's incredibly dangerous how casually it's depicted.

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I like the Material Plane cause that's where all my stuff is!

Y'all are thinking it's like this but it's actually like this

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I can't believe nobody has said religion. All of it. Praying to god being a prime example.

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Yesss! Oh my god, just be up front about what you want! I hate when people lie about their intentions on dating sites.

It might just be a coincidence but I've had a lot of trouble using Invidious or Piped lately too. Videos load and titles load, but video thumbnails don't load for me.

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This is what we've all been warning transphobes about. You can't always tell who's trans just by looking at them, so any anti-trans laws are just going to take rights away from all women. All this legislation is just a guise to take women's rights away.

Well if you're tired of Microsoft, you can install any of the many Linux distros completely free

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I think it's that neuro-diverse people tend to gravitate towards each other, so this is probably survivor's bias. I definitely find that other people with ADHD are able to grab and hold my attention better than neuro-typical people and also they're more understanding and forgiving when I'm flaky, or too hyperactive, or whatever.

Is that one of the Manson family members? Why does that picture look so oddly familiar?

It's easier to ignore gender dysphoria when you haven't yet felt gender euphoria, so naturally, this is a pretty new feeling for you in both directions. The dysphoria sucks big time, but maybe it will help to remember that feeling low sometimes is part of the ride.

Also, don't feel like people need to actually help you. Just venting to someone you can trust and having a big cry about it is about all you can do when you're feeling overwhelmed by the dysphoria. Welcome to actually dealing with your feelings instead of shoving it down to deal with later (or never)! lol

I just finished Control and it's really good! Jesse is a strong female lead and there's no male option like some games.

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Yeah, these categories are not a reflection of physical (or in this case mental abilities) but to give women a chance to shine in a mostly male dominated field. The problem is that when one side has bias in it's favor, or is simply more prevalent in the competition, they get way over-represented and it discourages people from the other side(s) to join in since it seem futile.

I think maybe a good way to get rid of this problem is for competition to feature more categories. In chess, for example, you could have categories and tournaments like youngest, newest to the game, underdogs, etc. which are more likely to feature a variety of players.

Very simplistic TLDR now every action will be timestamped and when the server processes a tick it will play out the actions it receives in order and decide if any actions should be ignored, like for example if that player should have actually died before pulling the trigger.

I always thought that's how CS:GO servers worked, but apparently not! It seems pretty obvious and a very good solution that solves all of the problems between 64 tick and 128 tick servers in the past. Valve just continues to be a pretty amazing innovator in the world of gaming, you love to see it!

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The problem here is that the riddle tricks you into thinking the total at the end should be 30, but because the herders originally give 30, but then get 3 back, the new total of sheep that changed hands is actually 27. In the end, the troll has 25 sheep and his sons have 2 sheep, 25 + 2 = 27 so all sheep are accounted for.

Not very surprising results, but that's what science is about. Gotta question even what seems obvious because sometimes what's obvious is wrong.

It's nice to have affirmation, and it gives me the warm fuzzies to think about all the other trans people out there feeling those good good euphoria feelings.

For me, I'd say top euphoric moments so far are: getting my engagement photos done with my partner in a dress and professional hair and makeup -- I've never felt so pretty, having long time friends who knew me before transitioning ask which of us is going to get pregnant and carry the child when I mentioned having kids to them, getting flirted with by old school lesbians is so affirming too -- one even said, after telling her I'm trans, "well, you're all woman to me!"

There's been so much more, just a constant daily glow of joy from the very core of my being, but those are the top moments for me. I hope it gives others some warm fuzzies to read about my experiences so far.

I believe Discord is quite prolific for surveillance and data mining, but that's just what I've heard. Tumblr, I'm not sure how they could really spy on you unless you're using an app. If you're using it exclusively through a web browser, as long as you have privacy browser extensions and/or are using a browser that enables privacy features by default then you're probably pretty safe.

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Cisgender people basically don't ever think about being the opposite gender. The fact that you're even questioning is practically guaranteed that you're at least some level of transgender. Whether or not it's bothering you enough to pursue it is something that you have to figure out for yourself unfortunately. It will all come down to how badly you want it, how accepting your friends and family are, and how accepting the society you live in is or how much you're willing to put up with from society at large.

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I have a feeling this response is directly related to how Linux users for yeeeeeeears have been told "we won't support Linux because there just aren't enough users to justify it". Now that there are official more Linux users than Mac users it makes sense to support Windows and then Linux if you can only afford to support the 2 biggest operating systems, but yeah, I really think this is more about Valve pulling a switcheroo on the usual "not enough users to support Linux" line we always hear.

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For games, there's Heroic Games Launcher or Lutris which allow you to run non-steam games easily.

I saw a video explaining why Japan is seemingly more okay with transgender people than other queer people and basically it boiled down to conforming to society is very important in Japanese culture, and so being a straight transgender person is seen as conforming to the norm. If you're a straight trans-woman then you're just like the average cis-woman, and vice versa for the guys.

My partner likes to listen to lofi music. Lately she's been obsessed with Baldur's Gate 3 so she plays a youtube video that's 10 hours of the "down by the river" song and a campfire sound from BG3. We've also done a 10 hour Star Trek TNG bridge noises video before for awhile lol

It's very annoying that ADHD is badly portrayed in media constantly. So unless you're the hyperactive type, then people won't believe you. Try to explain to them that hyperactivity is just one symptom of ADHD and not everyone has that symptom. The main symptom is a disorder of the executive functions of the brain. I heard an ADHD researcher once say that ADHD is misnamed, it's not a lack of "attention" it's a lack of "intention". We "intend" to do things, but we can't correctly follow throw with the executive decisions necessary to make it happen, or make it happen on time.

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Companies need to stop with this shit already. Although, I suspect some of the push towards kernel level anti-cheat actually has more to do with governments pushing for backdoor access to everything. Operating Systems have mostly shut them down, so now they may be turning to anti-cheat systems to weasel their way in there.

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There are considered to be 10 stages of genocide as described by Wikipedia here:\_stages\_of\_genocide

The stages ramp up in severity until we're at full gas chamber Nazi status by stage 9 and stage 10 is denying any crime occurred.

I'd say Israel and Palestine were already at like stage 6 before this, now it's at like stage 8. It's not clear if Israel actually plans on exterminating all Palestinians, but it sure seems like that's where they're leading things.

Add this one to the pile Utah law banning books with "pornographic content" leads several books to be banned, ironically including the King James Bible and The Book of Mormon. Of course, they overturned the ban on the King James Bible and probably The Book of Mormon too because hypocrisy.

I wonder if others have some favourite posters that you they quite often?

For me, it's @Stamets and ThePicardManuever but I've noticed a couple other prominent posters lately although their names haven't stuck for me just yet.

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There's something about the way you type that comes across as juvenile. I think it's the lack of capitalization and grammatical errors. Are you not a native English speaker? That would definitely explain it.

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And he constantly deadnames and misgenders her because he's such a huge piece of shit, even to his own daughter.