1 Post – 125 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

The problem is not that it's regurgitating. The problem is that it was trained on NYT articles and other data in violation of copyright law. Regurgitation is just evidence of that.

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I hope all your stuff supports Unicode.

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That, and not the "showing his dick to some minors at a bowling alley" thing?

Also Lauren was one of those minors.

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You don't need to exert pressure on Biden. You need to help push the entire system back to the left. When Democrats in general are in government, it allows more room for further left candidates. Just like how electing Republicans made room for the Tea Party and the MAGA crazies. If the window had been more toward the left, they'd have been outside the Republican party.

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I don't have an answer for you, I just want to tell you that the plural of schema is schemata.

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You know, there's a question on security clearance paperwork that asks if you've ever done anything for violent overthrow of the government, which is definitely not an optional question. Funny that it's optional for even more important positions.

Does Linus still maintain that much control over it? I feel like I read something a few years ago about him starting to step back.

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Why? Under Windows or Mac OS too, there's always something that doesn't quite work right.

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Pentagon officials also failed for two days last week to notify Austin’s second-in-command that he had transferred authority to her while he was in the ICU, and while she was in Puerto Rico.

That's the real goof. I don't really see a problem with the secdef being hospitalized and not immediately notifying the President. They need DoD stuff, they call on him, and if he's not available, for any reason, it should immediately fall to the deputy. The White House staff, and especially the deputy, should have been told.

Ultimately this just seems to have been a breakdown in communication, but even if war were declared, I don't think it would have been a significant issue. This is media hype bs to distract from real issues.

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Chromium is the upstream project for Google Chrome. It's a dumb joke.

And all the other foods are going to follow.

Ah, well. Humans had a good run. Looks like we found our great filter.

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With Ubuntu Pro. I'll stick with Alma, thanks.

Yeah but that's a waste of light. Why use a floodlight when you can use a laser?

They absolutely do fund development like this. But they keep it for themselves until such time that it no longer gives them a competitive edge.

For example, when the US sells tanks or planes to other countries, those export versions have much less fancy equipment on the inside. Or in pure science like cryptography, you can assume that when the NSA publicly approves of an algorithm, they're confident that they can break it if they really need to (either because they inserted a backdoor, have identified a weakness they can exploit, or just have no use for it any more themselves).

If you don't want to give it away for free, then just don't make it FOSS. It's that simple. People use free-libre licenses because they want to use that license model. If you don't want to, then don't.

It's not an imminent collision alert, it's a "plane where it's not supposed to be" alert.

I don't know how many scenarios currently are configured for an audible alert, but the thing is, when you make too many alerts important enough to be audible, then no alert is important. Operators will start instantly muting the audible before even thinking about the actual alert, and that means they could get distracted by something they're already working on and completely forget to address the new alert.

Try the tunnels in Boston some time. They have highway exits in the tunnels. And my favorite part is after that there's a fork with not much distance to figure out which one sends you the right direction on the interstate. Also the only signage is painted on the road, which has cars on it.

It won't. Last time a group tried to secede, we went to war.

That's not busy work. Busy work, as explained in the article, is work that doesn't really accomplish anything, like re-folding towels that have already been folded. Or as I've had to do before, sweep a perfectly spotless sidewalk. Data validation is valid work.

I'm sure Israel would be happy to rebuild homes, schools, and hospitals. For Israelis, though.

Yes, that's what it means. Inflation is a rate. When inflation is low, it's still inflation, but it's a low rate.

Someone is going back over their contributions, right?


Good news, the GNU Image Manipulation Program is designed for manipulating photos

Not voting is a valid choice, one that says you're okay with either candidate winning. And that is being complicit with genocide. If you're not okay with that, vote.

If you don't want to wait a year, you can call, write, protest, and donate to groups to do those things on your behalf. But to throw away your vote is incredibly short-sighted.

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You would probably get a better answer by asking a Rhino community. But a quick look at the documentation suggests you can choose:

It's the plot point, but also spoilers, kind of? Part of the game is discovering what happened.

None of these answers talk about watching you or your actions, only the device and the network.

Even at big companies, devs get flexibility because they need to run a bunch of random stuff that can look sketchy to security software.

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I took one for the team. Flicking and sucking until they were raw.


That's not a meaningful comparison because it splits Ubuntu by version but all of Arch is a single category. We'd need to roll up the Ubuntu users for it to be apples to apples.

Usually the first thing I put on a new phone is a case.

I hate Lenovo and I have a Lenovo laptop. The company is shit but the laptops are great. I justify it by buying used.

It had a bunch of features that weren't in ext3, which was generally standard at the time, depending on how conservative your distro was.

Yes, it's fine.

If you have vote brigading, ban them, take it up with the instance admin, and defederate, in that order.

I just want lab meat to take off

I'm expecting temperatures to drop afterwards and everything to turn to ice.