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Joined 12 months ago

Or when it actually deleted the local files once it uploaded them to one drive. Fun times.

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I was an interpreter for this event, and I was the one covering this part of the panel. As an ex-Blizz fan, this moment is seared in my memory for many reasons. The shame of having to interpret this not the least.

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Potper... I can't stop giggling

Before I knew anything about Palestine and Israel, aside from the fact that they've been fighting for ages, I saw a short interview of a 10 years old girl in Gaza. She was incredibly well spoken and her eyes were showing a much older age that she actually was, as she explained how hopeless it was too grow up there, that she and her friends did not have any future nor hope, that everything was futile in their lives, and even surviving didn't make much sense. 10 years old. It was before the carnage going on now, maybe in 2018. I often think about this girl and wonder if she's even alive today.

I don't know why I'm sharing this. She just made a big impact on me.

How else are we supposed to learn/know if not being explained? Omniscience?

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Would be a shame if anything happened to this pardoned murderer and his enabler

Let's be real, a 19 years old having a 2 years old to begging with is in itself a problem.

Katsu - My old Pokemon

Yeah, Bruce, what the hell?!

Get some pepper, get at it, and get some pix. For us.

I was corrected to meemee, and I too felt ashamed. Well, who's laughing now?

Just the ones you're interested in romantically.

Thank you for your AMA. I just moved to a new country with my elderly mother and there is so much to do in the house, things from building an entire kitchen, cleaning the gutters, to figure out where the freaking switch of a light is. I'm pretty handy but never to the level of a professional. People like you are so precious and difficult to find. Thank you for doing what you do. Sorry, I'm a bit overwhelmed, oversensitive, and tired AF ATM. Buy really, thank you. I wish I had someone like you in my life

She did have to pass the bar at some point I'd imagine. She can't be completely dumb. A reverse Elle Woods maybe

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This whole explanation got very confusing until I figure out we weren't talking about beers.... wich took a long time

Or they don't know how to drive automatic and brake with their left foot. Either way, it doesn't check out

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Pedancy... giggle

No but seriously though, what's going on?

How does lead make them more attractive? The weight?

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The protective plastic seems to still be on this one. I used my z flip for 1 year before realizing that the crease was actually the plastic and not the screen itself.

Have you tried bouldering? Their gyms are usually cheaper and you need fewer gears; just shoes and a crashpad if you want to do it outside

The rights for usage should be much much higher. Just like recording Siri's voice and an e-learning project might have taken the same time but the usage and how many people are going to hear the voice is widely different.

Furthermore, "it only took him a minute" is akin to say to a graphic designer why pay him so much for a website that took him less than a day to do: it takes years, practice, and skill to be able to do in only a minute.

If anything, considering that a lot of people seems to recognize his voice, he should have been able to retire on this simple few words.

Just like one good jingle or one hit wonder can make their author very rich.

Much more depending on the usage. The length of the audio counts in the rate but less than its use, how long and where it would be used.

For instance, a perpetuity buyout (one of the thing he should have negotiated), are very expensive. Audiobooks for instance are longer but cheaper. My rate is 350/per finished hour for audiobooks, which is pretty average in the field. While a 30 seconds national radio commercial for my country, I would ask between 350 and 500, and that's with a limited time they would be allowed to use/broadcast it.

Here is a rate sheet for standard usage, if you are interested:

I'm so excited, I don't get to talk about this aspect of my job often :)) Thank you for your interest so far!


She's got appetite, that's awesome!

Definitely not ridiculous to think so, considering how many people recognize his voice. Just like one great book will be bought by many people and make its author rich, a great line recognized by many people should be remunated as such.

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Funny. Mine was moving out of Switzerland 😅

Or maybe you could try to be a woman?

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I mean ... like that?

I jumped back on ecosia. It's nice there, but I'm sure there are issues that a non tech person like me may not know about

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Mother! was disturbing and great. One of the few Aronofsky that I stomached and enjoyed watching more than once

Tell me about it! I'm an audiobook narrator and I jumped on the AI bandwagon because my job as is, is bound to disappear. Now I can offer audiobooks narrated with my cloned voice for my clients with low budgets.

Audible doesn't accept ai narrated books as of yet, but it's just a matter of time.

Interestingly though, none of my clients went the AI road yet and still prefer to pay me rather than 3 times less for my AI voice. I bet that won't last though.

I'm also looking into completely changing field. How about healthcare, I'm sure they'll never stop needing and/or abusing those in this field.....

That ever too soon

Get some dispensaries for weed while you're at it pretty please

People need good jobs. I doubt there are tons of people whose dream job is to be a cashier.

Ecosia is working for me though

Where could she find porn VA work?

Tell me about it. I'm VO. Times have been rough

No, she's terrible. But I don't want to sweat bullets again in November wondering if trump might win, and I want the end of the 2 parties. I don't see the republican pay dissolving into oblivion. What's your solution? The status quo?

Edit: and I'd take her over trump.

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Android. It seems to be available on Google play ( now but I remember having to find the APK elsewhere when I first got it.