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Joined 5 months ago

crustaceans and insects are two different things, not real complicated. The crustaceans have actual meat, not a fluid filled exoskeleton.

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ohhh....i don't think you got the implication...or maybe you did.

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wait who the fuck is Lara Trump? I don't recall this one from before.

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That's all Trudeau has been good for, for years, attempting to appear to do something about a problem but never, never, ever, actually fixing anything, but also inconveniencing/ removing rights or making criminals out of ancillary people to the actual issue.

Ignore him, you're the only one talking knowledgeably

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So a person in a position of authority thinks he can flout the law because in the future, a court may rule his way? Well, then, anyone else can do what they want too. This moron is supposed to be a teacher?

You think this was legal under current law?

You ever watch any of those cop shows? They're not wonderful cops, they literally are walking examples of "ends justify the means" philosophies but with charismatic actors. The constitutional violations are myriad and disturbing, I'd almost call those shows fascist propaganda and maybe y'all should look up Dick Wolf and his standing in the republican party and why conservative politicians sometimes work between terms on his shows portraying elected political types.

This isn't a "gotcha". I'm a big fan of classic cars but that doesn't mean I'll stand there when one is driving fast straight at me.

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Perhaps he simply wasn't armed. I'm against gun control but am also not armed 24/7 either. Unlike most on the website, I've been in the situation of having to approach a shooter. Some of us still believe what we did before that after.

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Mandela effect too

It doesn't even do that

You ever had shrimp n bacon bbq beans with ancho and chipotle bbq sauce? Probably not because it's kinda my proprietary recipe but it's dead simple and amazing. couple cups of beans, cup of a good bbq sauce heavily seasoned with ancho, chipotle, smoked paprika, white pepper, into a fry pot with a 4 strips of bacon previously fried in and chopped coarse, simmer until thick and then add your peeled shrimp right at the end to cook,

Yeah, common sense really triggers the fantasy land Marxists.

Nah, they keep saying "convicted" in the news when he loses civil trials

So insults are ok depending. Cool. No blatant bullshit hypocrisy there.

The LEDs are getting so bright they hurt my eyes in the daylight. The newer F350s are noticeably the worst.

See his insults are still here. Funny that. And "Fraser Crane" is less an insult than just accurate

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It doesn't sound like he was in the USA for any of this so wtf

Occasionally see something similar in real life, run a bar n grill. Just the other night had to tell that crew that I do have a menu, after the 6th order from the same table for dry ribs. Had the first guy ordered wings or a burger, same thing would have happened.

Lisa needs braces

Dunning Kruger is the cry of the retards can't conceive a decent argument and are too chicken to just say "'retard"

I own a bar in south western Saskatchewan. The other night I pulled the jar out of jalapeno garlic fried crickets i got offn Amazon, roughly 3/4s of the patrons gave them a try.

Bahaha. They're not bringing fentanyl, they're bring cocaine. Silly republicans.

Most noticeable when you mention neutral and verified facts in partisan threads

A landscape full of Arcos and waves of boom and bust?

That only works for people of northern European stock, literally evolved to survive a winter on milk and stored potatoes. The rest of us are lactose intolerant for the most part, and besides that, cows milk will literally kill an infant, you need goats milk in that situation.

Way to miss the fucking point

Red Winged Blackbird

Hey wait that looks like Ukraine

Like we didn't know that

No, you clearly don't. Enjoy the next 5 years.

That being true doesn't make them mostly not fucking idiots


I don't think you understood what I wrote. Read it again with the partisan chip off.

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Do you understand anything people say to you or do you just twist the meaning and play dumb to score points in your own head?

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He's describing substituting them in for similar things. You wouldn't be able to tell the difference in shrimp shumai because those listed aren't insects, they're terrestrial crustaceans. (I better not find comments in favour of forced vaccination on your history) EDIT: know like the age of consent in every state dude. And all the "close in age" statute gaps by how many years.

Yet I can kill people with both, someone's being disingenuous (it's you)

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"Dark Brandon" isn't no right wing thing, there was a team of PR guys creating pro Biden memes leading up to the last election, to compete with the more natural pro trump memes being made. They were obviously not made by your usual trolls because they weren't fucking funny.

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NATO is exactly the same beast, to those not in it. All those pre WW1 alliances were M.A.D. prototypes, same as NATO.