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Reddit Refugee

CEO Steve Huffman told me in an interview last week, “90-plus percent of Reddit users are on our platform, contributing, and are monetized either through ads or Reddit Premium. Why would we subsidize this small group? Why would we effectively pay them to use Reddit but not everybody else who also contributes to Reddit?”

It's called a "loss leader," Steve.

Dude's sounding like the kind of guy that cuts IT, security, and janitorial because they don't bring in revenue. But then, he did say he's following the Musk model. Which is, basically, that.

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Trump doesn't joke. He doesn't know how to.

So what do they think the Q in LGBTQ+ stands for?

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Hm. Saw the name, but didn't make that connection. Thanks for pointing that out.

So this is what "free speech absolutism" looks like, eh?

I hear "TERF," and my attention goes to the bit on "Trans-exclusive". Never gave the "Radical feminism" bit much thought.

And before TERFs became a thing, it was just radical feminism. Having to modify it with "trans exclusive" suggests that inclusivity is actually the default position.

What the fucking hell is wrong with these people?

Talk about rent seeking behavior.

What. The. Fuck. Is wrong. With. These people?

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Off topic, but I just want to say that I love how the term "sea lioning" took off.

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Love that the lead picture is Evers himself.

The man was taken into custody for openly carrying a firearm in the Capitol, which is against the law, Warrick said. Weapons can be brought into the Capitol if they are concealed and the person has a valid permit. The man arrested did not have a concealed carry permit, Warrick said.

See, now, if he just concealed it and didn’t give the Capitol police reason to search him, he could have stayed out of trouble. Personally, I’d rather know who is carrying a gun than have to guess.

"Alright. Compromise: We only kill half of you."

Why would third party apps return? Reddit has lost their trust in a manner that I can't see them recovering.

Two days isn't significant enough to register as a real change. Especially since I assume most advertisers have ongoing contracts based on longer periods.

If you want to see an actual revenue impact, the blackout has to go long enough that advertisers have time to start scaling back or even withdrawing from the platform.

They mean their freedom to control everyone else.

Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel A. Alito Jr. and Brett M. Kavanaugh dissented.

Because of course they did.

“This petition asks us to consider whether Washington can censor counselors who help minors accept their biological sex,” Justice Thomas wrote. “

Amazing. Every word in that sentence was wrong.

Still unemployed. Still in the middle of a depressive episode because of this.

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Safety regulations are written in blood.

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What the hell? Why provide those details at all if you aren't going to make sure they're accurate?

The Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act and Endangered Species Act were some of the federal laws waived by DHS to make way for construction that will use funds from a congressional appropriation in 2019 for border wall construction.

Fucking hell.

So how does not getting food connect the people with social services?

When the "vocal minority" are the ones providing quality content and weeding out the crap (i.e. power users and mods), it will take its toll. That minority is critical for making the whole thing work.

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Isn't it usually the case that these people only notice the packaging months, or even a full year, after the fact?

Dangerous is not the same as tough. When toughness is necessary, then weakness is the dangerous trait.

Has there been a single move by Republicans that didn't draw praise from Russian media since Trump came on scene? The Republican party needs to register as a foreign agent.

Hah! That's great!

Right. I don't think spez realizes that most of the blacked out communities themselves actually support the black outs. A lot of them had votes on the matter. They had healthy discussion about it. These mods are not overruling their communities.

To me, the argument for accepting Meta into the Fediverse goes beyond gain and loss. If you run an Internet service, you have a moral obligation to make a good faith attempt to interoperate with anyone using the protocol as intended.

But that's the thing: We don't trust that Meta will be using the protocol "as intended".

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Stochastic murder.

Same here. Cancelled the day the blackout started as sort of a personal statement. Not that I expect that statement to be heard by anyone.

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Sounds up his alley.

They think that just because they never heard of puberty blockers before last year that they are some new and novel thing.

The fact that they're still doing everything else just draws attention to it being weak ass rainbow capitalism.

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The video also went on to show gays and lesbians who tried to be assimilationists and why it wouldn't work. i.e. Leopards eat their faces too.

Along those lines, there were also Jews for Hitler. Leopards ate their faces, too. These folks just don't learn from history, do they?

"I learned it from you, Spez! I learned it from you!"

PhRMA? So there is an actual Big Pharma?

Isn't that what Charles Manson thought about the supposed race war?

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Yep. Numbers alone aren't what are "significant".

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So he's saying that non citizens are not subject to the jurisdiction of the US? So they all get diplomatic immunity?

New York Times examination of mass shootings showed that a quarter of 433 different active shooting events examined (25.4 percent) ended with the assailant taking their own life. An FBI analysis from 2014 placed the figure at a higher rate, with 40 percent of mass shooters dying by suicide.

Does this also take into account "suicide by cop", botched suicide attempts, or getting cold feet over a planned suicide? That is, even if only a quarter end in the killer commiting suicide, there are still plenty others who go into the shooting without plans to survive.

Conservative politicians like Pence have long argued that the death penalty serves as an effective method of deterring crime. But Pence’s comments are not backed by scientific evidence — indeed, in states where the death penalty is used as a form of punishment for capital crimes, murder rates are actually higher than they are in states without the death penalty.

Seems to me you got a bit of a "hanged for a sheep as well as a lamb" situation. Once someone has already committed a capital offense, there's little deterrent to commit more, especially if one believes it can keep them from getting caught (e.g. eliminating witnesses).