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Joined 10 months ago

Sir, I have seen my entire living room melt before my eyes, and the size of objects was so distorted I thought I had shrunk below my furniture. I heard voices all night from the outside thinking someone had found me. I also wandered outside and fell in love with the grass and the midnight dew but thought I was in a different world. I've also completely lost my vision due to visions and globs/blobs of color and realized it can completely remove you from reality and provide a solid ego death. I was riding rainbows and did not recognize a single object around me.

I don't think you are giving them enough credit, although I am also skeptical depending on the dosage.

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Makes no sense at all! I just pulled 10 oz from a single plant in a 60x120cm cabinet. Guess you'll have to smoke & eat the entire plant immediately!

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It happened one of my first times around 14 years old, and it has happened a few times in my late 20's and early 30's. I've had homegrown, foraged, and store bought with similar intense experiences. I think people get hit wildly different if you are taking 12 grams, holy shit! I would never. I certainly have lost all track of what was real and where I was with lower doses than that. I believe you, but have experienced much more intense results myself with less than 12 grams. There was no understanding of reality in different scenarios.

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Well I changed my nvidia settings from on demand to a lower value and rebooted Mint a few weeks ago. Then there was no display at all and several hours/days of searching led me to reinstall Linux again and I did not have good backups. There was probably an answer there, but my frustration with Linux is real!!! I still refuse to use anything else and flop between manjaro and mint. I think having proper system backups and a live USB ready to go is helpful...I'm much more defensive running Linux because I keep getting shitty surprises, but I still feel better about it over using windows.

I just bought one of these! First press on, then wait a second for the pan to be detected, then select the burner to turn on, then + which sets it to 5/10, then press + 5 more times for full power! The one with knobs was like double price...but hey the pan heats up quick while you are cursing at it.

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foolproof? There aren't even any latches on this cover! Who wrote these requirements?!

It will light up an indicator for each pan detected, so if 2 pans are on the stove you still need to activate the one you want. Assuming you don't want both on.

Someone gave you a thoughtful response from their personal experience, and THAT is your reply?

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There are some around here where you can hit all 8 buttons or whatever is there, and NOTHING will mute! Then I just hide back in my car and hide from the hell that is advertising. Most of the time they will mute. What an awful idea to push on people.

I raise my own chickens and love them very much. I'd also eat one if they got out of line, and I ate the males as soon as they were big enough (only hens allowed here locally). Its both an amazing food resource and source of joy seeing them every morning and giving them treats as they wander my yard. They are very happy.

I also buy chicken from the store still because I usually raise for eggs only. Point is, I am around chickens every day by choice and don't see it the same way as you.