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Joined 12 months ago

I’m not disagreeing, but can anyone really be surprised? IP theft is Chinese policy 101.

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I think by shitty they mean ineffective, not poor manners.

Sorry that the developers don’t cater to making life easier for people that haven’t bought their game lmao what an entitled take

For basically anything sexual and even vaguely kinky, there are two types of women. Those who do not believe any woman could possibly enjoy it, and those who can’t get off without it. The important thing is to ask first.

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You realize that’s still true, right? You’re posting this as some big own as though it’s somehow not harmful to mindlessly consume any form of media to an extreme extent, especially in the learning years.

Somebody been watching too many tik toks?

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Mind explaining to me why a vending machine needs to know the demographics of its users?

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Opinion pieces, the true stamp of approval.

Before bumfuck nowheres everywhere started demanding control over women’s bodies, I’d have asked why not? If you can remote work to a good paying job while living like a king in famously poorer red states, that makes sense to me. Enough people do that, we might just make it so “rural” doesn’t have to mean “uneducated hateful fox news watching mouthbreathers”

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Ah yes, how greedy of a company, to checks notes stop you from telling their online distribution service that you own something you don’t.

Pirate all you want, live how you want. But valve is a company, they do sorta have to follow those pesky laws and regulations.

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One of my favorite facts about nature is the fact that practically nothing is vegan. Herbivores are basically constantly eating insects off of the plant matter they eat, and pretty much anything will eat eggs if they find them unguarded.

My point is that if you want to be “closer to what nature intended”, being a vegan with cheat days is probably the closest you’ll get.

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There were 250,000 “people” still playing overwatch 2?

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Oh wow, lookie here folks, we have a rebel who isn’t interested in one of the largest sporting events of the year. Ladies, please form an orderly queue.

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As a general rule, if you’re hearing about something from the news, it’s already too late to profit from it.

This might be the exception, but I’d temper any expectations accordingly.

How is it hypocrisy if the previous forms of media were also bad for you, Tik-Tok is just more efficient at funneling meaningless drivel down your throat?

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There’s merit to the idea that a branch of government shouldn’t be as affected by what the current administration happens to be. In practice, it’s been republicans throwing piss baby fits to delay any democratic candidates until a republican administration, but the initial intent wasn’t as flawed.

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some infrastructure, but by no means all. But I think my stance has always been closer to “if they wanted me to bring in additional players, they should’ve made the game more fun to play”

According to a quick, entirely un-fact-checked google, women in 1600s england had a 10% literacy rate. At least the bible would’ve been in english at this point?

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Latinx is not a term used by basically anyone of latin ethnicity. Stop trying to make it happen.

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I dunno, Iceland’s right there with their dating apps that specifically make sure you aren’t related.

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Ammonia from fermented urine was commonly used for washing thousands of years ago. I can’t imagine he smelled much worse than anyone else processing the stuff.

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What a super relevant and definitely good faith point to bring up!

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They’re in Australia, they’re obviously already connected to the electrical grid, and have the free space. I don’t really see how taking advantage of an obviously free win is in any way a “sick burn” of nuclear.

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If by “scummy” you mean “questionably legal” (obligatory IANAL), then yeah.

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Sorta, but that’s not the whole story. We have two legislative bodies, the House of Representatives and the Senate. In the senate, every state gets two senators. In the house, every state gets at least two representatives, plus some amount based on population - california has 52, for instance.

The original idea was to “make sure rural voices were heard”. In practice, it very much has been what you stated - if you’re educated but not rich enough to benefit from republican policies, you flee red states en masse, leaving mostly rich assholes and uneducated chucklefucks who are hurt most by the very people they elect. They then have a massively disproportionate effect on policy versus any joe schmoe in california.

I understand the sentiment, but it’s not really Biden’s job to do that. The justice system has utterly failed us, but having the president decide who is and isn’t an insurrectionist probably isn’t a great idea.

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Certain departments specifically have IQ tests, in order to ensure you aren’t smart enough to easily get a better job elsewhere.

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Realistically, while Trump might be more outwardly “anti-china”, he’s also anti-america, so it’s a net gain for them.

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“Wow denmark’s doing a good thing I hope others follow”

“Reee what about completely unrelated bad things Spain has done”

Why would anyone even bother arguing with that, engaging further with you wastes everyone’s time

Do you guys ever even hear yourselves? It’s almost impossible to mock you because it would be indistinguishable from the actual nonsense you come up with.

Stick to the echo chamber.

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I actually kinda like his note to not read the patch notes, just experience it on a new save. I can’t say I’ve ever done that, but it sounds kinda nice as someone who usually struggles to not speedrun these kinds of games.

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Ah, the age old “welp, the only people that stuck with us through all the bullshit clearly have zero standards or expectations, no point in improving anything”

Isn’t south africa doing the right thing this time around? Something about “we know an apartheid state when we see one”.

Are you so terminally online that a chart from a survey ( is indistinguishable from a meme?

Now, it’s not a particularly well thought out or constructive survey, but that’s a different argument.

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Gendered sports dying means sports for biological women dying and sports for biological men being basically unaffected.

Something tells me competitive sports aren’t just going to die out because some of us struggle to accept testosterone is a steroid and gives an unfair advantage versus women.

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I dunno if a thrown spear counts as “short range” in a primitive world

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Without reading the article, there’s also a very relevant XKCD for this type of thing. They may well have controlled for it but it can be tough.

I think they meant that you’re so terminally online I can read a comment and recognize your garbage takes no matter where I go

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It surprises you that bodies are more easily verified than “hey look bro they had this freshly printed sheet of paper bro it tells you how terrible they were planning to be bro you gotta trust me bro”

Like, what motive would anyone else have for faking this? Anyone capable of thinking for a millisecond that hey, maybe Israel is capable of doing negative things is already disgusted with them for “not wasting a good crisis”.

? Economic game theory is “how do you maximize your profits while understanding everybody else is also trying to maximize their profits and their strategies have an effect on how well yours works”. Game theory is used in everything from economics to traffic to understand individual strategies in different environments. It’s a weirdly specific cog in the orphan crushing machine to take issue with

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Yes famously every single german citizen unanimously supported the nazi party from 1933 to 1945.

Have you ever learned about how the Nazis came into power? The cycle that Hitler became Chancellor, they won only 37% of the vote. Before that, it was a meager 18%. One election of 37% was enough for emergency powers to be seized, the reichstag to be burned, and quite simply the ball to be put in motion. I’m sure you would’ve been first in line to protest their actions beyond that point, but it certainly would’ve been quite the challenge to change the course after that point.

If you’re cool damning an entire population off the decision of 37%(of the population that voted), then I guess your reasoning stands.

Are there really that many people up in arms about this? Fuck epic and fuck fortnite, but were there really that many steam deck users that even wanted to play it in the first place? I see no issues with epic continuing to make dumb and short sighted business decisions, so long as somebody salvages unreal if they ever crash and burn.

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