1 Post – 89 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Guys, you missed the block chain boat, this isn't going to save your IPO

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That might be true up in the republican side of Congress, but for the 3 million people working for the federal government that help make the country function? Absolutely bullshit. This guy is bad and he should feel bad.

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I hate that the article opens with

Just a decade ago, the concept of self-driving cars might have seemed like something out of a science fiction movie

Ten years ago there was already a ton of competition in self driving car research. They were first legalized on the roads 10 years ago. Tesla autopilot (including it even though it was a scam) was sold 9 years ago. Google spun off its self driving car division as waymo in 2016.

This feels like one of those "bruh Zelda ocarina of time came out 29 years ago, we old" memes

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People downvote but it's true. Most cancer can already be cured if we detect it early, and we have many early detection methods that go un-used because it costs insurance companies more. The scientific/medical arguments against routine screening are weak and pathetic.

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Slippery slope to what? We have those restrictions for news already. Only reason you still see Fox and such lie on the air and get away with it is they're classified as entertainment instead of news. Freedom of speech and press are still in tact.

Edit: I wasn't referring to the Tucker Carlson case, but I did learn that's not true anyway. Nobody accredits news channels in the first place, and as it turns out, the FCC doesn't even have any authority over cable.

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Sort of. There are colleges within university in the US too, we just don't usually talk about it

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Things have actually gotten worse for me. With how crappy Reddit has been over the last few years in terms of how engaging my feed is, I've been spending less time on it naturally. Now on Lemmy I find myself addicted again, spending 3 hours in a row some days, after having already used it throughout the day. I'm thinking about giving up Lemmy and Reddit all together, wondering if my comments are even valuable to society and what not. I think maybe I'd be happier without either. Not saying you would be, or that others shouldn't be on Lemmy, just that I personally struggle with it and it interferes with my life sometimes.

No way to verify accounts, weird paywalling, pay for views, losing tons of money, mostly just that

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Lol the mix of windows XP and Vista icons

Current FTC chair has a pretty good track record so probably not the last bit

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The worst part is that only scratches the surface of the damage he is responsible for. Fuck him sideways with electroboom's magic wand

Can you explain exactly how Biden is a fascist? Regardless of what you think of him I don't see how that applies. The "both sides are the same" argument is getting very tiring, they're both evil, but they're absolutely not the same.

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I've been pissed about this for a decade

People don't generally do that. If you're referring to Hamilton, it was not a documentary or a biography. And historically white people did that all the time in plays/movies for entertainment, so why get all angry about it now that it's not white people?

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Is this place called technology news, or technology? Asking for a friend

We can and do talk about it, but it's not valid to use it as a talking point against electrification. There is tons of research being done to reduce dependency on lithium and the likes. Chances are, the people who own the mines are banding together to lobby against it too. To the LexiconDexicon, be constructive, don't just talk shit that helps no one.

Technically anywhere between nothing and 10 years per count depending on how the trial goes

Correction, they put their faith in what people tell them those books say. They don't actually read or comprehend the books.

Jfc defeate from both, disgusting

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There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, buzz off

Right wing is the one that actively and openly hurts people, so yeah I do see a difference tbh

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That makes sense until you realize he already made a company called that failed, and it's the source of his fortune

Kill enemy, save, make certain jump, save. Takes a lot of risk out of the game. I like when games let you save anywhere but if you restart the game or load your save you start in the beginning of a room regardless of where you saved from. (Like ocarina of time)

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If they take over it doesn't matter what laws we have. Currently the republican frontrunner plans to expand the power of the president, and previously he packed the court with garbage. That's how they win, not by the government or companies working to fight misinformation.

Well I do intend to ask them to defederate too

Planned obsolescence is a thing here. The LEDs don't fail, it's the power circuitry. Unfortunately the fixture theory doesn't pan out, as fixtures meant for incandescent bulbs need to be able to dissipate much more heat (about 6 times as much). I've been using LED bulbs for 7 years in all sorts of different fixtures and have never had even one burn out on me. Why? I don't really know. Maybe I turn the lights on less often than other people?

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Retirement accounts for myself and people close to me so we can live off the interest. Then probably a bigger house and a bunch of old cars

I wish him plenty of harm, he doesn't deserve to live life in peace. He deserves to live it the way he wants women and minorities to live. It's okay to wish harm on people, it's not like you're trying to cause that harm yourself

I guess I see that more as an embodiment of the US government for decades, so I don't attribute that to Biden himself being a fascist. I don't think mass incarceration is inherently fascist, although I could be wrong on that. Everything else on that list has been US policy for my entire life. That would be the center of the Venn diagram where both side's evil overlaps, but I don't think it's enough to call Biden himself a fascist in the same way you can actually call Trump a fascist because he himself embodies all of the values. I don't think participating in a fascist system automatically makes you a fascist. Evil to ignore it? Yes, but that's not the same thing.

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I appreciate that woman's conviction lmao

Make an Elon musk community

His initial wealth of 42 million dollars came from working on travel software. He used that wealth to become rich by founding, a payments company that failed. How does a failing company lead to massive wealth you might ask? Well, that failing company merged with, and Musk was CEO of the merged company for about 6 months before he got fired. PayPal went on to be huge, so after he was fired he made his fortune on his shares. Next he invested money in Tesla, bought the title of "co founder" even though he wasn't, waited 7 years passively then noticed the company wasn't going anywhere, replaced an exec or two and then took credit for turning the company around. So yeah, maybe that's his end game? Make Twitter (now as bad as the old so someone merges and gives him stocks and fires him again?

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And it did

So sad it didn't take off, I would love to have an alternative to Android or iOS right now

Honestly I'd say 5 or 6 months ago, if even

Someone reading this comment is about to find their new fetish

I loved that movie! It got below 60%?!? Wtf

Take a big shit

"we're losing rights" or some people you don't like are gaining safety? No rights are lost by combatting disinformation. It's not like someone is just going to go out with a banhammer and say "I disagree so that's disinformation, you're banned"