1 Post – 92 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Except most people don't use adblock. I don't even know how they live

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Worth noting companies usually know it's dangerous way before the public does.

The chemicals used in Teflon manufacturing

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If I'm being honest, it's no where near as bad as Twitter. But still a dumpster fire

You're probably the only one

Not really, it's just not Reddit

"Fascism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition"

That seems pretty on point to Trump, most things he says follow those lines. He likes Putin, he wanted to have all the power/authority not just over the exec branch, clearly is racist, says racist things, and does racist things. Loves wealth inequality and supporting policies that increase the wage/income gap and reduce law enforcement against the wealthy/increase it on the poor, chose supreme court justices that would force social norms onto people against their will. If he had his way, he'd absolutely love to be the head of an autocracy.

Maybe some of my points are stretching it, but that last one is pretty much all that's needed. The term Fascist isn't automatically Hitler, just like conservative isn't automatically Hitler.

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My only hesitation is, how does it scale? There might be a good answer, but I can't seem to find it. If a specific page gets excessive popularity like /r/memes, is the entire burden of hosting that left to one instance? And can that load be shared somehow, either by adding more physical servers or getting help from other instances?

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Artificial sweeteners. Everyone is so obsessed with whether or not they cause cancer that their other potential effects get much less attention. There's a major industry push to keep them on the shelves, and we still have only recently discovered the gut microbiome.

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Moscow Mitch took those away by blocking Obama's supreme court nominations and then shoving garbage in after

I disagree. Firmware originally referred to things in ROM or EEPROM. Basically software that is firmly in place and doesn't change, providing an abstraction layer between the hardware and software.

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Cars run on explosions

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Great now can they remove Pinterest too please??

Well they're always yelling about how liberals are socialist or communist, and Russia was previously socialist and communist. Also they say they don't like government to control things, and the Russian government controls everything. They hate on NPR and call it state sponsored, while all Russian media is state sponsored. So yeah, you would think they wouldn't like Russia, but only if you thought they actually believe the shit they say.

Recently got a fountain pen and have been practicing my handwriting with it. Oddly meditative and relaxing

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I mean that sounds like a pretty good response to me

I don't think we know it's ruining our eyes, and screen usage probably doesn't affect circadian rhythms unless it's near bed time. But we do know sitting around all day increases your mortality quite a bit.

Also, blue light filter glasses are a total scam.

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You don't think your guy who literally tried to fire anyone investigating him and has plans to increase the power of the president if he gets re elected wants to be a dictator? Propaganda is indeed working, the shit is straight from his mouth you dumbass

It's not growing as of last month but we will see

People don't understand the power of aggregated mundane data

Arch has been my go to for almost 10 years now, and it was one of my favorites for 5 years prior. These days I rarely have any issues from updating. I have to use Ubuntu for work and I dread every distribution upgrade. I got lucky and the last one worked on my work laptop, but usually something stupid breaks.

I run arch on my laptop, my previous laptop, and my server. The install on my server is 7 years old now, and started life with an entirely different CPU brand. I won't say I've never had to do any manual intervention, but the answer has been a Google search away pretty much every time.

I use Arch BTW

Idk, I pay for my utilities based on usage, and there are fees too. The fees maybe could be argued are subscriptions, but they're not the majority of the bill

There were a bunch of fake accounts created, and there has been effort to remove them

So they did one thing wrong and it means they're terrible for privacy? Welp, guess I can't have a phone because the alternative (Google) has a business model that depends on being terrible for privacy, and my work apps disallow custom ROMs.

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I'm sitting on a Chinese phone hoping the pixel 8 switches to a unltrasonic sensor. It's really too bad my work doesn't let me use custom ROMs. Makes me want to get a work phone

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Yeah but then the working class might threaten the rich by being able to live a basic life!

There's a cap on loss deductions, billionaires don't care about deducting losses. Also he didn't buy it with Tesla stock, he put up Tesla stock as collateral.


I mean, I think Hitler committed worse crimes, just saying. And DuPont. And a lot of other companies/people.

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I think we need blocklists that servers can opt into. My fear is that users use Meta's version because it's simpler (or appears simpler) and the federation centralizes.

I actually don't remember that, who was it?

It's a fast controlled burn with forces that could cause much destruction but is instead directed into rotational movement. The difference between an engine knocking and not knocking is pretty small, so I'd argue either both cases are explosions or neither are. Explosion isn't a very scientific word anyway

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Depends where their electricity comes from :trollface:

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There is massive work being done to improve large scale energy storage (big batteries) so the renewables become less and less situational. Large scale energy storage is significantly less constrained than car batteries, because weight is a one time cost. Even gravity based batteries could become viable.

Also, in response to the previous commenter, electricity generation is by far and large the main source of emissions accounting for more than half, with more than a quarter being agriculture. Transportation is 14%, and given the future transition to electric vehicles, one might argue that half of that can be tack'd on to electricity generation's share. (Half because electric cars are more than twice as efficient at energy conversion than petrol cars. Toss in some power line losses and that's a reasonable estimate)

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PTFE is the product, Teflon, not the chemicals they use to make it. PFOA was replaced with another chemical that is basically almost as bad, potentially exactly as bad

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What does re use mean o.o

Some of them grew up without keyboards

I'm 28, Linux user, tech worker, pretty much called me out

...Wouldn't most people in the streets be getting their news from tv and social media?

What tablet did you get?

Because I get a lot of flexibility from being able to take meetings from my phone. I can go for a walk during a meeting for example

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