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Joined 1 years ago

Yeah but like, launcher isn't a market. Game Store is the market they're in. I'll happily buy a game from a different store if thats the only place it's offered or even if it's just cheaper there. The annoyance is when they want to be Steam. I don't want to be forced to download another launcher to play a game. If you want what Steam has, create a launcher that offers better services than Steam.

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IMO, only if we make the comments link take you to the top of the post page and not already scrolled half way through the top comment.

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Joe Rogan hosted RFKjr on his show, vaccine researcher Peter Hotez replied to the post on Twitter with the old article titled "Spotify is no longer even trying to staunch the flow on Joe Rogans vaccine misinformation" while commenting that all Joe does is "spread nonsense".

This prompted Joe to offer Hotez a large sum of money donated to his charity of choice, as a reward for publicly debating RFKjr on Joe's show, with no time limit. Hotez said he would go on the show, but that a debate with RFKjr would not be productive.

A twitter argument followed involving Elon Musk, Mark Cuban, and RFKjr on the topic of whether Hotez has an obligation or not to accept the debate with RFKjr.

Why it's a story: Things came to a head with Hotez being harassed outside of his home by Rogan fans. The individuals demanding that Hotez debate RFKjr recorded Hotez entering his home as they attempted to persuade him. Here's a time stamped link to a news story that shows the video the harassment accused posted

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Yeah "Costs more than you think" no I think it costs about what I expected for a lossless player. DACs are a feature these days.

Not something I should have known, but if you want to continue using phone features on Windows Windows+H opens up the speech2text feature.

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IIRC Isn't the Armv7 support limitation just for Revanced Manager? Just build the version you need on your computer using revanced-cli.

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Is there some specific feature that SteamOS brings to the table that people are looking for? So far as I know, a stripped down installation Debian or Ubuntu (Valve likes to base their packages off of Ubuntu) with an Xserver script that directly launches steam in big picture mode ought to create roundabout the same experience I would think.

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If you downloaded Slide off of the google playstore, the premium version was paid as a way to help support the dev. If you downloaded it off of F-Droid, or directly from Github, the premium features were free.

Technically speaking, Steam handles that part automatically. You wouldn't need to futz around with it in any distro so long as steam is up and running. That said my original idea that you could just launch steam from an Xserver login script is, well I've since learned that Steam Decks are running a less than simple setup behind the scenes. BUT from an end user experience, booting any old distro straight into steam big picture should be at least a passable Steam OS experience, barring any performance issues that would result from the difference in back end implementation.

Launchers are a solution to DRM, not the solution. The way today's modern market is, it's understandable that some gamers have forgotten that there used to be games you bought directly from the publisher's website. DRM was done by asking you to sign into your account before launching the game, a lot of games still make you do this today. There's also the tried and true method of phoning home with a product key for DRM as well. There's no shortage of ways to be independent, very few companies are interested in doing so because Steam is convenient.

It is, or at least should be. The original source is here.

I had no idea they switched distros. Or ran Wayland for that matter! Truly it's the future. But that's a good point, being able to say on the "box" that is specifically runs SteamOS certainly brings about a level of consumer and investor assurance.

As far as the nvidia drivers go. Only advice I can offer is that I've never had any sort of auto install, package based install, or any sidestepping of the default installation of the driver work for me. It's always borked. The only reliable method I've found is the old school drop into the line terminal, shutdown all GUI, and running the nvidia provided install script (which sucks, I know).

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Honestly I've heard of psychs refusing to diagnose unless the patient goes clean because the symptoms can be similar but I honestly don't know how accurate that is. The exact effects of cannabis can be a sensitive topic for some people so I'd rather just not judge them for living their life.

Where is all of this coming from??? Guys, Slide is FOSS, it's under the GNUv3 license lmao

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Would be real interesting to see it run at GDQ, you know, to really make the whole speedrunning thing come full circle.

How much you wanna bet that running the file through ffmpeg in a Linux subsystem scrambles whatever signature it's checking

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Xonotic is still being worked on? How is it? I hear arena shooters are make a bit of a come back, it might be worth keeping an eye on.

This is by far my fave feature so far. There is no question, if it's available on PC I get it on PC

To put it gently there's a bend because there's a... bend. Like, you can't put a straight rod through a curved tunnel.

Doesn't he post pictures of places he travels to on Instagram these days?

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It is in fact, a US vs Europe thing. Stateside "SMS" is ubiquitous. I put quotes because it's not really SMS anymore. It's either RCS between Android users or iMessage between iPhone users. The only time SMS actually gets used is between Androids and iPhones, because as other commenters in this thread mention. Apple refuses to implement RCS on their devices in a way that is compatible with non-Apple devices.

It's totally fine! Public exposure essentially blasts any project with just about every combination of variables. Something is bound to slip by. I was just commenting to make sure you guys knew it was happening.

EDIT: Just got the update, everything works beautifully now. Great work!

Yeah I've been trying to figure what's up with that. There used to be really nice guides written on the github but it looks like they're gone now for some reason.

Slide was THE FOSS Reddit app WDYM

Love the concept, though it looks like Firefox ViolentMonkey comment collapsing doesn't work quite right. The comments end up stacked on top of each other like cards.

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