1 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The reality is that terrorists like this guy are armed and carrying all the time, but the second amendment is for all Americans including liberals, lefties, moderates and everyone in between.

Im not advocating for violence, in fact having a concealed carry permit nearly always means the exact opposite. Someone being aggressive? You walk away and let them win. Someone tailgating you? Let them pass.

Carrying is about situations like this, between a shop owner with a rainbow flag and someone out looking for an excuse to murder someone over rage bait.

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Ignorance appears to be like rabies in at least one way, once it rots enough of your brain you become fearful of anything and everything around you.

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There's gonna be a lot of flash flooding from this. Stay safe out there folks

Comcast is sad that it can't fuck us in hidden fees anymore. I feel terrible...just terrible for them.

The only platform I support Lindell appearing on is Kimmel's. Kimmel spent the whole time dunking on him while he sat there and laughed like they were buds

You're not wrong and I mainly don't disagree with you.

But look at it from another perspective.

Those millions of guns in households are largely in the hands of conservatives since gun ownership skews heavily towards white people, males, and those living in rural areas which we already know also skews conservative, within which is a subset that fantasize about having a reason to murder their neighbors over dumb shit like colorful flags or opinions.

Liberals are much more diverse of a population than conservatives which means that when it comes to liberals, women or poc the odds of them having a fighting chance are not great in a life or death situation they didnt create, vs who is most likely to be the aggressors, conservative white men.

My take on it is that the cat is already out of the bag. In a perfect world I would prefer not having easy to operate life-ending tools spread freely throughout the country, but that's not the reality we live in. The best shot we have is to even the playing field so to speak even with the downsides it presents. The current status quo is letting terrorists gun us down with impunity and that doesn't sit well with me.

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Firefox is the only thing I leave the analytics reports on, at least for things that give you that choice.

I’ve been on the Firefox ride for a decade and a half and it’s been good to me(with the right addons anyway) so i help them out by letting them have that data.

A canadian startup is already selling canned air.

Folks in places like china are buying it up presumably due to the air pollution they have. This article says they already cleared 300k in sales and are expanding their product lines to offer 'flavoured air'.

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Drink a verification can to continue

I recently saw the Rambo movies for the first time, and yeah I laughed about how they portrayed the russians.

Really goes to show that perception management is an effective strategy as long as thats all you do.

There's more than you realize.

You likely don't hear much about it because liberal gun owners don't fetishize guns or base their personality around them like the chuds on the other side of the fence do. Guns are tools, not an identity.

In this particular case its intended literally as portrayed in the Spaceballs movie which is what makes this whole thing appalling.

But yeah, theres other use cases for bottled air.

Maybe companies that manufacture and sell oxygen tanks can get in on the game by driving out of town 20 miles and bottling that air out there and marketing it as 'Great Outdoors' bottled air

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Man you have no idea how annoying it is to dredge up enough effort to post comments and shit. Take it from me, a former 100% lurker on reddit

Deere has the most massive dealer network in the U.S./Canada. So when looking for a part farmers have an easier time finding them.

I have no doubt that this is caused at least partly by the decline of keeping spare parts on the shelf in a warehouse, something most companies did before everyone shifted to 'just in time' inventory management because it saved money up front.

But as it turns out 'just in time' doesnt work so great when a farmer needs a part right this moment since it relies on ordering then shipping only whats needed.

It probably made Deere's dealer network look pretty good by comparison since they (presumably) stock parts that another farm store down the road doesnt carry.>

I can vouch for this.

I own REI's sun hoodie that I use for the singular purpose of doing yard work and it's one of the best 50 bucks I've spent because it makes being in the sun all day tolerable. I am fortunate to have a yard big enough to garden and my first summer here I thought just throwing on some regular clothes(long sleeves, jeans) would do but I was miserable because cotton absorbs sweat and doesn't breathe worth shit in the heat. Then I got the hoodie and it was night and day of a difference.

It's like when you go get a haircut and getting a bunch chopped off, that feeling of airy coolness right afterwards is probably the best way I can describe it. Made being outside in summer more comfortable and less of a slog.

Man I'd rather they figure out the Reduce and Reuse before they doo the Recycle.

While it was super obvious that it was aimed at the upcoming abortion vote I'd think it would be universally unpopular to more or less remove the ability to get grassroots proposals on a ballot.

But its prob more like the cat is out of the bag on abortion rights. We've had a generation of the freedom to get abortion care and its gotta be hard to follow through banning that option for yourself no matter how much you run your mouth about opposing it.

The real answer is to have multiple accounts spread around on different servers just in case one server goes tits up or bans content you like to see. You should be treating accounts here as having a limited shelf life anyway for good internet hygiene purposes.

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There's also this company that caters to this sort of thing. I've been considering moving to this someday, maybe when my current phone dies. I'm the kind of person that needs a genuinely dumbed down phone to limit access since I'd just get the key out of the drawer and 'cheat' eventually.

If I gotta breathe in smoke from a fire I’d prefer it be that sourdough fire.

But yeah it’s pretty bad here lately. This situation must have something to do with the tropical storm remnants, think it’s blocking in all of the smoke from blowing east

I mean, you’re not wrong, but I reached that breaking point where you’re just annoyed enough to start looking how to fix the annoyance, and it’s a Saturday when the isp office is closed. I’ll probably just call them Monday morning and see if the suggestions from other replies will do the trick

The intent was to only faraday cage the isp router, not my own

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My main news sources are primarily NY Times, npr and a local city paper.

It's not a particularly varied list but I reached a point during the pandemic where I just couldn't handle the firehose of low effort journalism doom and gloom anymore. Opted to choose a couple of quality, relatively neutral sources and cut out the reddit feed. Npr is left leaning in their content and nytimes feels slightly left leaning on their journalism pieces, but based on the political op-ed writeups on the front page that I rarely read it looks right leaning

Initially I paid for a nytimes subscription until I found that I could get a library card from a sort of nearby large city in my state through a statewide reciprocal library card program, at which point I found that better funded library offers a free subscription to the nytimes to any cardholder, so that's how I get access now. I find their higher quality of journalism to be like a breath of fresh air after getting hot boxed every day from the low effort shit that reddit fed us

The trouble with this is that like pointed out in her comment about individual rights vs societal safety, from the perspective of the individual being shot, it is with impunity.

That woman had a right to life and safety and some stupid asshole came along and ended that no matter what justice the shooter rightfully faces after the fact.

I always assumed the reason was to get more tendrils into your phone for that sweet sweet data $$$ and allowing themselves more control over shoving notifications in your face.

Do I sound bitter?

God I never gave that a second thought but they're right, its just sucking in and blowing farts onto my clean hands

I don't know the full history of my isp but this sounds about right, looks like I could pay a little more for a good bump in speed.

I'll probably just go ahead with that but set up my own router anyway because there's other benefits besides prioritizing traffic

Meant as a tongue in cheek joke, but sure

We're arriving into the future and seeing how its turning out, but it sure seems more bitter than sweet.

Now that a day and the annoyance have passed and many replies have pointed out, there's clearly better ways to solve this.

One being I should probably pay a bit more for the not hugely throttled connection speed, or ask the ISP to set their router to bridge mode. But probably both.

This is what I intended to do, but the ISP's modem/router wont let you change any settings and has no antennae that i can remove. But then again, I got the 'that does it, im solving this' itch to solve the problem on a Saturday when their customer service line is closed. The real solution is going to be waiting til monday and asking nicely to change a setting or two.

Shockingly, no. I was floored that I can't even change this on my own.

With this ISP you have to tell them over the phone, letter by letter, what you want your new password to be. Hell, when setting up service you have you write out your info including password on paper then drop it off at their office. This is what I get for going with the local fiber internet ISP. The alternatives around here are basically cell data powered internet or starlink.

Welcome to rural america.

Huh, so its not so harebrained of an idea under the right circumstances after all. Good to know

Have tried that one. They are now collecting dust on a shelf somewhere. She got used to just letting it blare when she lived alone and doesn't seem willing to change that now that she's not. I tolerate it because she's family and like her otherwise.

Fun fact for anybody with a septic system like me, this is septic safe unlike any of the offbrand versions I looked up. Which is great because this stuff just seems to work better than the rest. Win win!

I have no faith that what has worked in europe would work here given the political and cultural landscape before us. If it was feasible for america I'm not sure we would be in this situation now.

I wish it was, you and me both, but until that changes I'm simply accepting the lay of the land for what it is and reacting accordingly. We can work towards a better solution in the meantime; these actions and thoughts are not mutually exclusive.

However, your argument was very well written, and I appreciate both its intention and its focus on the human.

Thanks for the kind words. It is rather annoying being the change I want to see in the world though.

In the situation you outline, yeah you'd have no real chance at protecting yourself. And those situations do happen in cases like the Las Vegas hotel shooting or any of the various school shootings we're seeing all over these days.

In many other cases even the most craven assholes need to work themselves up to shoot another human being.

That means arguments, harassment and threats.

These are helpful advance warning signs that tell you that you're entering dangerous waters and de-escalation tactics take priority. Many of our lady friends can already tell from a mile away if someone is dangerous even before they start flapping their mouthholes as a matter of everyday survival.

If all of that fails and I hope to god that it doesn't, that's when having a concealed weapon gives you a fighting chance at defending your right to live. Especially for women, guns are the great equalizer.

More guns just leads to more crazy assholes with guns

You're right, this is true.

Unfortunately the cost of encountering a rather persistent strapped terrorist is extremely high even if the chance of it happening to you is low.

No argument there. Was just the first video on the list

Good should not be the enemy of perfect.

Your concerns are valid, but there are only so many economically viable ways to produce energy and nuclear is plainly better than burning more fossil fuels despite the downsides.

Yes, we need to transition to 100% renewables(that dont take more energy in producing the equipment than its lifetime output) but until that comes to pass any option that isn't actively killing us globally, eg, fossil fuels, should be on the table.