1 Post – 149 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Use an ad-filled browser controlled by a megacorp, with an engine built by another megacorp?

Hmmm, I dunno

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I love it. Especially that the mods of the default subs have the balls to do it

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I still think it's hilarious that Facebook renamed to Meta, and anything they did with the "metaverse" was a huge failure. It's like they didn't learn their lesson from Second Life.

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Because 99% of Node projects are web related, and if something's vulnerable on the web it won't take long to be abused

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A pretty bad one at that...

We have? JetBrains never has stopped offering them.

Who wouldn't want an experience tailored to their main language? I certainly favor PyCharm over Ultimate

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I mean, Microsoft and Apple have career pages stating exactly what is needed. Does Linux have something like this for volunteers? I think it's just very inaccessible to someone from the outside. Maybe start there, improve the recruitment of volunteers

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I once collaborated with an exceptionally talented programmer who seemed so engrossed in his addiction that he would invent challenges where there were none, presumably to make his work more engaging and bearable. However, this often led to incomplete projects because once the stimulating aspects were finished, he struggled to find the motivation to continue. Clearly, this behavior was extreme and detrimental.

I think a lot of devs can relate to that


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It was the same for reddit in the early days

"Don't upvote this!"


Any reddit platform ever

Let's be honest here, at least like 98% of the popular OSS is on GitHub at this point. You don't have to like it, but it's how things are

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Meta can duck right off. Nobody needs them in the EU

So, what do they not collect?

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2.7 in Germany

Although honestly, who cares

started up notepad, which was the only application it was capable of running

Coding a linked list in C in Notepad and only one syntax error? This guy's worth the money!

And the best part: you have a pretty good excuse if you do happen to fuck up

So you didn't ship it?

Can you link some tools to do so?

In my company everyone is called Software Development Engineer 🤷‍♂️

It's pretty cumbersome if you have to debug APIs, let's be honest here

Very high effort reddit screenshot repost

So you mean we would have weird useless concrete structures everywhere? I doubt it

Could it be used as the basis for more advanced information exchange among those companies?

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Sad but true

This. I'm using PyCharm with the new UI, and watching my colleagues struggle with VSCode is a bit painful to see. Not saying you can't be productive with it, but why make your life harder than it needs to be?

You are talking about transmitting every bit of code you write to the internet. Go ahead if you want that, I don't

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I disagree that 3 is not a problem.

As opposed to industrial processes that you compared it to, we cannot predict the output of a LLM with any kind of certainty. This can and will be problematic, as our economy is built around predictable processes.

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aka the great enshittification of '23

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A real move of desperation. Reminds of steemit, a crypto-based social network that never took off

Honestly the entire certificate system is a fraud. You can see just how vulnerable it is with the recent Microsoft vulnerability

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renovate has been doing this for ages

ASA - ask someone anything

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I realize this, but technically Mozilla is still an independent entity. They also fight some Google attempts at Web DRM, so it's still healthy competition

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GitHub is so far behind GitLab in CICD it's not even funny

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Classic example of the Hype Cycle.

People need to figure out the perfect use cases for the tech first, and in this case it was being applied to way too many.

They don't own it, that means they can't know about it?

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I think it depends a lot on the sub, some of the niche communities with fewer subs just don't give a crap about reddit politics. And honestly, if you're just a casual web user with adblock checking in every couple of days, why should you

He's the founder. He wants to cash out. He's doing anything to get there.

That's more than just an empty suit. Someone with a backbone would have gone a different direction