1 Post – 141 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

I’d like to see warnings on alcohol before this

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These don't look too dissimilar to things I'd doodle when I was 6. Interesting how kids always kinda draw the same.

There's something off to me about the media exclusively referring to them as gangs.

I feel like if they were in another part of the world they'd be calling them paramilitaries or militant groups.

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There's a better way (sorry for reddit link)

All the Mythbusters episodes will all the fluff removed.

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If we care about human rights we should be stopping the bombings. People keep treating this like an earthquake or a hurricane or something.

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What a pleasant surprise

If this is the part that shocks you, you haven't been paying attention.

I can't even think of a meme that 4chan hasn't come up with in the past decade (new racial slurs don't count)

Back in 2009 they were the bleeding edge for shitposts though

Edit: am illiterate

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I'm amazed at comments thinking this is unremarkable. Just look at the picture of the state he's in. Very admirable that he was able to do this, I would not be surprised if he passes by not long after this.

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So much shit. I work in restaurants so I take food all the time. My food budget is tiny.

Back when I was much more brazen, all my plates, cups, pots, pans and cleaning supplies were from work.

The rate at which I steal from work is directly proportional to my pay rate.

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I worked 70-90 hour weeks for 3 years. I was basically a zombie, never saw friends or family, any downtime I had was purely for rest. I eventually snapped, moved halfway across the country and took a job for significantly less pay but half the hours and I'm much happier now.

Burning out your entire workforce is a fantastic idea /s

I miss when Omegle was just text based. I made a friend from Czechia on there back in 2011.

Opening up video chats was asking for this to happen.

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I do prefer reading physical books, but I almost exclusively read on my ereader because of easy availability of whatever I want, and it doesn't take up tons of space like books do.

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Man the amount of people in this thread that can't understand that some people don't want to vote for someone who is supporting a genocide of their own people. "But Trump is worse!" Well, yeah, but this is still pretty fucking bad, and were I American I'd hesitate to support it too. It's not like most of these people will vote for Trump, they'll just stay home or vote for a 3rd party.

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Max Miller can say Gaza will be turned into a parking lot, but that's fine and normal.

He still had influence on current leadership. Just recently he was giving his shit takes on Gaza. For that reason alone it's pretty great that he's dead.

The world is also just a slightly better place without him in it.

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It's crazy how everyone is suddenly in favour of IP law.

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Empathy for 4000 dead kids is a controversial opinion apparently.

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Oh there's more. There's also 365 Copilot and Windows Copilot.

Not confusing at all.

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On one hand this is super cool.

On the other hand, I already have a Steam Deck goddammit

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I don't think Homer strangling Bart is the same as the Apu thing.

The strangling was never depicted as acceptable behaviour. It was a cartoonish form of corporal punishment, and served to make Homer look bad tempered and not a great father. I don't think anyone, in the 90s or now, is taking parenting tips from Homer Simpson.

Its just another classic gag gone from a show that's a shell of its former self. I agree with what you said about it becoming the culture though, they really should've cancelled it 20 years ago.

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Not the best name for a website, I clicked the link and saw a big 404 popup and immediately backed out assuming the link was broken lol

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After breakfast than floss+brush before bed. Before breakfast doesn't make sense to me because you're brushing twice when you haven't eaten anything.

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I just moved from a place with raccoons to somewhere without them and I miss them. So raccoons. They're funny as fuck.

Pharmaceutical companies will not supply those kinds of drugs for executions, because they understandably don't want their products associated with killing people.

I'm the opposite, I started buying everything in black. Makes choices easy and I don't have to worry about matching colours or whatever lol

The fact that you're citing Gaza having a coastline as evidence that it's not an open-air prison, without mentioning that Isreal controls those waters and does not allow Palestinian use of them (aside from small-scale fishing) tell me that you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

Educate yourself before telling people to educate themselves. You're spouting bullshit and look a fool.

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Ok, so you're not saying Gaza isn't an open-air prison, you're just defending why it should be one. Cool.

That's a shame. I have a copy from 1918. It's really fun to flip through every once in a while.

That's just a picture with a bunch of buildings highlighted. I don't see how that's proof of anything.

Like that "tunnel entrance" the IDF showed off the other day that was just a water resevoir.

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That analogy breaks down when you're the guy that locked them in the house.

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Of course they didn't. They wrote all this assuming that wealthy white landowning men would continue to be the only ones who could vote. Populism was not something on their radar.

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The wording on this is kinda weird, enemy to who?

Do I think China is an enemy of the US? Yes.

Do I think they're an enemy to me personally and my values? Ehhh... not really. They do stuff I like and stuff I don't like.

I mean, Isreal bombed that same hospital 2 days earlier, was conducting bombing campaigns in the area, ordered the evacuation of the hospital less than 24 hours before, and kept changing their story around it. It was a pretty fair assumption that it was them until more evidence was produced.

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Fucking LOL

This is what American Civil Religion does to your brain, kids

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Not to mention the overwhelming amounts of unimaginable suffering you would see.

Is there SponserBlock support?

If it supported both SponserBlock and DeArrow I'd switch in a heartbeat. Until then I'll stick to ReVanced.

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For real, Democratic administrations can't go and have whatever abhorrent policies, including actively supporting an ethnic cleansing, and turn around and go "the other guy is worse, actually. And if YOU don't vote for us it's YOUR fault if this country devolves into fascism"

That is not what a functioning democracy looks like.

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Such a good game. Curious to how intuitive the controls are on the deck though, I had trouble learning all the controls with a tenkeyless

My OG Deck was also stuck at "packaged" for a few days, I wouldn't worry about it. They probably have tons of these things to ship and are a bit backed up.