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Joined 1 years ago

I personally switched back to Firefox after 13 years earlier this year and was surprised just how easy it was. All my main extensions exist on Firefox and it gave me an opportunity to remove some extension bloat at the same time. Highly recommend.

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One day, one of these stunts he pulls is going to end up ruining whatever company he does it in, and I'm all here for it. Though we'll probably never know since he'll just blame it on something / someone else and his little muskettes will follow along.

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A Razer product that doesn't work as advertised? Consider me shocked.

The 4-panel comic features Nano Shinonome, a robot girl from the anime Nichijou, leaving a positive message on 4-chan about Hakase (professor), an 8-year-old genius who invented and built her. Being a robot, she feels she can't morally click the captcha to show she's not a robot, and is therefore unable to post the message, despite that she wouldn't be considered a robot in this context.

They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig".

Couldn't help myself.

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The gender I'm not attracted to? What one is that? Let me know if you find one.

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That, from the perspective of Taiwan (aka the Republic of China) mainland China (aka People's Republic of China) to it's west is an illegitimate government that lays claim to lands still claimed by the RoC from before the revolution.

SMH literally 1984 😡

Most of Dylan's talks are good, but I liked this one in particular due to it talking about such a relatively old technology and how we've gotten used to some arbetary rules that aren't in the spec. I feel like it does say that we should be careful with the rules we put in place for things like protocols, since sometimes tougher constraints lead to a less ambiguous experience for users and maintainers.

I see it as a shop manager doing what the police and the thief's parents never did and actually punishing him for breaking the law. We're not talking about a poor guy trying to steal some food to get by, he's taking thousands of dollars worth of behind-the-counter merchandise to make a profit for himself. You probably think "oh well they have insurance" but when the insurance company pay out thousands for the lost merchandise, who do you think picks up the bill? The 7-11 does. Who do they pass that bill on to? The paying customer. So theft from this shop is theft from everyone who legitimately uses this shop. Then when those people see that prices here are double what they are at the supermarket, they don't shop here anymore, the store closes and the community is out of another resource.

The way I see it, the shopkeepers are not bootlickers at all, they're ensuring a community resource isn't lost, along with their own jobs, and that profiteering theves think twice about trying to do this again.

You're the one that brought up IQ in the first place, you can't blame me for engaging on that.

It's hard to detect a joke when it doesn't exist in the first place.

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Looks like Palia with hobbits. Personally I'm not too impressed, but maybe it'll find its niche.

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So you're saying that in your opinion, it's a crock of shit? 😏

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I thought this was some humanoid donkey before I read the prose. After reading, I guess I was still right in a way.



Approximately half the people in the world have an IQ in the double digit range. IQ literally has its mean at 100 for a given population. I don't think I understand what you're getting at there.

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How the fuck does a chat program justify a workforce of one thousand employees in the first place?! How do they expect to ever get in the green when they're spending that much money on staff?

Is their entire business model to just endlessly pull in V.C. money and "grow" until they can't get investors on board anymore? Actually, don't answer that one, I assume that's how almost every tech company works these days, and at some point it's all going to crash.

That one is a breeding female, the underbelly area is where she holds her eggs. Usually fisherman mark those lobsters in some way so they're not fished up, since when they're not carrying eggs it's hard to tell whether they're breeders or not. By keeping these in the sea, fisherman ensure there will be more lobsters to catch next season.

TFW no husky hot and thirsty gf (she ran away) 😭

True, and this is the annoying thing about people unqualified to talk about AI giving their opinions online. People not involved in the industry hear "AI" and expect HAL-9000 or Ava from Ex Machina rather than the software that the weather service uses to predict if it will rain tomorrow, or the models your doctor uses to help determine your risk of Heart Disease.

This is compounded further when someone makes a video simplifying what an LLM is and mentioning that the latest models use it, which leads to the chimes of "bUt iT'S jUsT aN Llm BrO iTs nOt AI" and "ItS jUsT a LOaD oF DaTa aND aLGorItHMs, tHaTs NoT AI". A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.

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As someone who's played a lot of GW2 over the past couple of years, I can confirm that it's still fantastic. It doesn't get anywhere near the amount of content that WoW gets, but it's on a good cadance these days and outside of buying expansions, is absolutely playable without spending a penny.

LLMs act nothing like our brains and are not neural networks

Err, yes they are. You don't even need to read a paper on the subject, just go straight to the Wikipedia page and it's right there in the first line. The 'T' in GPT is literally Transformer, you're highly unlikely to find a Transformer model that doesn't use an ANN at its core.

Please don't turn this place into Reddit by spreading misinformation.

These snowflakes these days and their plant-based rice. Back in my day we had artificial rice and we LOVED it.

Because that's called Libel and is very much illegal in practically any country on earth - and depending on the country it's either easy or trivial to put forth and win a case of libel in court, since it's the onus of the defendant to prove what they said was entirely true, and "just trust me and this actress I hired, bro" doesn't cut it.

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Helium Rain launched a few years ago as a commercial game with an open source launcher (BSD-3), and as of a few weeks ago the game became free on Steam. The developer is no longer maintaining it, but there's still a small community that are interested in it.

Isn't this the same paper that has been linked here multiple times in the past week? I can't see anything new on there that wasn't reported this time last week.

That's great. Now try training that model on a 4080 and you'll see it'll take significantly longer. Try amassing the data needed for training on your home PC and see how much longer beyond that which you'll need. There's a reason the current race is down to just a few companies, it costs pennies to run queries on an existing model, millions to build and train that model in the first place.

The burden of liability will then fall on the media company, which can then be sued for not carrying out due dilligance in reporting.

I felt a little let down when I saw Angel Beats, to be honest. I really enjoyed the ending, and a few plot points here and there, but it felt like they had too much content for a 1-cour show and not enough for a 2-cour, so it ended up feeling a bit rushed, jerking between comedy and tragedy.

Though I think my issue was expecting it to live up to the heights set by Clannad, the eternal final boss of cry-porn. Clannad drained me in a way I didn't think was possible, and rewatches of key scenes STILL destroy me years later. I can't go near wheat fields anymore. 11/10, would have multiple breakdowns while contemplating the value of family, again.

I mean, everything you described is exactly what Libertarianism is in the 21st century - placing the needs of the individual or business above the needs of society in general, which includes advocating for as little government interference as possible. It's why this meme, despite being Facebook cringe, is apropos.

Nah, the site you're referring to still works from the UK.

It's... Beautiful.

Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again...

Ah, there it is. Say it louder for those at 99 IQ in the back that you're lumping in with this guy. That is, if you think they're even smart enough to be able to understand you in the first place.

And it wasn't a question you posed at all- it was a generalised statement that you consider half the population to be "dumb", which, in a roundabout way, is where I've been going with this.

Edit: I see Lemmy is exactly the same as Reddit - full of so-called intellectuals that think of themselves as better then the average person, and that intellect is the sole barometer of usefulness in society. Keep downvoting me while thinking yourselves superior, fucking cowards.