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Joined 1 years ago

The Hippocratic Oath is not a legally binding oath, and many doctors are not required to take this oath or any oath for that matter. Basically, at the end of the day, oaths only matter to the people who have the strength of character to hold to them no matter the cost and most people do not have that strength of character. Oaths mean nothing to those people when it comes down to it, it's just a thing that you said once, nothing more.

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Why would you ever sign into anything in incognito mode. Doesn't that pretty much defeat the whole purpose?

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Updated the human immune system to function as intended. This will fix the following issues:

  1. There was a bug which allowed some microscopic entities to negatively impact the performance of human entities. This should no longer occur.

  2. Another bug that caused the immune system to improperly identify friendly or beneficial items as life threatening has been corrected.

  3. The immune system will no longer fail to recognize some cells that have corrupted genetic code. Should result in the elimination of the unintended cancer debuff that was introduced by the evolution process.

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Be angry at the sun for setting If these things anger you.

-Robinson Jeffers

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My blu-ray player has never been connected to the internet and works just fine.

I would expect that the elected representative acted I. The best interests of the majority of their constituents over that of a few. That’s literally what an elected officials job is supposed to be.

From what perspective though? Because you could also look at this as the erosion of the bargaining power of every US worker. From that perspective the majority was absolutely not served.

The entire point of the collective bargaining process is that it's supposed to cause disruption. The scope of the disruption should not matter. If your workers not working would cause the collapse of the economy, they should probably be getting whatever they want. If you ask me, taking someone's ability to determine the value of their work is basically slavery. If they all had decided to just quit their jobs instead of entering the bargaining process in good faith, would you have been in support of forcing those people to work those jobs against their will because of the economic fallout? There is no difference between these two paths in my mind.

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Honestly if every brand would stop making their own shitty launchers and filling their phones with bloatware this would mostly not happen anymore I think. Pure Android on Google Pixel phones is hands down better than every other version.

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Throwing a little bit of baking soda into tomato based sauces can tame the acidity as well, and is actually a pretty great trick for neutralizing the canned taste if you're using canned tomatoes. Just make sure to add it slowly and mix slowly, otherwise you'll be creating a science fair volcano on your stovetop.

Patriot is easily one of the best shows there is.

Kinda funny to call out a logical fallacy and then immediately commit an ad hominem (whataboutism) fallacy. Your argument does not change the fact that this is happening and that we aren't doing everything we can to prevent it. No one involved in this issue is ignoring that China and India are part of the problem, there's just nothing we can do short of war or economic pressures. War is out of the question because no one would survive to fix the planet anyway, so economic pressure it is, which would once again require us to do something.

Makes me sad where they ended up, such a great album.

I love how we're all so stuck up our own asses that people actually think it makes sense to hamper any sort of attempt at progress because it's not perfect. This is the same exact shit as single issues voters in the Republican party over guns or anti-abortion. So focused on one thing that they can't even understand they're hurting themselves.

Maybe this isn't you exactly, but it's what your comments rhetoric represents.

Go Thorium MSR and bury it underground and you don't really have to worry about it. Might need some modification for moon gravity but otherwise seems like the best bet.

The word for me was seahorse, but when I asked it if it had scales the game answered yes. Seahorses do not have scales.

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Hotfix: ocular degeneration should no longer be inadvertently applied by immune system. Leaving environmental damage in for balance.

Guess I'm bringing engineering back into the post apocalyptic world.

Assuming it was done properly, the Impressions Games. Specifically Zeus+Poseidon.

I know that a Pharaoh remaster/remake was done recently but it sucks.

Non-zero chance that the distribution of infertility does not match the distributions of male to female. Could result in complete population collapse pretty quickly.

Played linerider waaaaay too much back in the day.