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Joined 12 months ago

Don’t quote me, but I remember someone they were interviewing on NPR say the system wasn’t activated because it was a tsunami warning system, which tells residents to go to higher ground, and in this case going to higher ground would be suicide.

I did not read any of your linked articles, but the answer is yes, fossil fuels most certainly would have dominated the 20th century because they are:

  • Cheap
  • Stable, you don’t have to depend on the sun shining
  • Nobody really cared about climate change back then, they were estimating a few centuries and humans… aren’t that forward thinking

Edit: I was beaten by another commentator lol

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Nice cut, Memmy.

From Wikipedia*: In a 2020 post, Lemmy's co-creator Dessalines wrote about the origin of the name Lemmy. "It was nameless for a long time, but I wanted to keep with the fediverse tradition of naming projects after animals. I was playing that old-school game Lemmings, and Lemmy (from Motorhead) had passed away that week, and we held a few polls for names, and I went with that."[8]

(*Accuracy not guaranteed)

Buses are not required to have seatbelts because they have a far greater mass than a car, making it harder to, you know, fling people out of a window/into the seat in front of them when a crash occurs, which is what seatbelts are designed to prevent. Oh, and you really think a single bus driver can make 20-30 kids keep their seatbelts on during the ride to school? This is mission control, please come back to Earth.

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Modern Firefox is more “modern” looking than Chrome in my opinion. Also, iirc each tab is now its own thread.

Intel and Apple co-developed ThunderBolt, and the tech is free to use for all manufacturers, so why wouldn’t they? One more selling point on the spec sheet is always good.

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Shit ain’t working

Kills EVERY germ, rat, and roach in the room!

Yes, it is metamorphical lol. Gorhill is the creator of both uBlock and uBlock Origin. However, he gave the uBlock github repo to another dev, who sold it to adblock plus. Do not download uBlock.

However, he did fork uBlock and continued to develop his own version, now named uBlock Origin. Do download uBlock Origin.

PSA: is not related to uBlock Origin.

Right. The amount people with good intentions looking for vulnerabilities in open source software far outnumbers the amount of malicious actors looking for vulnerabilities. Chances are great that, by the time malicious actors find a vulnerability, someone with good intentions is working on a patch already.

Apple’s face recognition system relies on

  1. infrared light being blasted on your face
  2. infrared camera creates a map of your face based on the 30k dots blasted onto your face and stores it
  3. when you try to log in again your iPhone compares your face by repeating step 1 and 2 (but not storing the map this time) and comparing it to the map created in step 2.
  4. if the black box “machine learning” program thinks your face is similar to the map, it lets you in.

The IR blaster and camera makes Apple’s system more accurate and secure (requires 3D face) than just taking a photo of your face (2D), but it does take up more room on the notch.

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Neither floating apps nor split screen were ever released for iOS. Split screen was added a while ago for iPadOS, but floating apps (Stage Manager) was released just last year.

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Well, I don’t trust squids either, specifically ones that fly…

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Since this isn’t a GIF, I suppose this has something to do with eye movement, since it stabilizes when I zoom in on my phone or really focus on the center image.

Matrix has absolute shit adoption, but is open source and pretty secure. Then there is always Telegram.

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Using cars to deliver food pays very little, is dangerous (old guy with shotgun shoots your brains if you go to the wrong house), and is extremely bad for the environment. Current delivery workers could switch to a safer job with better pay and not damage the environment as much. Or we can implement UBI. Just a thought.

Edit: I would also like to point out a robot’s electric bill for a trip is much cheaper when compared to a gas or even an electric car. Ideally, the savings would be passed along to the customer.

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Unfortunately, IP addresses are often MORE traceable on decentralized networks then centralized networks. How so? Lets say Alice and Bob each use their own PCs as nodes on a decentralized messaging network. None of them use a VPN or proxy. If Alice sends Bob a message directly, Bob can just grab her IP since she is using her own PC as a node. However, if they were using a centralized service, that message would’ve been routed through the service’s servers.

That’s preposterous. Even the new ARM Macs let you install Linux (although they don’t supply any drivers, leave the devs to reverse engineer everything, which means the only currently supported Linux distro is Asahi Linux (Arch). But thats still better than locking the BIOS/whatever bootloader Chromebooks use.)

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Texas is connected to the Eastern (Florida to Canada) grid, the Western (Cali to Canada) grid, and a Mexican grid not part of the US/CA system via tie-ins. It is the only state in the continental US with it’s own grid, which was not a smart decision (cough cough feb 2021). The most outrageous part was that they could have bought power from Mexico, east, or west and import it via those tie-ins during Feb 2021 but chose not to. Power was out for millions for over a week in freezing temperatures. Fuck Texas. Fuck CenterPoint Energy.

Additional Information: Besides Texas, Quebec and Alaska have their own grids as well. Alaska is the only grid without any tie-ins.

If you want to get away from just Google, you can try iCloud or whatever Microsoft calls their Mail product now. If you want to get away with big tech run products, I recommend Proton. Of course you can always go full tinfoil hat and host your own email server with your own domain, but that will set you back at least 7 bucks a year, even if you for the cheapest register (Cloudflare, they don’t add their own fees at all, so you can’t really go lower).

My guess is the cost of Thunderbolt compatible hardware, which explains why only premium devices (ie Macs) have TB ports. TB cables are also much more expensive than the average USB-C.

If DDG doesn’t work, try !g to automatically send you to Google with the same query. Its handy for situations where DDG can’t find something.

There’s also !yt by the way.

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Don’t they already have that (premium)?

I personally like the system, and it works 99% of the time. But I can see where you are coming from.

The latest version of TLS (used in the latest version of HTTPS), 1.3, is very secure. Most websites these days support 1.3/128 bits, making it quite hard to crack. One major weakness of HTTPS is that, if a certificate authority is compromised, the hackers can issue certificates for ANY website, which browsers will accept as secure until the certificates are revoked/expired/CA removed from trusted list in browser. This loophole can also be exploited by nation states (forcing the CA to issue certificates).

If you are doing something really private, use something like Matrix (E2EE mode), Signal, or Telegram (E2EE DM).

TLDR: Modern HTTPS is incredibly secure, except there is a loophole that nation states and hackers can exploit if they compromise/gain control of an approved certificate authority. If you are doing something you really dont want anyone to find out (top secret files), use an encrypted service that does not rely on the TLS/SSL/HTTPS stack.

Oh, there was an effort to solve above loophole, I’m not sure if it got anywhere though.

Edit: the point of my comment is to state that HTTPS encryption isn’t necessarily weak, just the handshaking process has some problems.

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Yes, thats why we need some fucking change in the world. My argument is just saying delivery robots are not bad.

Where the hell did I say delivery workers were lazy?

Are you poor? Just get money! Follow me for more life hacks.

ChromeOS has been out for over a decade. Its not “new”, many schools actually used it before the pandemic.

Well, its China. 99% of parents will enable it if given the choice.

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Hey, I found this in my image library! It was taken… two one week ago.

Edit: Proof

Yeah, it is, tech wise.

But here’s the thing: Mastodon is not a viable alternative for most people right now because it’s missing the “normies”. Most people don’t even know what FOSS stands for and probably think it’s an STD, nuclear missile, or some form of coronavirus. Most of them are perfectly happy being on Twitter/Reddit/TikTok/FaceBook/Instagram. Without the masses, Mastodon cannot be a Twitter (or X, whatever you call it) replacement.

If they didn’t bundle safari on a mac or firefox on linux, there are terminal commands to install firefox and chrome on both.

There is a command for windows via their built in package manager apparently, but I can’t confirm that.

RIP my internet points.

No, they were working on a solution a while ago, where a website would list what CA it used so you couldn’t get a random CA to issue a cert, but that effort was abandoned iirc.

Huh, that could work pretty well! Gaskets would need to be secured and sealed well though, and I fail to imagine what an iPhone or any other modern device would look like with a removable battery lol.

Yep, without the source instance, you can’t communicate with other instances.

Yes, it does. The roads will change color.

Yes, you still do for E2EE.