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I use an Asus Gladius 2 wireless mouse. On Windows upon plugging it in for the first time WU installed most of Armory Crate and called it a "driver" and of course it immediately wanted to connect to the Internet.. So yes, I'm skeptical.

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I'm telling you, he has Covid fog.

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Adding government ID to their data would hardly be anymore of a privacy invasion

Are you listening to yourself?

"on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter"

I'm sick and tired of reading this sentence..

LTT produced some rather entertaining videos over the years, but for a long time it's been just that without any substance. I'll be okay without their videos showing up in my YT recommendations.

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This is terrible news, because Scientology holds an absurd amount of power for a trashy cult/scam organization, it's not impossible that they could effectively attack this, given there is enough will within the curch.

I think it's embarrassing how low that number is. If there are alien civilizations out there, I think humans would be at the bottom of the barrel intelligence wise.

This is not even close to the worst thing they have ever done, but stuff like this is a waste of resources. People mostly want official vertical tabs and more than anything engine performance improvements. (and the ability to pretend to be Chrome in Youtube)

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As a consumer I will not buy newly made Unity games anymore. Whatever they might do now does not matter, because with the new TOS they can walk back on this at any time. Asking fees for installs on games that were made with a recent enough version of Unity that will prompt the developers to remove them from the stores.

If they wanted to regain trust, they would rectify the TOS that allows for garbage like this, but I don't see that happening..

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The problem is manufactures are doing everything to sabotage users running custom roms on their devices. Frankly everything you highlight exists already, though there are very difficult problems on the image processing front. Personally I would much rather use a full Linux distribution on a phone, than AOSP without the play store.

Also micro G is not a solution. Having a desktop browser to access drive, docs and photos could be, especially if there were some unique rendering options for those things. (microG is bad, because Google can break it at their leisure)

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No Man's Sky. (boring Sandbox exploration without a soul and very unfun crafting)

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"If a company offers a lot of different products or one product that can do everything, usually none of those are really good. "

I wish this applied to Google xD (Their search & web browser used to be good. Their cloud/photo storage and email services are still amazing.)

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Have a low-medium texture download/install option. It's time!

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Please stick to one metric system within one post :S

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I'm pretty sure turning LTT into an enterprise was a bad idea.

There was never a need to share the profits with so many people in the hopes to become more than just a millionaire. Greed's doing work, I suppose.

I just reached the underdark, the only annoyance I've had is that I totally misunderstood my fellow party member's intent with wanting to show me something & I had to reload my last save to avoid a gay romance I had no interest in being.

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Unless the application specifically demands it, there is no point to use these over Debian. If Debian is lacking in something (a package is missing and cannot be fixed for example), then the answer is almost never going to be a Rhel clone. (Fedora could be)

China having access to 7nm fabs is extremely worrying.

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This is a pretty great phone, I just wouldn't spend this much on a phone. Even if it lasts let's say 6 years, I can buy 3-4 mid range androids at this price & as the years go by they could be far better than this one near the end.

Also while Iphones are really hard to repair, they do last very long & there are people out there who can replace my iphone battery for like $40 and it too would last 5-6 years. (a recent enough refurbished SE for example)

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Once another platform comes along that ticks enough boxes to satisfy people then YouTube will be absolutely screwed.

This is 100% true, the issue is it's very unlikely for that happen out of nowhere. Youtube is a service that needs a lot of work & $ to compete with & they have all the content creators locked in as well. Personally I would love to be on a video platform where people just want to spread information for fun & to educate people, how youtube used to be, instead of everyone monetizing everything with clickbait video covers, titles, while making arbitrarily long videos to satisfy some Youtube ad criteria.

Photoshop has unmatched tools to get work done 15 to 30 times faster than Gimp. This does not apply to everything of course and in some niche stuff Gimp's even faster. However what I use Photoshop for, such as removing unwanted distractions like trash cans, trash, overhead electric cables and such Gimp is like 30 years behind. It's not realistic that someone would spend many minutes just selecting hair outline in Gimp.

Ultimately developing these tools has cost evil Adobe many millions of dollars. 1-3 extremely talented and enthusiastic programmers cannot compete with this. Then again in the near future we will either not need Photoshop anymore, or open source projects like Gimp or a more open minded fork could use Ai generated code to develop similar automated tools.

I don't think I can go back to Nautilus after using Dolphin for so long, even if the search is far better.

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Give them to the kids with a QR code guide sticker about installing Linux on them? I'm not a kid, but I would love if someone "threw" a couple of these in my general direction.

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That's amazing. (and FF8 is best FF)

My take is that on an Arch system I can install anything and I have btrfs snapshots to roll back forkups. I don't need this added layer of complexity in its current form. If it offered proper and easily configurable sandboxing I would certainly think about it.

(Then again I have a Deb laptop and perhaps I will try this out for Pyradio)

In my perception Google Search is far worse than it had been 10 years ago & I never cared about personalized search at all. I used to just sit down in an internet cafe, search some stuff & get great results, now that does not happen anymore, or at least not reliably. Google is better than its competitors at understanding your search intent if you use whole sentences instead of carefully selected keywords, but with a good search strategy even Duck/Bing are more than competitive now.

Of course the diversity of the web kind of dying could have something to do with this as well.

I don't think i'll ever have a keyboard that has this, since I use custom keyboards with my own retro pbt keycaps. Looking at the illustration it would replace right super, so probably no one would need to change existing binds for that.

I think he used to be at least business smart earlier in his life. I keep parroting it, but he might have covid fog, or destroyed his brain with drugs or something..

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This is a really great read, but I'm less optimistic than he is.

Am I supposed to be looting everything I see? If not, then why is it the major income source, why are so many random objects worth selling and taking?

This is so true!

So far Bethesda is the only company that is clearly cutting the corners of their AAA products.

Starfield is the sloppiest Bethasda game ever, cutting corners to save cost is not how I would describe its development at all.

I agree with what you are saying though. Spending 40% of the budget on voice acting and cinematographic dialog is extremely wasteful. As long as the gameplay is good and graphics are pretty gamers will like the product.

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Chinese people sometimes really believe the propaganda about westerners being mentally challenged & thus they create promo content like this + bad English.

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Hungary is not unique, Orban is just very loud. There are several countries in the EU where getting an Orban voted in is a real danger & it just happened in Slovakia as well.

This is the equivalent of kicking the US out of everything if they voted Trump..

Starfield has ssd listed as "required". Even if it runs from a HDD it might be horrible, like with No Man's Sky.

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I think it would be better if everyone just yeeted to Mastodon, but maybe it is.

I don't recommend doing this. The dialog is far worse with the awkward gaps of silence.

I remember watching a few short vids on Youtube where people were making claims that Friends is unfunny garbage with out without the laugh track, but the truth is the awkward silences kill all jokes.

In the current climate where it takes 30 patches and a year for a new release to become playable, discs are not very useful..

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They are probably trying to separate the taskbar from the desktop.

I'm 99.9% sure this is only visual, without major changes under the hood.

Just f quit, let it all burn. The problem is moderators often enjoy that little power & importance they have & are perhaps addicted to that a little. Am I wrong?

Shitty mobile gatcha games produce a lot of brain drain the gaming industry that's for sure.

I don't really have a formed opinion on this subject. (Though I have some experience with certain things where holding back in childhood has lead to potentially much bigger addictions)

But I can tell you that my uncle bought smartwatches to his children. The watches are only allowed to call family members & have GPS tracking on them, have no games, no Youtube no distractions. They are exactly what you are describing, a safety feature. (though the kids regularly dualwear them to cover for each other, so .... :D )

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