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I want to note that you'd need about $143 in gross sales to meet the threshold of $100 in net profit.

On the surface that sounds like a lot. But, they're providing a service without any guarantee of any income. Epic can only compete because they've few users and are willing to operate at a near loss in attempt to garner market share.

This will be a difficult one for others to understand as a "good deal". Gamers are usually correct when they pull out their pitchforks. This should not be one of those times.

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It's the before times, analog days, and the Internet was in it's infancy. Stephan Hawking, a theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author, said the following:

For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination. We learned to talk and we learned to listen. Speech has allowed the communication of ideas, enabling human beings to work together to build the impossible. Mankind's greatest achievements have come about by talking, and its greatest failures by not talking. It doesn't have to be like this. Our greatest hopes could become reality in the future. With the technology at our disposal, the possibilities are unbounded. All we need to do is make sure we keep talking.

Computers have been very effective applied to vehicles. In my life I've seen the advent of the aluminum block, anti-lock brakes and stability control, variable ignition and valve timing, more aerodynamic body, paddle shift and continuously variable transmissions, drive by wire, now even hybrid and electric drives. This has allowed leaps forward in safety, efficiency, and performance.

Then, we enshitified. Today there's barely choice in the vehicle market. Toyota/Honda; Hyundai/Kia; Ford/Chevy/Chrysler and a trim package defines everything but trucks. 1/2 ton trucks as symbols of identity break repeatedly if regularly used for payload and towing. "Choice" is a 1/4 Ranger, 1/2 Chevy diesel, or 3/4 Ford/Chevy/Ram. They didn't make the first two for decades, still scarce and expensive for what they are. And, for all vehicles one now often needs to remove inaccessible bolts in tight spaces, for several parts, to get to the part that's broken.

Profit optimization through technology is why there's little choice in vehicles; Why you can envision a Walmart and Lowes strip mall and every American knows exactly what it looks like and where the closest couple copies are; Why we can't replace phone batteries and screens. An out-of-the-box idea from AI that's also conveniently practical for humans will probably cure cancer. AI is also what's analyzing all the data being collected, just as inhumanely. The vehicle manufacturers want their cut.

Did Herbert envision that the spice of prescience was computational cycles?

We did the same for urban fiber. It's never materialized, either. And, the USDA has been providing funding and loans for rural broadband for quite awhile.

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I had to dig through so much shit to figure out what they changed that when I found it even the quote is crap.

The three approved guidelines for local election officials to certify voting results, changing the process from an administrative duty to an investigative one that could include digging into records and the way votes are counted.


If Trump doesn't win then they want to "investigate" until he has.

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It's just another bullet point in a half century long problem.

The FTC is an independent Federal anti-trust enforcement agency. After SCOTUS 1977 Continental TV v. GTE made the nuance of certain contact terms subjectively legal, allowing mergers likely in the interests of global competition, the FTC has been effectively neutered. The only significant action has been the breakup of the Bells in 1982 and some Microsoft anti-Netscape gibberish around 1999.

The FTC has effectively lost every significant case it's brought since about 1970. Consumers haven't had any significant protections since 1982, more than forty years ago.

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Under current law, only someone shown to be innocent by means of a DNA test is eligible for compensation after being released. The law allows $36,500 a year for the same number of years the person was wrongly incarcerated.

The vetoed bill would have increased the payment to $65,000 a year and expanded it to include people freed by the conviction review process created in a 2021 law.


The conviction review process:

In order for elected prosecutors to have a pathway to correct wrongful convictions, it was up to the state legislature to pass a law


If this innocent person was eligible for payments in Missouri, which she is not, and if the bill was passed to increase payments, then she may have received a maximum of $2.8m. However, it'd be paid as an annuity of $65k per year. If she dies her family would get nothing more. And, the payments are in lieu of a civil suit.

She'll have to sue if she wants justice. I hope she does. I've been to prison. I think she deserves to be comfortable for the rest of her life.

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They were gay children then professionals and furries. These hackers have been breathing operational security their whole lives. You probably find them when some Morpheus dude in assless chaps offers you two different brands of poppers.

If I'm understanding correctly the argument against her competing hinges upon a genetic test that the article provides no information for.

The evidence that she's a woman seems overwhelming. But the article doesn't provide the necessary information for an reader to understand and defeat the objection. We're not to reason for ourselves. Instead, we're to rely on ad hominem: The objection itself doesn't matter because it came from Russia. The article also ignores fallacy fallacy: There's also a very small possibility that Russia has reached the "good" conclusion for entirely "bad" reasons.

I know three things:

  1. She's almost certainly a biological woman.
  2. She won.
  3. The author thinks you're stupid.
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All the lukewarm attempts to help, rooted in shallow understanding, reinforced my suicidal ideation. What's the value of false love from a paid hotline worker one will never speak to again? It's negative.

Be ready to love the shit out of someone yourself. Share their sorrow. Don't try to fix it. Just try to understand. It'll fucking suck. The other person knows it sucks for you. Tell them it sucks and that you're choosing it.

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I'd like one "law enforcement panic" defense, please.

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Gun owner here.

  1. Treat all guns as if they are always loaded - Followed
  2. Never let the muzzle point at anything that you are not willing to destroy - Violated
  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target and you have made the decision to shoot - Violated
  4. Be sure of your target and what is behind it - Violated

This shooter violated three of the four fundamental gun safety rules. That's not an accident. It's attempted murder.

This is the second third one. Here's the second:

On February 25, 2024, Aaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old serviceman of the United States Air Force, died after setting himself on fire outside the front gate of the Embassy of Israel in Washington, D.C. Immediately before the act... Bushnell said that he was protesting against "what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers" and declared that he "will no longer be complicit in genocide"


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We already built more than enough houses. The problem is that bank and landlords profits contribute to economic growth, the mandate of capitalism. Housing the homeless would contribute far more to economic growth. But, it'd take more than four years to see the results.

So no. We can't house them. The need to suffer because otherwise capitalism is threatened.

NewsChannel 5 Investigates discovered hours and hours of videos where Shawn Taylor has appeared on podcasts associated with the widely discredited QAnon conspiracy theories.

Source: link in the OP article to part one of an eight part series.

Editorial: A local news station investigated, uncovered evidence, and appear to be interviewing those involved about what they find analyzing the evidence, then reporting in a series of lengthy articles full of direct quotes. True journalism lives.

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He's just doing normal cop stuff. Now, let's elect a prosecutor.

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Technical details and the social contract mandate that your generator is never connected to the main power grid. The generator should be wired to an enclosed AC transfer switch. This switch will connect either the generator or the main grid to your home, but never both.

Some detail: If the generator is wired to the main grid it can prevent restoration of main grid power. While an AC transfer switch will perform the task, many jurisdictions mandate additional safety precautions (which can be quite expensive).

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Voting as a block, the six rightwing justices who wield the supermajority threw out the supreme court’s own 1984 opinion in Chevron USA Inc v Natural Resources Defense Council, which has required the courts to defer to the knowledge of government experts in their reasonable interpretation of ambiguous laws.


The NRLB’s complaint against Amazon “should be dismissed because the General Counsel’s interpretation of the Act and requests to the National Labor Relations Board in this case implicates the Major Questions Doctrine and associated principles of non-delegation and therefore violate Article I of the United States Constitution,” Amazon’s attorneys wrote in their response, a copy of which was obtained by the Guardian.

The NLRB complaint “should be dismissed”, they added, because the agency’s procedures “violate Article II of the United States Constitution” by involving “the exercise of significant authority by an Officer of the United States who is improperly insulated from the President’s removal power”.

We'll have a king. No politician can save you, even if they wanted to.

In order to vote, I think American voters should have to pass the same history test that immigrants need to in order to gain citizenship.

edit: This sits at +11 because Americans don't know their history. We already did it to African Americans and it went extremely poorly. That's the point: Pick up a book.

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I'm not a lawyer.

The article kinda sucks on educational value.


To sort out a legal mess two circuit courts made with contradictory rulings about the nature of student loan repayments, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit issued an order to halt the SAVE program's implementation entirely, temporarily, until they issue a final ruling.

The order is likely legally binding in all subordinate Federal Circuit Courts with jurisdiction over: Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota.


It's fucked, like a judicial system filibuster.

There's no court with authority over the Supreme Court. There's no systemic means to operationally define their means as illegitimate.

So, if the system is to be preserved, the rules must be respected, and We the People must tolerate corrupt Justices until they choose to resign or die. But, such is intolerable! The system must yield. But, if it ignores its core rules then it deserves no respect!

It's important that we recognize that various systems are scams and learn how they work. But, often, just like this example, what we find is that the system allows no means of recovery that We the People would find adequate.

They'll always tell us to be patient, to wait for a more convenient time for change, praying that enough of us don't reason our way into enough systemic impasses to do more than cast a meaningless ballot. Most of us have very little and trust each other even less. But, sacrificing for our neighbor is the only way forward.

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Drop him for who?

They'll not nominate a Justice Democrat as that won't make corporate donors money. I don't see how anyone or anything could recover the resultant shitshow except the Justice Democrat platform.

Kamala seemingly the only one with some name recognition, is the same vague bullshit with some identity politics, which would be inadequate.

Who else is there?

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Fortunately they can sue for that. The Trump campaign didn't pay anyone for what is essentially license to use the music they publish. Several individual artists can and have already stopped him from using their music because he stole it, repeatedly.

He's mad as hell and he's not going to take this anymore.

There are many news segments with high degree of truth. Each and every journalist that makes a such a stand risks their career and often their life and the lives of their family to bring us the truth.

I'd never really thought about a journalist as a human being before I watched the movie Network (1976): Howard Beale, a prominent newscaster, perceives that he's nothing to lose. Harrison's Flowers (2000) does a great job depicting the risks associated with reporting a war and likely is the reason Adrien Brody was cast in The Pianist.

They were poor. Cops don't need a reason to interact.

If they were poor and not white then they don't need a reason to beat them.

If they were poor, not white, and legally carrying their firearm, then the cops don't need a reason to murder.

It doesn't matter why the interaction started. Law enforcement is never correct to punish an accused in custody.

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Karlatornet (lit. 'The Karla Tower', initially called Polstjärnan) is a skyscraper under construction by Serneke in Lindholmen in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Wiki source

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I fully support others spending a half hour learning about what law enforcement are taught. If you've not seen something like this before then it's definitely worth your time.

I want to add that Park Rangers are law enforcement. They've exceptionally high standards for hiring. And, the pay sucks.

I've broken rules in many parks, sometimes with good reason and sometimes without, usually very safely but once or twice definitely not. I've been "busted" about a dozen times by Park Rangers.

Every single time I've been treated with dignity, respect, and honoring the spirit of justice over the letter of the law. I've not been punished when I thought I should be, then been told that's the reason there's no punishment. And, when I've been punished I've agreed with the severity and nature of it wholeheartedly. It's quite literally the opposite of what I've experienced as a colored man in big cities.

Competition in capitalism is always better than a lack thereof. But, we've not busted monopolies in a significant way since Ma Bell. And, even if we were, at 75% of the global market share they'd not warrant any action yet.

There's going to be a dominant organization because late stage capitalism sucks. And, I'd rather it be Valve than some alternative trying to fuck me over at every opportunity.

The groups behind the letter are the American Postal Workers Union (APWU), Association of Flight Attendants (AFA), International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT), National Education Association (NEA), Service Employees International Union (SEIU), United Auto Workers (UAW), and United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America (UE).

I hope they threaten to strike over the issue. The federal government won't yield the military industrial complex. And, this is enough people to ignite a general strike for fair working conditions and compensation.

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1st gen US of a north-south love marriage.

Remember why immigrants come to the US: The same hustle yields greater success due to lessened competition for greater resources. It's worse wherever they came from.

Remember that good and bad family is somewhat universal across cultures. People care for their elderly because they continue to contribute to the family unit in facets such as meals, cleaning, childcare, wisdom. People cohabitate because there's competitive strength in a larger family unit.

Relative the US, India has roughly three times the population and one third the geographic area. They want to care for their good parents and offer the bad ones a humane somethhing, just as everyone does. Capitalism crushes them as it does us. They just have less. They can't afford to house and feed their parents.

I've been to prison. You're wrong to wish such torture upon anyone for any reason, no matter what they've done.

You want him dead? Then give him a quick and merciful death. That's punishment enough.

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...who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a “more convenient season.”

I think you're MLK's "white moderate": our greatest stumbling block in our stride towards freedom.

But, then the nations leading the committee wouldn't have advantages in materials science and analysis of fluid dynamics. The Olympics are aren't about the spirit of human competition. It's about which nation is better by count of medals.

There are no legal hurdles. The private organization can nominate whomever they want regardless of their votes and their rules.

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Does Steam take a cut for distribution?

If not, while this emotionally sucks, they've a solid operational policy.

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I wish he'd take some more LSD. Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll turn into a humanitarian.

There are so many seasonal tourist businesses in the US. Many of these places are either very remote or extremely popular. These businesses need seasonal workers for 3-8 months. The vast majority require housing.

Many of these businesses provide. The smaller ones may have a room or cabin. Larger ones may have salvage travel trailers and shanty apartments. In remote places the only store nearby is the company store. If a worker's vehicle breaks they're effectively trapped.

Back to the 1800s, I guess.

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The fact that it's illegal is a clear indicator that it's an effective means of change. We risk or we're crushed.

How about you mind just your own bodily autonomy.

It's geopolitical narcissism. This is DARVO (deny, attack, reverse victim and offender).

If you're American and don't like this then know we've got a gigantic splinter in our own eye.

Yes. But, I'm sure the visuals didn't help.

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