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Joined 9 months ago

Entire settlements have been burned to the ground, the population murdered and kidnapped. This will end now, and it will end violently, there is no other way. Hamas is the governing body of the failed autonomous region of gaza and now they will pay the price for starting a war.

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This isn't just rocket attacks. There are technicals driving throughout streets shooting civilians, hostages and houses burnt down. Reports of hundreds of people ariving at hospitals. Over 500 reported injured and 20 dead so far.

Not military targets. Not government facilities. People's homes and communities.

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While it's shitty that they can take it away like that, at least they seem to have paid back the cost plus an extra gift card. Idk if cost was refunded or added to the account as credit, but either are at least something.

Yeah thats done it for me. I had a twitter handle just to look in that cesspool every now and then, but i just deactivated it. Fuck musk, fuck twitter, and most of all, fuck Hamas.

Providing a deceitful product for your reviewers before publication is kinda exactly that.

What the fucking hell are you talking about? A party costing money to attend doesn't make it an exclusive event, and a persons choice to travel to a party, assuming that was the exclusive reason, makes that their own personal choice. You're jumping from one braindead assumption to another to arrive at absolutely wild conclusions.

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Don't blame the victims for being at a party. Blame the gunmen who killed 260 of them in minutes.

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I was thinking more that texas is probably a bad place to be an immigrant in.

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It's a grassroots festival, it's not some richman party like burning man.

Keep talking out of your ass though.

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Also murdered 40 babies in kfar aza, including beheadings.

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The missile attack was pure saturation. So many objects in the air at once is just too much for the few launchers available. There's only like 7 of them actually online at any given time. They cost a billion dollars each.

They waited for a day everyone wants to be home, did a massive attack to send everyone into hiding, and then breached the gates. It's such a massive power move that no one thought they'd be stupid enough to do. Yes, it succeeded, but they can't win, and the response now will be tenfold more powerful. And justified.

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Ive needed lawyers for family shit and it was always paid up front. Idk how these guys are getting a fresh dollar worth of work without compensation.

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If you could find a jeweller and had an understanding of basic electrical systems, you could probably get a rudimentary capacitor and engine going. From there, who knows what you could do. Maybe even lightbulbs.

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Everyone wants to be part of the " big squeeze " that's going on.

There was no Palestinian country, and they where offered the vast majority of the israeli lands. As in the jewish would get lands that are smaller than the west bank is today.

Go for it, you wont be missed.

Israel unilaterally removed itself from the gaza strip all most 20 years ago. They only sell infrastructure to the gazan government.

At least they're out of texas?

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Boost does that. You can filter out a whole instance if you want.

Haha yes this happened to me when they itroduced the new AI thing a few days ago. It answered a few questions, Painted some stuff and then got pissy with me and just disconnected and refused to connect again. I felt that it was very kind of bing to show they they're still shit and not move over to them.

Unlike the 40 babies killed in kfar aza. Thats a totally sane thing to do. Did i mention some of them were beheaded?

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If you could find a way to fill the lightbulb with a noble gas as you insert your filament, i think decent life is reasonable.

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What kind of hand grenade can rip a wing off?

This is some top-tier shitposting, in case you missed it.

Israel unilaterally left gaza around 20 years ago.

Did you see how her leg was twisted over backwards? That's not a functional limb anymore. Her head was with gashes and practically naked. How is this fake to you? The video is right there, we know who it is.

The US is making sure this stays an internal affair for israel and the factions around it, without other state players intervening. A theoretical tank force rocking up from jordan would be blocked by the US. (I chose jordan randomly)

Im waiting for you to block me.

Here's another independent confirmation for you.

It's still a loophole if you're flexible enough.

They're a satire of failed marxist extremists that hate everyone and everything. Just block them and move on.

Absolute lies.

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Holly shit the mental gymnastics here are astounding. You're just casually assuming that she is some kind of top geopolitical expert.

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I didn't know the pope of jewdaism was a lemmee admin. What an honour.

Oh please thats an absurd hot take.

Wasnt it TWAU that killed it last time too?

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The soil of the sovereign state of israel.

I think you don't realise how little knowledge "common knowledge" actually is. Peolple on lemmee arent you're average joe when it comes to geopolitical knowledge. I am not dismissing her knowledge eitherx but i believe you are overestimating it.