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Joined 1 years ago

Has Indonesia still blocked Reddit as well?

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Second wave of redditors incoming soon when Reddit finally decides to deactivate old style.

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Yeah only with a Tesla you don’t have to drive to a Tesla shop and wait for an hour or even days, you get an OTA update.

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If you were truly loyal to Lemmy and not going back all the time like a sucker, you wouldn’t even know, so yes, YTA.


But seriously, if you were to try to fertilize land that is desert, you would have to plant millions and millions of plants and babysit them because they wouldn’t survive on their own yet, before the ecosystem changes and becomes relatively self-sufficient. So I think copying and crossposting is a legit way to boost the community, at least for now.

Become self-employed with a practice. Reliable income that depends on how much work I’m willing to put in and no one can fire me.

The only caveat being… if I get seriously ill, there’s nobody to cover me unless I’m willing to pay someone a small fortune.

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Memmy does it since the last TestFlight release. Should be in the App Store version soon.

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Building a cloud castle out of colored wool blocks in survival with my then girlfriend (now wife).

I still think my two illuminated K800s are the best keyboards I’ve ever had. When they brake I’m pretty sure I’ll buy more of them.

Same here. Since I was an Apollo user, there’s no loss of revenue though, and I haven’t posted much, barely any loss of new content.

You must have experienced a different Germany than I have. Lots of incompetent or asshole drivers on the roads. IMO that has nothing (very little) to do with driver education, and everything to do with drivers‘ mentality, as it’s very different regionally within Germany.

Rules also don’t help if not enforced. What are you suggesting? Lower the speed limit another 10, so they can now go 30 above instead of 20?

Yes, if the projected range is more optimistic than reality, it’s always because I drive faster than 120-130 kph. Otherwise it’s absolutely spot on or even better than projected, for example if I drive 100-110 kph for a while.

Maybe when I was 15, but that was so long… ago that I can’t even remember.

I’m shocked people seem to agree with this so much. While there are certainly circumstances where you don’t have much choice, spending your life in a job/career that doesn’t give you meaning and fulfillment will probably depress everyone sooner or later.

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With Memmy and wefwef it seemed like I was logged in, but apparently I wasn’t. When I logged in once more like I would log in to a different server (but in this case same server name, user, password) it worked fine again.

Uni, having kids, my last car, and hopefully buying a house (the latter remains to be seen but I’m optimistic).

Many company names are short wordplays or acronyms with the founders‘ name(s) or location, or with the kind of manufactured goods or types of business. Examples are ALDI, Lidl, Audi H&M, Adidas for names, or Prada, BMW for location, or IBM, SAP for types of business.

The Asian way seems to be different though, as company names often represent symbols of good fortune, as in Samsung, Sony, Hyundai, but also Nike.

It’s probably wise to avoid clichés (kool) or insults in common languages („Fuck“ printing and publishing in Germany) too.

Seconding this.

Enhance S3XY Buttons would like to have a word.

Cut it all to 2-3mm. To maintain, you only need a hair trimmer. I haven’t been to a hair professional for over 20 years now… no regrets.

I think it depends on where it’s hosted, but I’ve definitely saved pictures directly from Memmy.

I once repaired an all-in-one PC with a display I bought online. Wasn’t particularly hard but takes a while if you’re doing it for the first time. Try googling your monitor type and „display“ and see if there are replacements available.

I’m glad this was the top comment

The 2 xtra long Chili cheese coupon menu with a big coke every Monday night after work.

You do you, but it would drain me too much to work a job just for the money if it doesn’t fulfill me in some way directly. I’d compare it to working a shit job your whole life with the goal to finally retire and enjoy life.

Only then, you’re too tired or have health problems, so you can’t enjoy life after all.

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Please don’t take the following the wrong way as it’s not meant to be judgmental.

The fact that you can’t even imagine being employed somewhere AND having a fulfilling job at the same time shows quite some narrow-mindedness IMO. Maybe it’s from bad experience or some kind of ideological antiwork standpoint, I don’t know. But those jobs definitely exist, and it’s never as black and white.

Every job has its downsides, but I would argue there’s always potential to find something better than what any person currently has going for themselves.

Even with only 40 hours a week, a bit-fulfilling job would drain me too much, but I may be rather sensitive in that regard. As a result, I changed my career a few times, and for the first time in my life I feel like I’ve arrived in a place I can imagine doing for the rest of my life, while it also pays the bills.

I wish. I’m not there yet money-wise, but that’s the plan. ATM there are only expensive emergency backups.

This is a great explanation, thanks.

Try something and probably change your mind later. Not having payed a fortune for an education before your change of heart would be extremely helpful though.

Try to pick something that gives you freedom instead of limiting yourself. A craft might be good, or an internship before studying if possible.

The detonation of either the Hiroshima or the Nagasaki nuclear bomb, including the aftermath and suffering, assuming the explosions and fallout couldn’t hurt me eyesight- or radiation-wise.

I think that’s also something every politician should witness before getting into office. Maybe the world would be more peaceful and diplomatic.

Just one image per hour without signing up… not the greatest choice if you ask me, because there’s no way to gauge its potential with just one try.

I would argue that easy access to that kind of information lowers the threshold to act as it might seem more of an opportunity.

Not only downvoted, but my comment was also deleted by someone after it had like 60 downvotes. When that happened, I started considering moving away from Lemmy right after coming here, because it seemed to be a worse echo chamber than Reddit had ever been.

Only because it wasn’t easy and also not easily accessible via Memmy (which I really like) I stayed for the time being. For example, I can’t login to a kbin account (only subscribe to kbin communities) and I don’t have access to Mastodon using Memmy.

So I guess already like Apollo kept me with Reddit, Memmy keeps me here for the time being. I stopped participating in anything remotely controversial though and became a lurker because I learned that day, discussion and a variety of opinions are not what the majority of users here are after. Maybe that’s true for all social media, idk…

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I hear you, but I’m not here to fight or be accused, ridiculed or hated upon. You can’t save people from themselves.

If it were only a few, but -60 within a few hours with such a small amount of Lemmy users tells me, this is not the place for civilized discussion. Not to mention that it got deleted… no thanks, I won’t be putting too much work and thought into critical comments anymore when there’s a risk of going to waste anyway.

So who’s the one who gets to decide who does more harm than good in this world and therefore gets their life risked more? Maybe the fact that you own at least a phone puts you on the bad and immoral 50% of all humanity?

And what exactly habe his kids done to mankind?

These contests are full of ideology, so a trans person has a significant advantage over the others. There aren’t enough heartwarming and sob stories in the world to compensate for that.

On the other hand, I don’t really care if those kind of competitions are unfair. If they help trans people convey a message, that’s probably the best thing that can come out of them.

I find it strange how most people seem fine with this kind of thing. It’s probably safe to assume there are threats against Elon Musks life, and against that of his kids, not to mention the risk of abduction or worse. Tracking his plane makes it all the more easier.

So again… what’s wrong with you that you not only don’t see the harm, but even seem to celebrate this as some kind of twisted sweet revenge for actions that haven’t even harmed you in any way?

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The selective reasoning here amazes me to no end. It’s always Twitter bad, Elon bad, but nobody seems to care about the giant government-circlejerk (or reacharound if you prefer that image) that was uncovered via the Twitter files after Elon Musk took over.

So it’s okay to censor and lie doing the government’s bidding, sometimes even preemptively, but it’s not okay to rebrand your company after all this massive pile of shit was uncovered?

Just LOL

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