1 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Known on another site as Gamiac.

Apparently the Horipad's gonna be that. I think I'll stick with the Dualsense.

Embrace, Expend, Extinguish.

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Yep. Something needs to change if we want Lemmy to be something besides a place for Soviet simps to hide from criticism. Authoritarianism cannot be tolerated.

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Yeah, people going "hurr durr the protests don't matter" aren't seeing the bigger picture. True, the protests were ineffective at best in changing Spez's mind, but the thing they're protesting will end up destroying Reddit because crippling mod tools is going to cause spam to explode on the platform.

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Explain Like I'm Steve "Jailbait" Huffman

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I've been spending my time both here and on Reddit recently, and I've honestly been enjoying it more here. Though I mostly lurk.

"Free speech" has become an anti-feature now due to the prevalence of people who use it to justify enabling bigotry. It's sad.

[ ] Lie

[ ] Damn lie

[X] Statistics

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I'm so bored of that line. At least come up with something different.

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The alternative, right now, is still potentially never having another election.

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What is there to think about? I complain about people who support Soviet-style dictatorships having full control over online platforms moderating exactly as one would expect, and I get told by Random Guy On The Internet #368,452 that I'm apparently a hypocrite because wanting action to be taken to stop authoritarians from controlling social networks makes me the real authoritarian or something. All this to "suit my agenda", which in this case is wanting to be able to say that authoritarians are bad.

God forbid I find arguments like that incoherent and unworthy of taking seriously.

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Nah, it's a fish from Monster Hunter. You get it from fishing in a volcano.

No. 538 gave Trump the best chances out of any model, which Nate was criticized heavily for. 1-in-3 chances, which is what Trump had in 2016, are still pretty likely.

Can't you get banned from Threads? What happens when someone posts content on a Fediverse server that isn't supposed to be allowed on Threads? Porn, for example.

Good. Lemmy communities need to be as instance-agnostic as possible.

He was added as a mod pretty much for shits and giggles, he didn't do any actual moderation. Still, he allowed the sub and many others like it, so very much the second option.

Go spelunking and become immune to nearly all forms of damage, only to step on a drop of funny pink liquid, get turned into a sheep, get set on fire and die.

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sv_gravity -1
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Yooo, this is dope. Looks great, responsive, and good use of screen space. I love the retractable sidebar.

Most of my exposure to HD2 before picking it up was either streamers playing it or people complaining they couldn't play it because the servers were well over capacity.

Nah. Not yet, at least. Reddit is still largely intact as a community despite the severe hatred of the admins, and Lemmy hasn't even come close to maturing yet. Once the lack of effective moderation starts to sink in, and Lemmy starts getting bigger and filling in more niches, people will probably be more keen on switching.

Good. Is development of Lemmy still controlled by tankies?

Those damn liberals, making people go outside.

That's why I said "expend" rather than "expand".

Yep. They're language models, after all. Not surprised they're taking translation jobs.

I'm assuming it's one of those newfangled "shiny" things.

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Sounds like they're the ones in need of new butts.

I wonder how long it's gonna take for the elites to start trying to pull a Conservapedia on the Fediverse? Cause, you know, all that engagement with non-conservative ideas can't be organic, right? It's clearly manipulated by the cabal or something, and we gotta have BaLaNcE.

I've been hanging around on /r/StreetFighter since the SF6 beta dropped, and I honestly just wish they'd freaking move to Lemmy already or something. I dunno what other forums even exist for the fighting game community at this point outside of Reddit :(

I prefer the XKCD map. Really illustrates that whole "empty space" thing pretty well:

Technically, HL1 was Valve arriving late to a trend. (FPSes)

Yep. It's the most fun I've ever had playing something that actively hates you.

It makes moving the default option for those using the app. Not bad.

I wonder if you could throw a simple website up on Neocities with an RSS feed.

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That's the one.

The logical conclusion to being a skeptic is being punk.

Hail Spez!

I've changed mine. Not that my previous name was embarrassing in any way, but I just wanted to change my name.