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Joined 12 months ago


Can't wait for this startup to mysteriously disappear

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Your name, usually.

My bad, just meant to argue that taxes weren't explicitly communist. I don't have any strong feelings for or agains t communism yet, maybe I'll look into it later. Just hate to see people use thr name of an economic system as a debate ender, although I suppose I did the same. Guess it's just the debater in me wishing we could have actual structural arguments on thr internet instead of throwing slang words around.

Are you eating humans???

Carnet is what I replaced it with, self hosted or it can be entirely local on device. But it isn't perfect to say the least.

It originally was the one panel meme, but it was changed to this to make it friendly

Why wouldn't you need a 13 ton, 135 horse power tractor??? Are you stupid???

I have a plan Arthur

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Taxes are capitalist

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I remember seeing a YouTube short about a right winger reading the news story and laughing that the libtards just discovered sailing ships, and the comments all full of people saying like "can't teach stupid" and stuff like that. But that has nothing it do with it? Like why criticize people for using previous, useful, technologies that have gone unused in the past??? Like the article wasn't even touting this as a new invention, which it technically is because it's not just as simple as putting sails on a boat, but their only argument was that it's mid evil tech and the left is stupid for using it. So frustrating.

I feel like I've seen your username before. It's probably just because it's distinctive, though.

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I use infinity when it works and displays images and connect when it doesn't.

Was this last night? Because man was that sunset beautiful yesterday


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Harvest moon?

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Here's hoping

What do you mean dust off? Are you able to go any amount of time without printing??? If I go even for a few minutes without printing it feels like I'm wasting time

I used to use graphine OS on my pixel 5a and then it just shut off and stopped working and now I'm back to lineage on some old phone

I was going to make the same Joke lol

Odysee has videos? I've been using it for... 3D printing.

Sounds like you should try picking her up again, just to prove a point

What are the jitters like?

You can use gcaminator on the play store to downloadGoogle'ss official camera app

I had no idea "hippy dippy" was a real phrase, I thought the lego movie just made that up

OMG Morgot Robbie I loved you in Wreck it Ralph 2!

What benefits does this have?

Finally, more sane people!

Wario hates Chicago more than Indianapolis

Try chopping it up in a meat grinder, as long as the only thing that comes out, that's left of them is their eyeball, they're probably dead.