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Joined 1 years ago

All I hear when I read these comments is "I want my genocide with a big helping of fascism!"

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An exception is allowed for religious texts.

Well, sounds like it's time to abuse the ever living shit out of that.

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Yeah, that's the killer. Reddit was great because I could join a hundred communities and see all of them in one place. Sounds like we need a common forum aggregator of some sort.

Or Lemmy. Liking it so far.

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All of the data Meta could gather by federating is available to anyone who sets up their own server. The hacker would just need to know how to use docker. What's scary is the extra information Threads users give away by being on threads.

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Colonel, you better have a look at this radar.

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Big pockets.

If he wants $7tn, he better pay for all the content he stole to do it. Fuck these guys, wanting to become unfathomably rich off other people's labour.

Instance admins are pulling the code down and implementing it in their server. They could easily slip in some malicious backend code and there would be no way to verify it.

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"Elmo just asking questions."

Immortality really just means that the odds of you dying by accident becomes 100%.

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I honestly have no idea why iPhone users put up with those cables for so long.

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Who is making Yutani?

It’s not difficult to download what you have contributed to Reddit and to post elsewhere.

If you believe that what you've learned is of value you have to both consider what you're saying and who can see it. If it's valuable Reddit is far more discoverable than a corner of the internet. It's not a matter necessarily of being "lazy", it's weighing the medium with the message.

You're going to need a special hat.

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The aqueduct.

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Yeah, I can't believe that governments and infrastructure services are still using it. I can, at best, see your single tweet, and odds are good I can't see the most recent. It's nuts that anyone would ever want to use that as a broad communication platform.

Can't recommend a hotel Christmas enough. It gives you and your significant other room to breathe and debrief away from the noise. You get a space that is "yours". Plus, it's nice to poop in peace.

*Vampiric. These dudes are aspiring to be literal vampires.

You love to see it.

Yup. I don't care if my workflow is suboptimally slow, I can easily see exactly I'm doing with git extensions.

The solution if you and a service don't see eye to eye with terms is to not have you use the service. Seems like Google made the decision for you.

I can only imagine what his hair will end up looking like.

Of course she's delusional. But so is a large part of America.

Yeah there are checks and balances in the legal system, even Biden himself couldn't just decide that Trump needed to be arrested.

This is Trump thinking the Biden did something Trump was told Trump couldn't do.

OT, but are you the FlyingSquid who used to spend a lot of time in /r/skeptic?

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You could always ask David Carradine for tips. Wait...

Stupid sexy Balmer.

Yeah, that's fair enough. I just wanted to point out it's not our data that will be in jeopardy any more than it is right.

Yeah, this is going to be a pain in the ass. At least I have until summer.

Can wasm manipulate the DOM yet?

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How much? How much of total US power is used by banks? You have a number, right?


A few of the artists I follow put their new releases on cassette.

Windows 12 won't be. Windows 12+ChatGPT 100% will be.

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