0 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

When leaving a room say "Bi" instead of "Bye".

I hope they're able to bring them back up. Must be terrifying trapped on the sea floor. But also... seriously questioning the decision making process these supposedly super successful people go through.

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I don't understand, clean nuclear power has never been easier. Why not just build some current gen nuke plants?

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There's also just fewer people in general here.

I definitely followed all of the marketing and was expecting about 3 or 4 more skill trees, more meaningful choices in side quests, and generally a more living world. Plus like, 20 hours of gameplay that got cut out and turned into a cutscene.

What if they don't believe in the Christian God because the Christian God is demonstrably not real?

This kind of post right here is the gold standard for why I chose Kbin over other instances. Well reasoned, free of vitriol, and looking to build a new culture outside of the one a lot of us left behind on Reddit.

Cluster bombs are highly effective at what they're using them for. And the alternative is mines. Neither is exactly civilian friendly, but at least this way the failure rates are lower and the bombs you're leaving behind are actually being targeted at something instead of buried and forgotten.

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Easy. A single artillery shell will likely miss, meaning you need to use more of them. Cluster munitions hit a wide area, and therefore you need to use less of them. It's like using a shotgun vs a rifle. I'd highly recommend this video for more information.

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We're at an impasse and I'm going to agree to disagree here. Specifically on them being used without much regard for accuracy because that just seems nonsensical. The whole goal of shooting at a thing (or a person) is to hit it (or them). Firing at random just wastes ammo and doesn't help the war effort. As for "used to excess", how do you define what's excessive? Certainly an artillery battery will not keep firing once the target has been killed. And as for the cluster munitions being devastating to civilian populations well after the war ends, so are mines and no one is complaining about either side using those. Not to mention the Russians started using cluster munitions first so if anything this is just achieving force parity.

Does this mean that AI can generate songs specifically to be chart toppers now?

autodoc! I really enjoyed their implementation in The Expanse.

We might be disagreeing on the cluster munitions thread but this is based as fuck. Thanks for sharing!

I've been pronouncing it "KayBin".

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I'd wager keeping our narwhals and bacons out of this is probably a good first step? I'm here to join Kbin not turn Kbin into reddit 2.0. Hope we can get some real feedback on this one from people who have been here for a minute. lol

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I was so stoked to get this, you have no idea. hahaha

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Pretty sure there's also a /m/noncredibledefense here on Kbin

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Wait are we part of the original wave of Kbin immigrants?

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