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Joined 12 months ago

Little Bunny Foo Foo, I don't wanna see you ...

So basically Biden with a less shitty stance on Palestine. I'll take it!

We expect biden to.

No we don't. Some of us believe there's a shadow of a prayer he might be pushed into it by Democrat party leaders and his own advisors, but even the politicos calling for his withdrawal have been clear that they expect him to lurch his way to an electoral disaster.

I see the down votes, but I took this as a Wag the Dog reference. They're pointing out just how terrible an idea it is for Biden and the democrats to keep trying to sleepwalk through this election while Trump and the republicans pull out all the rhetorical stops.

Which is honestly a better ratio than I would have expected.

Same as it ever was.

Notify the maintainer of the open source tool - they're in the best position to push for compliance. They have the power to revoke the company's license.

Silly as it sounds, this is exactly how to support him. That and writing letters. It means so much to incarcerated folks to have the few things from commissary that make life just a little less miserable, and what to spend it on is a bit of choice and independence in a system designed to take every bit of those things away as a means of grinding inmates down.

Letters are just as important - a lifeline to the outside. Sometimes literally. Guards know who is in regular contact with people outside, and who doesn't have anyone to report abuse to. Being able to communicate things like unmet medical needs so someone can set up a call campaign can be life or death.

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Bribes. They're called bribes.

Musk being at the helm is 50% of the reason a lot of people won't even consider buying a Tesla. Boneheaded engineering decisions he dumped on the engineers are the other 50%. Replacing the hype with decent cars would be a win for everybody not named Musk.

Something I haven't seen mentioned yet - who is the company's HIPAA "Compliance Officer"? If it's anyone other than your boss, you could document the situation to them in an e-mail. If you want to be slick about it, ask them if there is "still any compliance need to keep the replacement machine ready or if it would be OK to repurpose it, given [your boss's name here]'s decision not to move forward with the upgrade." They're on the hook for compliance violations, so they'll likely see to it.

I would also suggest making a habit from now on of documenting verbal conversations that result in actionable decisions in short e-mails to the other party: " To recap our discussion, [bullet point list]"

You can excuse this as being for your own reference so you don't forget any to-do items or so that they can correct any misunderstanding on your part, but it makes for a fantastic CYA if that ever becomes necessary. For really important items likely to bite someone later, print a paper copy if you don't fully own and control the machine AND the e-mail local archive. Only bring those out if absolutely necessary, as in when SOMEBODY will be fired or you're about to be legally scapegoated. They'll save your butt once, but it will probably be time to start looking for another job because the boss will think either that you should have pushed harder earlier to fix the issue or be worried about their inability to scapegoat you in the future.

Since Wikipedia tracks edits, it wasn't actually "taken down", it's still there if you dig through the edit history. I dug it up:

Having known multiple trans people and heard them talk about the arguments for and against early disclosure: Fear.

  1. They may not be public about their status, and fear exposure to family or coworkers seeing their public profile.

  2. They may fear harassment from transphobes. This could range from DM accusations of pedophilia to religious screeds to doxxing to death threats.

  3. They may be trying to avoid "chasers." There are some people for whom a trans body (particularly a transfem body) is a fetish, who don't actually care about the person inside. Plenty of transpeople don't appreciate that kind of attention.

  4. Fear of rejection. They may believe that nobody will respond if they're open about not being cis.

Also two less fear-related (and less common) possibilities:

  1. Ideology. To some people, specifying "transman" or "transwoman" reinforces a social distinction they find invalidating or don't accept. How many profiles have you seen that specify themselves as "cisman" or "ciswoman"? For these people, it's a way of rejecting cisgender normativity.

  2. Maybe they just aren't ready to talk about their genitals yet, or have their first conversation be about their surgical plans or history. Not only can get really repetitive having that be the first conversation with every single match, it means they don't get any of the information they're looking for about a potential partner until much later in the process and have to invest a lot of their own time up front. Just like you want the salient information you care about early on, so do they.

There are two sides to the equation though - depopulation and repopulation. Hate and discrimination may not be causing (most of) the exodus, but inclusion and acceptance could be part of the solution. I've known more than a few people who have wanted to move to rural areas but have avoided them for exactly that reason. The braver ones have made the move, but only as a group able to support and protect each other.

Yes. Personally I can't stand guided meditation - it never moves at the right speed. Za-zen, Vipassana, Hwa Tou, mantras, fire gazing, Silent Illumination, and others can be helpful.

The key is to remember that meditation is practice - there's no end state where you've "gotten it right."

Getting distracted is not failure. Noticing that you've become distracted and bringing attention back to your focus is success.

Except their summary is wrong. The researchers went on to search other extensions for known malicious code, and found it in thousands of extensions with tens of millions of total installs.

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But she has no way to know that, and a lifetime of evidence to suggest that your attitude isn't the universal male perspective. Since she doesn't know you personally, the risk outweighs whatever benefit she gets from the high five.

The last time it went to the Supreme Court, they couldn't make up their minds. The current court would probably support it.

There's nothing wrong with the example in and of itself, but the word "transsexual" in place of "transgender" is not generally random. It is explicitly chosen by Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs) as well as by right-wing transphobes as a dog whistle to conflate gender dysphoria with drag queens and cross-dess fetishists so as to delegitimise transpeople and suggest some sort of sexual deviance. Coupled with the equivocation of "perceived" gender, motive doesn't even have to come into it. The words themselves and the concepts they reinforce are transphobic and harmful.

A witch hunt would have been for me to say that the author is a transphobic asshole whose writings need to be wiped from the internet - which is very far from what I actually posted, which was regret for the way the language they chose distracted from the flow of their argument by reinforcing the social stigmatization of trans people. (Edit: That was a deliberate choice on my part. Not knowing enough about the author to be sure of motives and having no desire to deep dive into their history, I decided that it was only appropriate to point out the hurtful nature of the language and not imply motive.)

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They went all the way to the supreme court to get a ruling that the company itself has religious beliefs against contraception and must be allowed to force them on its employees by not covering it in their healthcare plans as otherwise required by law.

Here you go, but it appears to be down at the moment.

No - it was the language that I said was transphobic, not the author. Given that there were two different word choices ("transsexual" and "perceived gender") that reinforced each other, it seems more likely than not that they reflected the mindset of the author, but not having looked further for their other writings I was not sure. That's why I said " transphobic language" and not "transphobic author".

More, but there's an even simpler solution. In the context, the author is distinguishing between "sex assigned at birth" and "perceived gender." The equivocating word " perceived" could simply be dropped with no loss of clarity.

He may not be incarcerated yet. He was only sentenced last week, and once he surrenders it may take a few days for his info to show up. Since this was federal, he'll be going to a federal prison. When he does, you'll find him here. That will give you his register number, and a link to the prison page where information on how to address mail can be found for the facility he's in.

Favorite would be a highly customized zsh.

fizsh (not fish) is what I actually end up using, as I can't be bothered to copy that config around and retune it for each machine. Gives me the syntactic sugar of zsh with common default options on by default, an OK default prompt, and doesn't break POSIX assumptions like fish. Also Installs quickly from the package manager without needing to run through the zsh setup each time - unlike oh-my-zsh. And if I still need customization, all the zsh options are still there.

It's called Survivor's Guilt. It may not be rational, but emotions often aren't. And yes, they're likely to wind up with it for both surviving the October 7th raid AND for the deaths in the raid that freed them. Along with all sorts of other trauma related mental health issues.

Sweat. When it's hot and humid in particular, a little bit of lift prevents uncomfortable sweat buildup where the scrotum meets the legs.

Except he will. Florida doesn't allow convicted felons to vote unless it's a state felony that would not prevent them from voting in the state where it was charged - and New York doesn't strip felons of voting rights.

Even if they did, Florida voting rights can be restored by the governor and a review board appointed solely by him. Despite their history of personal conflict, don't think for a second that DeSantis wouldn't capitalize on the boost with his political base from handing Donald Trump the voting booth photo op as a personal gift.

The researchers are releasing the scanning tool they created for people to be able to run against their own installs.

Absolutely. Bullet journal changes my life during the periods I'm able to keep up the habit.

Absolutely. My partner and I have traded those roles more than once.

On the "how far you're willing to travel" front, the reality is it's much harder and more expensive to get the surgery in the US. One of the consequences of this is that most US surgeons aren't 100% specialised on SRS so they may not have the level of experience of someone elsewhere.

You didn't request specific surgeon references, but my partner used Dr. Chettawut Tulayphanich and has never regretted the choice. There's a level of competence that only comes with repeated practice, and if there's a US surgeon with over 3,000 of these surgeries behind them I'd be beyond shocked.

Probably because of this. The commenter overstated the situation, but there are valid and serious criticisms to be made.

And that assumes no second hand

A well argued point. Could have done without the random transphobic comments about "transsexuals" and "perceived gender".

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Good point. That was in the "static IP" category and not counted in the 200+ million install "malicious code" category, though. It could be a warning sign of false positives, but the example was such a small snippet it could also be opening after a VPN is established. That example was supposedly part of code that opens a connection for shell access from the other end, but without more details it's not really possible to say.

In high school, caffeine would put me to sleep. Some time in college, it stopped having any effect at all. These days, even a cup of green tea in the morning and I'll wake up at 3am with a panic attack.

It already is

Those are the LAST people who should have access to any child
