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Joined 1 years ago

I think you have a tab problem.

I suggest you try out a 12 step program. Tabaholics Anonymous works.

Are you telling me you’d prefer a normal browser over an electron app running a mini browser hogging the resources of a full browser in what is the equivalent of a progressive web app??

EDIT: I know nothing. I just thought this would seem funny

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Notice how they said

Not assessed to be criminal

And not

Assesed to be not criminal

Scottish Cops are still Cops I guess

They're mimicking someone who's trying to say the word dictionary but ironically lacks the diction to articulate it and instead says 'wordbook'

It is humorous because of the implication that extreme right wingers ala Fox news and it's viewers are illiterate hillbillies. They're not. They're just insane.

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I'd argue we're already there. Once you hit zero it’s not like you zip out of existence. When everyone is poor and has no money, the rich get to hire you and pay you enough to buy their products and keep them comfortable. You'll never make enough to get out of poverty because it's designed to keep you there.

Poverty isn't just about not having money, it's about never making enough to get out of poverty. When you're always living paycheck to paycheck, payday loan to payday loan - you're screwed. The system will never let you out. You're too profitable in that state to let out.

Think of the boot theory. If I only give you 10 bucks a year, you have to buy the 2 dollar boots every year that last only a year. The moment you made 11 dollars, you could buy the 5 dollar boot that lasts you a decade. The system incentivizes company's to sell 2 dollar boots cause it makes them more money in the long run, and if the entire world agrees to never pay you more than 10 dollars a year, every company can make that much more money. That's why your market value is not your fair pay.

The real reason poverty exists is because rich people need a slave class without being directly liable for owning them.

Itty bitty cement shoes?

Honest question. Are you a real person?

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Ah yes, python is psuedocode

To my utter dismay, I've learnt that there are some people who find that question entirely sensible and normal.

I know people who will refuse to watch anything animated or comic related

Why should only the minorities that excel deserve a good life?

Why do the mediocre majority get to live a good life while the mediocre minority don't?

Let people be mediocre and instead we need to make life better for everyone.

I fairly certain you're a troll, it's patently obvious on a site like lemmy. Heck I'm even confident you're going to respond to this because I used a magic keyword, I won't. This is meant for the normal people reading this

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So I copied the first paragraph of the Osama Bin Laden Killed NYT Article and asked Chat GPT to give me an article on the topic “in the style of NYT”

Even before the thing had finished generating, it was clear to me that it was high school level “copy my homework but don’t make it obvious” work.

I put it into a plagiarism checker anyway and it said “Significant Plagiarism Found”

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Can I be that person???

AkShUaLlY An inch is not PrEcIsElY 2.5 cm but is /defined/ to be 2.54 ish cm so 0.4” is in ReAlItY 10.6 mm.

Ok im sorry. I’ll show myself out.

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Nah, base 10 is superior than base 10. Atleast base 10 isn't base 10

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Then, we’d have to shift the jokes to which editors can run in emacs.

Ooh I see it now. They need to work on it lol

Big 5 personality test

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I believe it’s actually Teslapodae since it’s from the Greek

Star Trek?

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Check out Kagi!

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How often are you supposing that naked people end up on body cam footage?

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Barrack Obama Prism



Yeah you can. When I upgraded from the then middle tier to the unlimited I just paid the difference pro rata iirc

Ok help me out here. What on earth is boustrophedon supposed to be? It sounds like a biblical monster lol

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Try Celeste. There’s a great storyline but you can ignore it if you want. The gameplay speaks for itself

Eyy! You took the words out of my mouth! I don’t mind paying for a search engine if it’s good lol

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More and more it seems like it’s especially if it’s gonna make things better lol

Fekkin hell that sounds like a boring dystopia

For science!

Here’s the chatGPT text for anyone who is interested-

WASHINGTON — Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of the most devastating attack on American soil in modern times and the most hunted man in the world, was killed in a firefight with United States forces in Pakistan, President Obama announced on Sunday.

In a late-night address to the nation from the East Room of the White House, President Obama declared, "Justice has been done." The death of Bin Laden, the Al Qaeda leader who had eluded international forces for nearly a decade, marks a significant turning point in the global fight against terrorism and a pivotal victory for U.S. intelligence and military forces.

Bin Laden's demise, the result of an operation that unfolded over the course of a few tense hours, is being hailed as a triumph of U.S. military and intelligence efforts. The operation, carried out by a small team of American forces in Abbottabad, a city north of Islamabad, ended a worldwide manhunt that began in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks in 2001.

The President, in his address, detailed how the United States had received an intelligence lead last August about Bin Laden's possible location. Over the ensuing months, intelligence officials worked to confirm the information. "Finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice," Obama said.

The raid on Bin Laden's compound, described by officials as a surgical strike, was a high-stakes operation. U.S. helicopters ferried elite counter-terrorism forces into the compound, where they engaged in a firefight, killing Bin Laden and several of his associates. There were no American casualties.

The news of Bin Laden's death immediately sent waves of emotion across the United States and around the world. In Washington, large crowds gathered outside the White House, chanting "USA! USA!" as they celebrated the news. Similar scenes unfolded in New York City, particularly at Ground Zero, where the Twin Towers once stood.

The killing of Bin Laden, however, does not signify the end of Al Qaeda or the threat it poses. U.S. officials have cautioned that the organization, though weakened, still has the capability to carry out attacks. The Department of Homeland Security has issued alerts, warning of the potential for retaliatory strikes by terrorists.

In his address, President Obama acknowledged the continuing threat but emphasized that Bin Laden's death was a message to the world. "The United States has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done," he said.

As the world reacts to the news of Bin Laden's death, questions are emerging about Pakistan's role and what it knew about the terrorist leader's presence in its territory. The operation's success also underscores the capabilities and resilience of the U.S. military and intelligence community after years of relentless pursuit.

Osama bin Laden's death marks the end of a chapter in the global war on terror, but the story is far from over. As the United States and its allies continue to confront the evolving threat of terrorism, the world watches and waits to see what unfolds in this ongoing narrative.

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Doing my job! 🫡

Climbing a mountain but dying too much along the way. Like a little too much.

touch me
touch a
touch sandwich
sudo make me a sandwich

As I mentioned above, it's quite snappier than safari and even Firefox. It's clear that they've worked on performance.

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I think you’re mistaken. It was the civilization of Mango Trees that made that database.

Or Henning Wehn

Look bud. I get that you want a trusty point of reference for their gender, and kudos to you on that. The whole reason they were brutally beaten to death is because of their gender non conformity. Them being trans has been the whole reason the police has been so virulent in their disinformation.

If you believe there is possible doubt about what they said their gender was or you are confused by conflicting sources, maybe just say Nex?

Something clicked in my mind when I read the phrase self-righteous suicide and SOAD just popped into my head

Ok? I never said it was cheap. Also, the whole “I want it for cheap” mentality is what got the world to where we are right now. I can afford to pay 10 dollars a month for a search engine because it saves me exponentially more in privacy and more importantly- time.

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