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Joined 11 months ago

Burn MF - Five Finger Death Punch

Turns out people don’t wanna pay console/PC prices to play games on their mobile devices. Who knew.

thank mr skeltal

Google search results are literally the only time I read Reddit content these days, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that regard. They're going to lose so many views if they block their content on Google.

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It’s because these companies keep driving up production costs on their own. Their next game has to top their last. At what point do we say that graphics are good enough? Who needs these insane amount of details? Why does a game absolutely need to be 100+GB in size? Is Bloodborne not visually appealing enough? What about God of War (2018)?

Can we not find a “good enough” acceptable baseline and just work with that? This infinite growth is annoying as both a developer and a player. Like okay, ooooh, you can render each individual hair on someone’s head and they each have their own physics. Congratulations. How’s the story for the game? Ah, broken to the point of unplayable, but you pinky swear a patch is coming.

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I thought that too. And then nothing happened when Reddit killed third party apps. The Reddit userbase will continue to bend and spread. As long as Spez spits on it first, they’ll continue to take it.

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I work in the magical world of ISPs. If you’re having an internet issue, reboot your router and/or modem before calling in. It may not seem like much to you, but many background processes happen when you do so. This can be useful to troubleshoot where the issue lies. There’s a reason why techs will make you do so when calling in. And yes, they can tell on their end if and when you do so. So don’t bullshit them by saying you already did it if you didn’t.

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Wow. Amateur hour over here. There's a much easier way to write this.

A case select:

    case 1:
        return false;
    case 2:
        return true;

And so on.

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One child rule. Minimum.

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Oh, so that's what it's like to access trauma-blocked memories from ages ago. Thanks OP.

When Conker’s Bad Fur Day is available with unlocked resolution and widescreen, let me know.

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If I had a nickel for every time a full power cycle fixed it all, I’d be rich. However, if you did power cycle before and call in again, often it’s an issue that needs deeper investigation. In that case, the tech can likely watch the process of your equipment coming online in realtime to see where the issue is happening. Network entry, authentication, package application, DHCP, it can often be monitored as it’s happening. A reboot while on the phone starts the process right from the beginning so it can be monitored to determine what happens immediately and what happens after it sits for a while.

The Apple Watch Ultra already costs that much, doesn't it?

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Ah yes, each more sold out than the last.

  1. Unplug the power
  2. Wait ~30 seconds, just to ensure it’s good and off
  3. Plug it back in

Fortunately there are no commands to enter or buttons to click. They’re designed to handle losing power.

My solution to making home cooking taste better than fast food was buying a fat sack of MSG and using it in everything. Truly it’s the king of flavor.

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Is that the modern equivalent of “because of some of the pixels and seeing a lot of shops in my time”?

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I've got one - Hotline Miami 2.

Hotline Miami 1 was such a fantastic game. Frantic, high energy, fun, good art style, a confusing at best story but that's not why you played it. HM2 was full of off-screen instant kill bullshit that you literally could not prepare for in any way other than to die to it a handful of times before you memorized enemy positions off-screen. In the first game, you could always see threats before they could kill you. Not the case in the sequel. "You died and there's nothing you could have done to prevent it" is a bullshit mechanic in any game.

You know what? Ubuntu. There I said it.

I’ve been using it since 2007 - 7.04 was my first foray into Linux ever. At present day it’s been the most “it just works” distro for me. I installed it and… that’s it. Everything just worked.

I don’t care about the “ads” in the terminal. I don’t care that it’s “bloated” (even the most bloated distro is less bloated than Windows).

If a company is porting their software to Linux, chances are they’re focusing on Ubuntu. Not Debian. Not Mint. Ubuntu.

If something isn’t working, chances are there’s a community post about it with a working solution.

It’s cool that distro hopping is a hobby for a lot of people. It isn’t for me. I want no bullshit, just set it up and let it work so I can focus on doing stuff within the OS, not setting up and fine tuning the OS itself day in and day out. And for me that’s Ubuntu.

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And we’re a drop in the bucket compared to the Reddit userbase. A rounding error. Some impact we made.

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Make 4K textures a separate download, via a free DLC. That way if people only ever play in 1080p, they don't need to waste disk space on files that will never get used.

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I mean it’s Exputer, do they even have human writers?

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I will take all your orange ones. You can have all my red ones.

If Keanu was in the studio that day, someone should have said “Silverhand, arm the nuke.”

Pretty much. But publicly MSG still has that “ooo scary and harmful” stigma to it. It’s no more harmful than salt or sugar, but some weird racism against Chinese immigrants in the 40s created that stigma.

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Or from a country where an IP address does not equal a person in the eyes of the law, and therefore you cannot be charged for copyright infringement based on IP address alone.

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Little do you know this man is a Stand user.

I was just a tech-obsessed teenager who thought it seemed cool. Messed around with it but since gaming was a pain in the ass I shelved it and went to Windows. Eventually administering Linux systems became my career.

Windows 11 is hot garbage. I haven’t had anything outright break, but with my hardware my machine should not be as slow as it is. Installed Ubuntu since it’s what I messed around with as a teenager and here we are.

However, now that gaming is even relatively painless in Linux, it’s here to stay on my personal desktop. A couple tools still require a Windows install but 90% of my usage is Linux and I don’t see that changing any time soon.

EDIT: I wouldn’t say I’m an evangel or anything. I don’t preach Linux to people, nor would I want to get my friends and family into it. The last thing I want to do is troubleshoot their botched install because they fucked around with system files and broke something.

I wouldn’t really say I’m obsessed either, it’s an OS. It allows me to actually do the things I want to do, and quickly. I enjoy it but I don’t plan on distro hopping, making low level tweaks, or anything. It just works and lets me work and play games. That’s good enough for me.

Care to explain?

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Seriously though, who asked for photorealistic graphics? If people agreed on a reasonable target, we could just have games at a reasonable size and cost, hardware upgrades wouldn’t need to be so insane, and teams could be put on other important things like, I dunno, making sure the game works instead of just looking pretty.

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Guess I’ll stop my current playthrough since everything is getting revamped. I want to re-experience it with a fresh character.

But what to do? Street samurai? Knife throwing one hit kill ninja? Master of explosions? Puncher of faces, exploder of heads? Netrunner 2.0?

The possibilities are… well, not endless, but abundant. The only gripe is that no matter what you need to spec into Technical Ability to be able to craft/upgrade the best gear. Making it pretty much mandatory if you’re minmaxing damage (to my knowledge there is no vendor that can do it for you if you lack the skills) makes it so that 14-17 points of your character are going into that stat no matter what.

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Bring Beer and Women to [apartment number]

Predatory usually implies that you're being lured in to buy something, but the game has no microtransactions. At its worst the mobile version (which is free) has the option to watch an ad to get 1 revive per run. Don't watch the ad? The game is the same as the console/PC version.

I think the lights, sounds, slaughtering massive hordes of enemies with overwhelming damage, and constant dopamine rush from them could certainly be predatory in nature if they were used to bait you into buying microtransactions, but that's not the case here. I see where they're coming from, but I can't necessarily agree.

Diablo 2. The extent of which you're given instruction is "here's a stick, go whack stuff."

Stat points? Better hope that you get it right the first time - you get three resets per character (unless you get a Token of Absolution which is a super late game item). Hell, before a certain patch this wasn't even a thing. Do it right the first time or you're restarting.

Same goes for skill points. Wanna put one point into everything, try it out before committing? Well those are now wasted points. Stats and skills get reset at the same time though, so you're not entirely screwed.

Rune words! The game tells you literally nothing about rune words and yet no build is complete without them. You get three runes that make up a rune word in Act 5 if you complete an optional quest. You're not told what to do with them, or that they must be in the right order (which the game does not provide), or that they must go in a normal, non-magic shield with exactly three sockets. Or that if you imbue the item after building the rune word you lose the rune word's effects. Put them in the wrong order? Bricked it - you cannot remove gems or runes from sockets. Or you can, but it destroys the socketed gems/runes. And you can only do so using....

Cube recipes. You get a cube, you use it a few times in the game. You're never told that it can be used to upgrade items, combine gems and runes, repair gear, craft items, or take you to the secret cow level.

If you never did extensive research on Diablo 2 before and while playing, you would be playing maybe a quarter of the actual game.

Personally I’m still a fan of GameMaker. Pay for the tool, use the tool, pay literally nothing else even if your game is the next Minecraft.

Downside is it’s 2D only, but that’s fine for my preferences.

I didn't decide to pirate when games went from $70 to $80 (CAD). I didn't decide to when they went from $80 to $90. I decided to when, on top of that price, I also am encouraged via predatory tactics (such as matchmaking intentionally matching you up with players who have all of this nonsense so you can "see what you're missing") to buy a deluxe edition, season pass, monthly battlepass, "cosmetic only" microtransactions, second season pass, additional DLC not part of any season pass, and whatever other crap they want to nickel and dime their playerbase into buying. All just to actually get the full content of the game. Remember when games had the full game when you bought it? Maybe an expansion pack that had a substantial amount of content that was developed and released after the game was released?

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That is, if you’re still using Google search…

What's a viable alternative? Bing seems to be just as rah rah AI as Google, DDG gives me oranges if I search for apples... if there is an actually useful search engine out there that isn't actively in the process of becoming enshittified, I would absolutely love to know.

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Seath the Seedless
