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Joined 1 years ago

It's a human thing not a Reddit thing

yeah, it's some pretty serious copium to think reddit was massively affected by the protests. Sadly, they were not

but all I can do is leave and enjoy lemmy so fuck em

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Honestly given the way elections work I'm the us this is a pretty shit line of reasoning

Trump is a union buster and more

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Won't someone rid me on of this meddlesome priest?

Don't expect human nature to change just because some ceo of a different company decided to be a greedy dick, honestly

I was about to say, who's out there supporting hamas

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Do shrooms that feeling will come right back

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Governing is a generous term

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It didn't meet the promises made, the game was ok, but it's not the game they advertised

100%, I was mad about the api changes but realistically I would have stayed

But seeing the interviews he gave was just too much. Especially when he was talking about monetizing people who say things on Reddit they wouldn't say to their therapist. Like, that group specifically you want to milk? Fuck spez

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You haven't?

I love spicy foods but the super hot peppers are just different. Even a small amount in food where it doesn't taste spicy will wreck my gi tract for at least 24 hours. Shit ain't natural

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Sadly no, show me a political party that the us, china or India could realistically vote for that would substantially reduce emissions in the next 10 years

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Please clap

That's the main thing

Casual pvp in that game was kinda fun

Sweatlord raiders made me quit the game

Pve area could be a fun option, especially if there are just too many tryhards out when you're trying to just blow off some steam from the day

Don't blame america, blame the media moguls

not all of them are american, in fact the worst of them is aussie

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perfect answer from someone who has literally no idea what they mean themselves and just spouts out buzz words to sound edgy

I mean, slavery was great for business

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So what you're saying is we have to wait until his cries cause actual harm... Like Jan 6

So being tried for doing this already, and he's doing it running up to his trial, we're supposed to wait for what.. a judge to die? Then we can charge him again but still not be able to censor him?

yeah, as long as you treat the experience with the respect it deserves it's beneficial, people get into trouble with it when they mix it with other drugs or just take it with no considerations

Hamas is bad genius

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this logic is so flawed honestly

people can choose to "be hurt" by literally any word and it's entirely subjective and ephemeral because what upsets them today may not tomorrow and what is ok changes just as easily

word policing is just a losing battle no matter how you try and justify it and the massive sensitivity towards words just makes people look ridiculous

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Krita really is exceptional for free software, started doing digital art in it just for fun and it's crazy how many tools are avaialble

the libertarian party yes, because they literally took over the us national party

the actual ideology, no

I've been on the fence with prime for a while, this will be the end

Paywalled but he talks about the value of the data on Reddit for ai training, basically that he wants to get the money from people saying stuff they'd only say in therapy otherwise

Dude is a creep

how do you expect houses to get built when there's no money to be made at all by it, especially when there's an immense amount of financial risk and work involved in maintaining a building and dealing with issues that come up, especially tenants who abuse the place and/or surrounding property

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respectful discussions don't mean much if the person isn't arguing in good faith though right

I mean, this guy literally just said find another app - the whole point is there won't be other apps

Or, people can just stop using unity since you know they will worm their way back to the price model they want eventually

yeah, so rich people from other countries come to the us to make us look bad

see: elon musk

Or a downed power line, how hard is that to believe

They all are because they know their audience

Yeah remember, democracy can only exist in a single party state

Native Americans have it worse but no one talks about them

their app is so ass and the response is to kill all other apps rather than improve their own

I mean, they could have just stolen the good designs from other apps and made theirs more user friendly, but fuck that, better to scorched earth the motherfucker

honestly, I was going to stick around reddit but after seeing all the bullshit he's spewing in these tech interviews I don't want to give him a penny of my time/data

Yeah, votes, so he can't do it

I'm sorry but you're being very disingenuous if you think any number of Republicans would go for what you are asking, and you blame Biden because of it

I'm giving lemmy a good try. Interface seems nice, I like the federated nature of it, we can only hope that we get more users, so I'll stick it out and see if the users come (and they should)

When are we going to realize that these groups are not homogenous groups full of people with different opinions and different sensitivities

I think activists often take things way further than the affected people themselves even want

Middle out

Still took two bombs as is

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