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Joined 1 years ago

I'm one of those. I don't know if you realize or not, but there are a stupid number of examples of rich people commiting rather horrible crimes and never seeing jail.

I'm absolutely all for Trump facing consequences. But I'll believe it when I see it. This country is made for the rich.

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Hah, with no attempt to explain because it's very self explanatory.

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While I personally don't, the difference between this and that is that most people here, together as a community, have decided, again together, that they don't want to federate with Meta apps because of a long history of privacy and other abuses.

That's not the same thing as another billionaire pissed off because they are doing exactly what capitalism is "supposed to do"

Do better or die is the whole philosophy no?

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My last day on Reddit I shared an excited post about a fun thing in a hobby sub of mine and I got such awful negative responses and people telling me I was attention seeking. It was really ugly. So that was pretty much when I decided to uninstall my Boost app and switch to Lemmy full time

So why did the Jews come back to Israel to begin with? Not that your condescending bullshit of a comment is worth replying to.

Nah nah

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Ever since I started riding (motorcycles) I don't even really notice it anymore. Anything less hot than "armored jacket and helmet under the sun" just doesn't register as hot anymore

People like this love when their elitist or exclusionary opinions are countered by the masses. Just makes them feel even better. Source, I was one of them in my younger days.

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Do people think socialists or communists are bothered by this term tankie? It's like called a white person cracker. It's not really the effect youre hoping for, I promise.

Some people like dressing comfortable and prefer simple styles. It doesn't make them less than.

Ive been using it a bit, just in case it helps bring down Twitter lol

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Are you saying the video game complaint isn't real? You have a solution? 90% of my personal PC use is gaming, otherwise anything I used to use my PC for is done with my phone.

Until Linux can support my entire steam library, I don't see why I'd bother.

Androids operating system is pretty locked down, users have restricted abilities to control their own system compared to windows, where most consumers are local admins who can easily run something malicious without realizing it.

Well the flip coin is the same. New users coming to a place and using language they feel is natural, and then judging them for not using your own specific terminology is also "A Choice" It's not up to anyone what other people call things.

Did you feed it the article as well? Just wondering how it got the details of a recent article

I don't read it any differently with or without just. I'm not sure what you mean by apologetic or why that would be a bad thing.

Wow that's awful. I didn't think I could hate apple anymore than I have been for the last 17 years (I still remember the time my friend tried copying my music collection to is ipod and itunes deleted the entire folder)

You can make this law work by putting requirements on it, such as to an audience or whatever. And then it's no different than being charged for shouting bomb or fire. Two lies you CAN be charged for.

Yeah, that's exactly the worst case scenario. he gets to do what he did and live to the end of his days in a cushy mansion . That ain't consequences.

I've tried studying CSa d programming, both formally and informally, for long enough to know most of what y'all are talking about, but failed terribly enough that I still have no idea how people can actually build code. Syntax is easy enough, I always started a class like oh cool I can do this. And then they drop me off the deep end and I fail, every time. I work in IT infrastructure now and I'm happy to say I never have to worry about coding, though my foundational knowledge is useful for troubleshooting.

People write work emails differently, but I write more like the "don't" list than the "boss" list in most situations. I also rarely put much thought into it unless it's an extremely delicate situation. The only problem I have with this post is it's presumption that your way is the boss way and the other way is somehow inferior.