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Russia is so full of shit, nobody cares.

Good, because they would most probably use it to plant their stupid Z swastika on the moon, because nobody could stop them there.

What air defense doing?

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It seems you have hit a nerve of the russians or their shills, judging at the downvotes lol

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Heroes of Might and Magic 2

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The attrition of their T-90M’s has been quite high after the first year.

It’s a GIF actually, might not be loading properly.

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Like a reverse Robin Hood Putin steals from the poor and gives to the corrupt.

A shameless display of African corruption.

I found this post while playing AoE2. I enjoy playing the campaign a lot because there are so many and because of the sandbox gameplay.

So I can pretty much infinitely play them and have done so from time to time since it launched :)

Feel free to ignore this post, it’s a pro russian source.

On pro ukraine subs it will always recover to a positive score. But it is still funny to see them try to spin it negative.

Funny in a pathetic way naturally

Nope, it’s changing style. Stupid clickbait.

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What a stupid title

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Gas Station Manager for sure!

Get beaned

I was perma banned on reddit which made it impossible to nuke(edit to gibberish & remove comments) my reddit. Hope this is an actual cleanup and my old comments get perma deleted as well.

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Epic piss

Thanks! Much better

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Some apps do have features like that, I am pretty sure that WefWef (the app I use) added this option recently.

Good to see I am not one of them, I cut off Netflix after the news and went to the competition which are cheaper and have better production.

Not exhausted at all

Well there is also Igor Pickle Girkin

I downvote and don’t read any article that uses hypewords like “slam”. It’s like the arrows people put on their youtube thumbnails. Low effort journalism, but I guess it works.

O shit it’s looongboi

Awesome package US, thanks for the help from Europe!

Cool tech for close support!

I have noticed the bot downvoting on other users as well. Something should really be done about it.

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It’s like the people at the fair who put the pellet gun stock above their shoulder. But in reverse…

Russians are active on lemmy.grad

I hope to see a Timesplitters remake one day, I have so much nostalgia for it! Timesplitters Rewind is an awesome project, but I don’t think it will ever be finished.

Yeah same 🤷 clickbait shit

Yup! And it’s getting worse, lots of bot activity recently.

You are the boss! Turning the iPad off and on again worked :)

Hi, am I correct that typing on iPad currently doesn’t work? As in the keypad won’t show up. I have to type in google or notepad and paste (the paste popup still works) to lol! Anyone else?

As always, thanks for the hard work everybody puts into this!

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Makes it more impressive to recognize the video lol! Cheers

The more infantry focused attacks seem to pay off as well. Even though it is slower.

But it really is one of the only ways with mines covering every part of the front line.

We should colonize it so we can give it a repaint!


As a UX designer this is some of the dumbest shit I have read in a while. There are countless things that can lead to a shitty interface and most of it has to do with money/intervention from other stakeholders which is out of our hands.

A great choice as well! Both are my favorites from the series, but 2 is the one that I got to play first as a kid.