0 Post – 98 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Human population is the highest it's ever been in history. America is the 3rd largest country. Who gives a shit if some people don't adhear to your perceived gender norms? Why? Cause they won't have kids? You sling your same shit mouth hate at infertile people too? People who do adhear but choose not to have kids? Nah, you don't. Because it's a front for your irrational hatred. Give yourself any excuse you want. Pretend your being a logical Nazi when your just an insecure lil bitch boy who can't handle his snowflake normality being challenged.

I just got run out of hexbear because I believe voting for Biden, while shitty, is a form of harm reduction. I got called a genocide supporter and a fascist followed by hours of threats and wishes of harm, including my favorite. An emoji of a location where Nazis were executed by partisans in Yugoslavia.

I'm new to lemmy so just kinda assumed it was a leftist space. I didn't realize that it's just red tented Nazis with no actual love for their fellow human beings. Something I consider necessary to being a socialist in any form. That sucked.

24 more...

You've seen the context for months now. They were born in Gaza. That's the context.

9 more...

Actually the game mode is on a pack selling for 250$

People who already bought the 150$ price only get a 6 month free trial of the game mode.

Or they pay an extra 100 to upgrade

2 more...

Just want to throw in. You said both states. Israel is a state. Palastinians do not have a state, they are under occupation and governance of the Israel state. It's similar to South African apartheid. This isn't two countries fighting. This is a colony that has subjugated the local population and are dealing with rebellions. Palastinians have no freedom of travel within Palestine (the geographic name of the area).

1 more...

Israel could surrender to Hamas. But I'm sure you have some reservations about that outcome. Strange how you wouldn't consider palastinians reservations to that as equal. Or maybe you don't need to operate on the concept of unconditional surrender just to justify your dick wagging

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Boo hoo, did the homegrown terrorist org funded by state interest as a propaganda machine get outta hand?

18 more...

Man you are talking about whitewashing as you actively try to shift blame from the inceptor and then try and say your talking about facts.

Fact of the matter is that palastinian terrorism is caused by Israel. Both their genocidal and apartheid ends and directly through funding of groups like Hamas early in their years to promote harsh measures to continue their genocide and apartheid ends.

"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended Israel's regular allowing of Qatari funds to be transferred into Gaza, saying it is part of a broader strategy to keep Hamas and the Palestinian Authority separate, a source in Monday's Likud faction meeting said," the Post reported.

But nah. You wanna deflect facts and focus on Qatar like everyone doesn't already know that. This information is ment to be taken in conjunction but your so far up your own ass you see it as an argument and whitewashing.

You want facts? Facts say Israel funded Hamas. Nurtured it and kept it on the edge of scary to propagandize it's civilian population. Then it bit them in the ass on Oct 7th.

If your first thought about hamas isn't how Israel as a state purposely created and maintained it then it's you who isn't operating on facts.

8 more...

We can play this game. We can trade shots back into history until we get to the very beginning of this situation, but I don't think you'll like the answer you find. Colonizing and displacing locals by force to create the state of Israel would be the inciting event.

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Or when he stopped taking specific drugs

That's a very silly thing for you to say when the other guy attempted to overthrow the US government in an insurrection. Yeah, fuck Biden and all, but at least he ain't a self proclaimed dictator who actually wants to be rid of democracy you silly lil billy.

5 more...

8 months and your still this much of a monster?

Fun fact, according to the supreme Court, the part of the civil rights act that protects from discrimination on grounds of your sex also protects gender identity and sexual orientation as both of these require taking the person's sex into consideration to discriminate in the first place.

Whole thread read. Answer the question or surrender that specific point. Refusing to argue entirely is a concession of the whole. You don't have to concede your whole argument. Just one point. Have responsibility for your words

Actually because Nintendo is a Japanese company it means Japanese law applies to their work in America and America will facilitate the laws execution as if it was it's own because we are in this treaty.

It's why Nintendo gets away with all of its bullshit already. Because they are following Japanese copyright law which is significantly more heavy than American.

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Hittem with that "sovereignty to do what?"

Nintendo is a Japanese company.

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It's less people dying. We can be happy that the genocide will be slightly less effective. Unless your about to pick up a gun and put your "we should demand more" to the test, just for a moment be happy that less people will be dead in the next month than would be otherwise.

Oh nooo, did someone open their fucking mouth about shit they don't know about and are about to get dunked on?

"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended Israel's regular allowing of Qatari funds to be transferred into Gaza, saying it is part of a broader strategy to keep Hamas and the Palestinian Authority separate, a source in Monday's Likud faction meeting said," the Post reported.

Netanyahu's current finance minister, West Bank settler Belazel Smotrich, explained the approach to Israel's Knesset channel in 2015: "Hamas is an asset, and (Palestinian Authority leader) Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) is a burden."

"Both Egypt and Qatar are angry with Hamas and planned to cut ties with them. Suddenly Netanyahu appears as the defender of Hamas," the right-wing leader complained.

A year later, Netanyahu was further embarrassed when photos of suitcases full of cash going to Hamas became public. Liberman finally resigned in protest over Netanyahu's Hamas policy which, he said, marked "the first time Israel is funding terrorism against itself."

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Apparently world central kitchen uniforms you fucking monster.

Brother did you know it's currently a crime in the United States of America to be a government employee and identify openly as a communist?

Who knew the magical word was China to turn everyone here into a meta lapdog

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How do you feel about Irish independence then?

22 more...

Pedantic af. Where's it say on your license that you gotta be such a baby?

Unless your picking up a gun and taking both options out / overthrowing the entire government, not voting at all is saying your okay with either outcome, not that your not okay with either.

But that's not the cause for a ban here.

Isreal is nothing but a continuation of the holocaust. The mass migration of jews from their nation of origin to a colony is genocide from all the European nations and America who supported and funded its creation. It was final solution part 2. Not even an original one, the nazis had the Same idea first for Madagascar

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My point is that targeting civilians is never okay. And if we are going to open the box to "well the state committed war crimes so civilians had to be targeted" I'd like to know your opinions on both 9/11 and October 7th, cause I bet there's gonna be some inconsistency to your belief.

But that whole argument concedes the point that the nukes stopped Japan. They did not. Japan was already sueing for peace. They were willing to negotiate and we know that what they were and were not willing to give up lines up with what we did end up agreeing to post war anyways. The nukes were pointless on top of being abhorrent.

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Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

Civility is for the case of people trying to have genuine conversations. There is no civility in people blatantly saying something untrue. There is no conversation. He has stood up on his soap box and declared a lie in the hopes that he could trick unsuspecting people. He deserves no civility because he has none of his own.

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I'm reading your comment right now as a lifelong reddit guy abandoning the site for here because of that. Hi

None of which justify ethnic cleansing for colonial ambitions. Talk about tiktok garbage, you don't even know that the palastinians today are still the same semites of the roman empire. They just changed religions. But your so damn brain dumb racist that you can't even understand that.

I'm teaching your kids history in classes. They gonna learn today.

Who said anything about Northern Ireland? I said Irish independence not Irish unification.

20 more...

Hey what's your thoughts on manifest destiny? Just curious

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And that is not a valid reason to make art. That's not how we should determine success.

Who gives a shit what you support? Your being a dummy for attention at this point.

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Yes, I can easily find IRA leadership talking about mass English genocide from the isle and from the world. Terrorists say some crazy fucked up things in the process of committing violence. But if that's your standard, I can find Israel leadership talking about genociding palastinians. Except unlike Hamas and the IRA, the Israel leadership actually have the force required to do that genocide.

Point being. Do you think Ireland deserves it's independence?

See, it feels like I'm asking you a trick question. Like there is no right answer without making you look silly.

It's not a trick question, you just have conflicting beliefs.

14 more...

Nope. That's coward talk. Your actually arguing to let terrorists win. No, it is on them to ruin their lives, not for us to ruin ours because of their threats. If they wanna stop people talking by threatening a shooting then they better be willing to go through because we shouldn't stop.

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I get ya man, corporations steal constantly and when they break stuff we pay for it. The corpos won't pay their fuckin taxes and then break shit.

Handing them a surrender please note and calling it a cease fire. Their demands are reasonable. Israel and the US's demands are capitulation.

Here. I break into your house. Steal your shit and hold your wife at gunpoint and then tell you to accept things as they are, your stuff is mine and I continue holding your wife at gunpoint but promise not to pull the trigger. Do you agree to my ceasefire? Course you fucking dont.

But your not the one getting shot at so you can sit in your fucking chair and rip some liberal bullshit about ceasefire. They are using language to fuck with you and you don't have a moral backing to tell the difference. Just words.