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This wasn't a huge surprise, punitive damages aren't dischargable through bankruptcy. It's not supposed to absolve bad actors and let them start scamming again, so if they've fucked around it's more than willing to keep letting them find out.

Not just evil, it's dangerous. This is how we get prions, like the one that caused Mad Cow Disease and subsequently tainted an entire generation of British people who can't be proven not to be carriers, and forced an enormous cull of affected livestock.

The author is the host of Behind the Bastards, and produced a pair of episodes to accompany the article on the same subject:

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And I'll throw in that no, Alex Jones didn't break Epstein either. He first mentioned him re. the Virginia Giuffre lawsuit, and subsequently claimed to have always been talking about him to make his "Globalist" narrative more credible.

I swear the courtroom sketch artist has a grudge, he looks downright ghoulish in the article's picture.

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In future, drop by the PC Gaming Wiki first - it's a great resource for exactly this kind of question.

Skip Larian launcher on startup

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My first reaction would be that static panels aren't efficient at collecting energy relative to the space they take up, compared to one that follows the sun. From the picture you could get one panel facing south at most, one facing straight and one facing the wrong way - and that's if the canal's route allows for facing south at all. This is the same issue that killed Solar Roadways.

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It was originally an edutainment show for history and science, and had a strict policy of no kissing, no bad language, and no bloody violence. They still keep to the last two.

FWIW, I used to have an ebike that went up to 70, as an adult, that I used to commute to work and do shopping. New regulations came in restricting all new ebikes to 25 km/h, and now a shopping run takes an hour one-way.

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the question she was asking could have only mattered if she either had no idea what she was talking about, or was planning to do something unsafe.

offering advice when it’s not asked for IS DEFINITELY a form of toxic masculinity

I personally would like to be told if what I'm planning to do is going to get me killed.

Funny, I remember nitrogen gas being promoted as far more humane than lethal injection or existing gas execution. For years it was touted as the solution no one was using because of I guess sadism. Now someone is using it, and of course it's instantly denounced. You just can't win...

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I highly recommend you watch Netflix’s Downfall: The Case Against Boeing.

As a free alternative/companion, I would also suggest the PBS documentary Boeing's Fatal Flaw, which features the CEO subtly throwing the pilots under the bus for one of the MCAS crashes.

'Oh I see, the driver had a shotgun so he was pulled over. Bull riding though...oh, it must mean the bull sign on the radiator' I think as I squint at the thumbnail. Opens link 'Wow okay no that title was much simpler in retrospect. Very straightforward.'

But why a Google/FB/MS account? Why isn't an email account from an established provider enough, why centralise to three megacorps?

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Can you give the backstory of what happened with Factorio?

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Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines has special lines that unlock according to your character build. Unlike a single Charisma skill, they're divided into skills like 'Intimidation', 'Seduction', 'Erudite', etc. Intimidate options appear in ALL CAPS HULK SPEAK, seductive options are in italic in handwriting, and Erudite appears in blue. If you lose your humanity and become too bestial, dialogue starts disappearing as you're too far gone to understand it and NPCs start being too scared to talk to you.

A Hat in Time has quite a spooky level in a swamp with a Deal with the Devil involved: I also suggest Little Nightmares if the little guy's tougher than he looks:

I almost don't believe it because I know how heavy gold bars are.

a firefox extension that does this automatically?? removing the redirect/tracking link and convert back into normal link)

but yeah, why wouldn’t they just use standard anesthesia gas? or nitrous oxide?

Because the suppliers don't want to be associated with executions, so they won't sell any to the state for that purpose.

Nah, he ate all your health upgrades and told the listeners it was all from DNA Force Plus and his colloidal silver toothpaste at infowars store dot com, new summer sale just dropped, they are in stock with a new shipment, go support the show and investigative journalists like Dan Bidondi and Wolfgang Halbig.

(if confused, listen to Knowledge Fight)

This is the first time a console developer has released a new machine less capable than equivalent machines in the prior generation. PS3's switch to cell architecture springs to mind, which put game devs on their back feet trying to write code for it and made backwards compatibility impossible without including a PS2 in the case.

Okay yeah, but that's not the discussion. You'd might as well say all methods are equally bad because it's the act itself that's the problem, and at that point the state can break out the human mincing machines knowing it'll get just as much or little pushback no matter what it picks.

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Not only that, but trust from a self contained community is not the same as safe for the general public outside of context. Imagine asking for a summary of the Gamestop shortsqueeze and getting an answer from Superstonks.

The Federation makes it quite easy to quit a term of service before completion (even during war time)

I'm fairly sure it's mentioned that once war broke out Rico was no longer allowed to leave, but he didn't pay much attention because his two years weren't up anyway.

once someone has quit they are never allowed to enroll again. This is to ensure that all volunteers are dedicated, whilst also discouraging people from leaving.

On the contrary, the Federation deliberately makes leaving as easy as possible to get rid of anyone who would otherwise leave later, or worse stay and let his squaddies down in a way that would get them killed. You can't just up and leave (though no effort is made to find you if you desert), but at any time you can ask to see a superior, get your papers voided, and walk out off base.

This is because Federal Service is tough and dangerous (by design). It can involve joining the Military, being a Human Guinea Pig, testing survival equipment or Manual Labour.

This is a funny one. On the one hand, in execution it's mentioned those physically unfit to serve in the military do get any pointlessly dangerous job available. But in principle, many speeches are made specifically saying military service is what makes someone worthy of political rights, because of the responsibility of military service. Someone counting the hairs of venomous caterpillars (an example job given in the book) has no responsibilities that could harm or help the country he's serving.

Wouldn't that be just as applicable from the interaction with the main menu? When the player selects a menu entry (eg Start, Load, Options), that tells the game what you're using.

How authentic is this on Mayer's end? He's set up cameras, lighting, probably got the owner's permission...he's not 'just happening' to sit there on Zoom.

If the name was "Black Lives Do Matter" it'd be harder to misinterpret, wilfully or otherwise.

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白左, pinyin báizuǒ, lit. "White left"

naive, self-righteous Western liberals (neologism c. 2015)

All that says is the police unit issued a denial, which isn't the same as it didn't actually happen, and that there was an earlier video from a week ago in Romania, which may not have been recent enough.

You can get it on NewPipe.

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I didn't think I'd unironically hear "This is an advantage because now one company controls all your logins" as a reply to privacy concerns.

In fact, if we look at BBC as an example, they’re publicly funded and maintain high credibility and a high degree of press freedom.

Indeed, the BBC cannot be seen to give in to government pressure.

Soon to be followed by "Spain should be Russian", "Czechia should be Russian", and of course the old favourite, "Germany should be Russian".

his father told him everyone needed a basic understanding of it.

Three hundred years later and some things never change.

No, no more than its illegal for a detective to use evidence seized in a raid against a thief ring, to arrest drug dealers because there was a photo of them holding big bags of cocaine with "We Love Dealing Drugs" written and autographed on the back. They'd never have a search warrant for the dealers' house normally, but because it was robbed by someone else and the photo turned up somewhere else for them to find, it's fair game.

There's ways to rate limit, like increasing response time per IP address per hour to make rapid, massed requests slower and easier to handle. Taking them all down at once is an extreme move.

I believe autism was linked to gut bacteria a few years ago. Let me check:

And they're added to spam lists all the time. All you need do is draw up a list of the twenty most popular, because frankly Gmail and outlook already cover so many while leaving room for privacy-friendly providers.

I'm still playing through II. It's not as immersive as the first one, but the mannequins in Chapter 3 were able to terrify me in a way none of the monsters in the first game could.