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Joined 1 years ago

Publicly funded but not for the public.

And before anyone makes a comment about the unhoused probably not paying taxes ... neither do any of the children or retirees who use the service every single day of the year.

We've pretty much just abandoned any concept of citizenship or civic responsibility...

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Dictating. First stop on the World Dictator Tour.

Max Bazerman is a towering giant in the field: for him to be a co-author of a suspicious publication is beyond scandalous.

Nothing less than the APA itself must intervene to definitively discover what happened and identify all involved (a host of PhD graduate students know and/or were participants). Censure must be from the highest levels if these allegations prove true.

Then we can have an infinitely robust discussion about the ridiculousness of publish or perish in academia...

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A missing, but important, element in this discussion is vehicle disposal/recycling capability and environmental impact. The current state of battery recycling adds another layer of complexity to this equation.

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Stop being so hard on yourself.

Unless you're a sociopath, nobody gets up in the morning intending to screw up. But we all do. Because we're human. We're not perfect. We fuck up.

So stop being so hard on yourself. On any given Thursday, you're doing the very best you can. Shit happens. Move on. Forgive others when they hurt you just like they forgive you. Forgive yourself. Because nobody's perfect. You're doing the best you can.

Stop being so hard on yourself.

It should have been avoided. Facts tell us very clearly it could not have been: there has been zero regulatory appetite for this activity, in the U.S. or elsewhere. And adventure-seekers will amuse themselves even at the expense of other's lives. Amoral profiteers abound. Caveat Emptor.

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My dog.

I live in a rural area without broadband access. Any quality broadband access. During the pandemic, kids sat in their parents' cars (typically after they got home from work) to do their remote-learning homework in front of the public library to get free access to decent connection speeds AND access the library files electronically (for California check here - every state has an equivalent ). People, including kids, check out books (and periodicals) electronically 24/7.

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In a plane near Putin.

Oakland County is where nearly all the Michigan auto executives live (and nearly all vote Republican). They are pushing the accelerated move to EVs based on market and regulatory conditions worldwide so their companies can stay in business into the future. Pretty amazing that TheDonald chose this particular venue - a fundraiser - to piss on their shoes...

CNN's credibility is pretty questionable these days ... I'll wait for better vetted evidence, thanks (and, from the sounds coming outta Mr. Smith's office, there's plenty).

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They're included ... middle of the pack, still pretty grim statistics.

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You'd think with all the meds floating around in this country at least SOME of the crazy would be toned-down just a notch...

Nearest Target to me is an hour away. I really thought our one local bank surely had wifi (no, of course a bank doesn't have wifi, silly, security too big a risk, duh). It's our little teeny 1930s public library or nothing. So this San Francisco story hit me square in the chops as something like that here would take away our only free access point. Why would anybody do that?!?

They build, sell tickets, and launch from somewhere ... OceanGate is run from offices in Everett, Washington, USA.

Poor kid earned one, worthy or not, as a Father's Day gift to his dad. Ultimate irony. Only person on board for whom I could have shed a tear actually...

Any vehicle with two power sources is, by definition, exceptionally inefficient and therefore, unnecessarily expensive. I personally am eagerly awaiting safe hydrogen storage so vehicles can truly be zero emission. Toyota just announced they're close; GM tried for decades and gave up. We'll see...

Would the difference, even considering a somewhat larger battery, be that significantly different compared to an EV or an ICE?

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The Age of Plastics, y'all.

aka The End Time

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I'm coming from a vehicle OEM. Down cycling isn't recycling: we can't decompose EV batteries and reuse/recycle like we can, say, steel.

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